Nooo! I have a very long, lovely string of Christmas lights (I call them "faerie" lights) hanging in my bedroom. I've had them for years and they've brought me a lot of comfort and cheer. But their little bulbs began burning out en masse last year, so I stopped using them until I could buy replacements, since, as more bulbs burn out, the voltage on the remaining ones becomes higher, increasing the burnout rate. Well, I bought replacement bulbs with a few spare dollars around the Solstice, and they turned out to be the wrong kind! I've had to go without my faerie lights ever since, for lack of money to buy even more replacement bulbs, and this has been quite dismaying. =(
As for the Facebook person, I was wary of being rude to a total stranger in somebody else's Facebook status, especially since I didn't know if he was merely joking with you. But it seemed like he was being serious. I'm glad you didn't mind my chiming in. His comment, if sincere, was blisteringly disrespectful and Facebook is not the place for that kind of misbehavior.