Sampoznanie, I understand J's philosophy regarding the Internet and arguing. He's explained it once or twice before. I find his condescension maddening at times, and I still think it's the wrong policy, but, I guess that's about a moot point at this juncture.
I realize a lot of the criticism I receive from here is based at least partly on my first months here, where I was extremely immature during debate and refused to part ways with some of the more onerous right-wing rhetoric I'd grown accustomed to. Particularly in the Fuck Sexism thread. I've grown a bit since then, and re-reading a lot of it makes me cringe, so it's perfectly understandable why anything I say is at first glance met with some level of...for lack of a better word, skepticism.
Finally, there's a lot one can say about J, but one thing is that he doesn't discriminate by age. It'd be far easier for me personally if he did, but at the same time the Compendium wouldn't challenge me if that were to happen, and that's something I'd rather not give up. It's also worth mentioning that I think J's thread "Ask a Liberal," is complete genius; it allows Compendiumites to challenge him, and for him to challenge us, without the usual shenanigans that arise out of a typical debate on here.
Your chosen spelling of that fine linguistic construction suggests the act of hating asses, rather than "asshatting".
Also, I can't believe I let Uboa get away with this in my previous post.
Asshattery is a noun that means "the art of asshatting." It comes from the word "asshat" which
Urbandictionary defines as: "One who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat." To prove my point, two case studies.
1) The word "poetry," a noun meaning "the art of making poems," or "the art of making poetry." It's typically bad mojo to use the word itself in the definition, but since the two instances of the word have different meanings and functions, I think it's excusable for the sake of clarity in this case.
Both words the same ending morpheme "-(e)ry" to change them from a verb form--making poetry, and asshatting or being an asshat--to a noun form. The "e" in the case of asshattery merely exists to help with pronunciation. A person who does either is referred to by the root word--Poet, and asshat, respectively. The only deviation would be in the adjective form: poetic vs. asshattish(ok, "asshat" doesn't have an adjective form as far as I know, but this is probably the closest supposition of what it would be). Even then, the morphemes -ic and -ish, and even -esque aren't very different. The deviation here is minimal, at best.
There might be some confounding in the fact that asshat is a compound word, whereas poem is not. But, I feel that the word "asshat" is inseparable, so that doesn't exactly change much either. But I'll get more into this particular point of "declension"(this was a pun, a lame one, sure, don't take it seriously) in a bit.
So what does poetry mean? Making poems. What does asshattery mean? Being an asshat.
2) Jackassery, or "the state or art of being a jackass." Jackass is an English colloquialism meaning "to be an idiot." It uses the exact same construction of "asshattery" and even uses a compound word as it's root.
To be a jackass does not mean "to jack asses," nor does jackassery mean "the art of jacking asses." If it did, jackassery would probably be considered a homophobic slur, which it is not.
Again, to Urbandictionary: "Conduct consistent with a Jackass," and "a large quantity of stupid, asinine behavior; typically referring to a group of people exhibiting poor judgment," are the first two definitions. Since asshattery functions the same as jackassery, one can infer correctly that asshattery has to do with being an asshat,
and not hatting asses.
Truth be told, I could've used Urbandictionary from the start, but I wanted to make sure that the reasoning behind this construction was abundantly clear.
But, for the sake of I-Told-You-So, here's the Urbandictionary entry on "asshattery."
1. Acts committed by an asshat or asshats. 2. Engagement in an activity normally reserved for asshats.
I demand that all of you stop this asshattery at once! it yourself.