My biggest frustration - besides the Tea Party 'victory'- the fact that I think so little of people now. About a year ago, I could honestly say I could believe in the good of people. But now, I'm not so sure anymore. Every day when I'm on the computer or when watching TV, it seems I'm always being bombarded by how rotton people can be (and how most people are, take the majority of the news). With today's programming, aside from cartoon network and comedy central, it seems that most of TV only gives a damn about drama these days.
That and given my own 'lackluster' experiences with people, there are times nowadays where I no longer see people as people. I see... Yahoos. Anybody who's read Gulliver's Travels all the way through probably knows what I mean.
And it frustrates me that I feel this way. And due to that frustration, I cause a bit of drama, which I apologize for.
I'll admit it. I'm kinda messed up. And I don't know what to do about it.