Fuck India and its primitive mindset in every regard. Before the British era it was a mighty place full of kickass kingdoms with a passion to break through fate and create the unthinkable. Now? Everyone's a lazy fucker just waiting to satisfy their own wallets, which results in the rise in expenses, in turn resulting in creating a rift between affordability and common employment, in turn creating lack of empathy, in turn creating a FUCKING loop. Hell yeah, you've got uneducated, bribe hungry trouble-making police here who like nothing than to find a scapegoat and earn some kinda promotion. I was hoping the nation would educate itself, hoping it can learn something from China, but no -- it decides to move to the opposite direction.
The only things that seem to be tying this country together is religion and tradition, at least here, and moral values encouraging empathy, thanks to festivals held in full glory. But unfortunately even those threads are fading slowly. But this isn't why I rant.
The cafe I normally work at is no longer a cafe. Every cafe in Pune has been shut down. Why? Mumbai attacks, and perhaps future terrorism. Each time something happens they place Cafes as scapegoats giving us as much inconvenience as possible, and most of their demands are hardly logical. No, it's hardly about security even though they have that reason as a backup, it's just downright annoying. We did have digital storage of data of every customer and even had surveillance, but no, just because the officers don't know how to use a simple computer they wanted us to do that AND write more details of every customer's name, address, phone number, referrals, etc. just to let him use the net/comp for a couple of minutes. Meaning: I have to make people wait for 15 fucking minutes doing things that aren't important just to let them browse for a bit. Doesn't valid ID Proof suffice? Or are the officials too lazy to track people down based on IDs itself? What, people set up bombs by programming it?
The core reason for my rage is sheer backwardness of this country where people don't pay the slightest attention or effort to learn something simple, either wanting things spoonfed or just fucking with people for fun.
Nevertheless, we're still running, not as a cafe but at least for bill payments, ticket booking, and hardware sales and services. The problem? Lack of funds means my salary might go down 50% or more. Even so I have served here faithfully for four years and it's about time I search for a job in the line of my career. Sadly my courses aren't over yet, nor have I complete my college. I don't mind leaving this job but things have happened at just the wrong time.
Anywhos, searching for a job would mean one thing: finish a good portfolio and master most of the tools required. Unfortunately that might take well over a year, but my resolve is to finish it under a year. Six months even. Also, gotta finish my book pronto so at least I "might" secure some funds there.
But the Phoenix never gives up. He breaks, he burns, he turns to dust. But he rises through the ashes in all its glory, claiming the world in darkness with his light. Not only will I attempt to secure finance for myself and my family I will also revolutionize this pathetic country's animation field, and not to mention, the morality field. Despite the worst there are still quite a lot of people here who are smart enough to see the flaws in our great country. For them, and the majestic heritage behind us, I will secure a great future.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
Jai Hind!