Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 597573 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5805 on: April 30, 2011, 11:38:08 pm »
Already in a piss poor mood...fucking neighbors party music is loud my house is shaking.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5806 on: April 30, 2011, 11:51:32 pm »
I love spending an hour+ on an important email, just to have the internet eat it once I go to attach a file.


Now I have to rewrite the whole thing. :(


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5807 on: April 30, 2011, 11:53:36 pm »
Already in a piss poor mood...fucking neighbors party music is loud my house is shaking.

I can't stand that.  ><  I think I'd be less angry with my neighbour if he shook my walls with decent music, instead of Linkin Park and the Twilight soundtrack.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5808 on: May 01, 2011, 01:06:56 am »
It frustrates me how I always procastinate cleaning my message center at deviantart. I keep thinking "I'm doing it today for sure! I won't go to sleep until I finish", but I always find an excuse or a distraction not to do it... the next thing I know is that two months have passed and there are 1000 new messages and deviations to check and comment on (and the idea of having to do it makes me procastinate even more)  :picardno


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5809 on: May 01, 2011, 04:17:34 pm »
Already in a piss poor mood...fucking neighbors party music is loud my house is shaking.

I can't stand that.  ><  I think I'd be less angry with my neighbour if he shook my walls with decent music, instead of Linkin Park and the Twilight soundtrack.

Exactly.  Accordions and tubas and....a Mexican rendition of Proud Mary.  :evil:


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5810 on: May 01, 2011, 05:05:51 pm »

Yeah, neighbors from hell drive me up the wall, too.

My previous neighbors were like that, Shee, except instead of music, they had a truck shop behind their house. Every now and then, they'd happily rev their wheels, even in the middle of the night. I had learned that they pissed away their fortune on their large family and drug-abusing father who OD'd on them. The family then quietly left the house one night w/o putting it up on the market. The house was eventually bought again after being abandoned for six months, but the new family there is just as bad as the old one, except now, it's the kids who are smoking and doing drugs. Oh, and they still haven't bothered to beautify their backyard except stick a giant jungle gym back there which clears our fence by a good yard or so. You can only imagine the violation of privacy from such a vantage point.

You'd think people would move to rural areas to get away from the noise of the city, but apparently, these nieghbors must've missed class that day. Why can't I ever have nice neighbors?


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5811 on: May 01, 2011, 06:15:03 pm »
MUST. MOW. LAWN. MUST. KILL. RAIN CLOUDS. far as the eye can see, and then some...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5812 on: May 01, 2011, 08:10:41 pm »
MUST. MOW. LAWN. MUST. KILL. RAIN CLOUDS. far as the eye can see, and then some...

Dandelions are pretty! (Oh, but how they make me sneeze... :( )

My frustration: Need to get to work! I can't finish my last bit of classwork until my math professor gets back to me. He always gets back to you within twenty minutes, it seems, no matter if you email him on a holiday, a Sunday, or 5am in the morning. He's going on four days now, and the semester ends in... five days (and my last day in his class is in three days)? The result is a stressed out RW. I would not like to have to finish everything on the last day of class, but I can't do any more until he gets back to me!

In the meantime, I'll work on things that'll pay me money, but it's harder when I'm distracted by the pressing, panicky need to do schoolwork.

A second frustration: I came within five minutes of owning a 1983 Apple Lle computer. Fully functional, with software, manuals and the whole nine yards. But I missed my window... by five minutes! *weeps*  :(


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5813 on: May 01, 2011, 08:57:12 pm »
The other good thing about dandelions is that they're edible. So if civilization collapses tomorrow, you'll at least be able to survive a couple of days longer by turning your lawn into a salad. ;)

My frustration: arthritis. Right now, I hurt like hell even with painkillers.   :(


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5814 on: May 02, 2011, 04:33:15 am »
For a paper I wrote I analyzed theological trends in a particular point of Medieval history. My mentor marked up my paper claiming that trends were debated and resolved two centuries earlier than the sources I used for my paper said. In revising it, I widened my search substantially and discovered that all indications point to my mentor being wrong. The problem is, I don't have the time to do the in depth research necessary to prove this to her. As such, I will just need to cut the section. It is frustrating because that section contained some excellent analysis and it will be a lot of work wasted.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5815 on: May 02, 2011, 02:51:56 pm »
Thought, is there any way you could complete the research later and get the study published in an academic journal? Sounds like interesting stuff.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5816 on: May 02, 2011, 04:24:52 pm »
Thought, is there any way you could complete the research later and get the study published in an academic journal? Sounds like interesting stuff.
That reminds me: how DO you get stuff published in academic journals, anyway? o_o


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5817 on: May 03, 2011, 05:00:28 am »
I was standing in line at the store tonight, in a dress, with makeup and other girly things on (long story, heh), and there was a group of guys and girls behind me in line being idiots and making fun of me... Including one girl's comment: "Why did you cut all your hair so short? You look like a man."

It was her snide tone that did it. When I'm absolutely enraged, my eyes water uncontrollably. It's an involuntary reaction. I'm not crying, or sobbing my eyes out. I'm so mad I can barely speak. It doesn't happen often, but it hit me then, and it took all my willpower to calmly tell the girl that no, I didn't cut my hair off. I lost it. It fell out. I would have much rather kept it but now it's gone and it won't grow back for a long time. They then proceeded to laugh at my watering eyes, thinking I was crying, and continued to be snide. I was so angry by that point I could barely speak. I just set my stuff down and left the store. I couldn't take a moment more.

I am getting sick and tired of the idea that I am somehow not proper because my hair is so short and I dare not to cover it up with a hat or a scarf of some sort. But when I suggest that this is all possibly rooted in a concept of religious modesty, people get defensive and say, "Oh no, we're not Muslim." They miss the point entirely. I don't know what else to do to make myself "look like a girl." I get told every day, at least once, that I look too boyish, gay, or whatnot. Someone always comments. "Wow, your hair is so short! You look so... um.. tough! Yeah!" And when I explain the alopecia, they say, "Oh, but you should really wear a wig or a hat until it grows out, so you don't look like such a boy, and you'll be prettier."

I'm sorry, what the fuck is wrong with me having short hair? What part of my entire appearance has confused you about my gender? Is it the dress? The makeup? The jewelry? My very obvious female anatomy? Why was I "pretty" when I had long hair, but "ugly and boyish" now that my hair is short? Nothing else has changed. And I am so goddamn sorry to all those that have had to look upon my bald head or short hair, so motherfucking sorry that I had alopecia and had no choice in the matter and lost my hair. Clearly, it burdens everyone else so much more that they have to look upon me for two seconds than it burdened me to lose my hair. Clearly. Because it's not like losing your hair against your will could be traumatic or hurtful in any way, right? "Hair doesn't matter," they say when you're sick, until it starts to grow back, and then it's "your hair makes you look like a man." SHUT UP.

There's a lot of faulty ideas about gender identity. It's okay for a girl to be masculine and it's okay for a guy to be feminine. But I'm just getting frustrated with the short hair being used as a weapon to insult and criticize my own identity, as if long hair were the only thing to make me female. I've been taking a stand against these folks for a while, but it's getting to the point where I'm trying to decide if I'd do better hiding behind a wig or a hat until it really does grow longer (and with the summer heat that's coming up... oye). I just can't keep taking the comments. I don't know what it is about the South that makes people feel entitled to air their intolerance so publicly, so unabashedly. I'm even knocking heads with my bellydancing teacher about it! She doesn't really want me to perform in her show without wearing a wig or a headdress, because "traditional Raqs Sharqi dancers have long hair." Can I get a break somewhere, please? Am I not immune even in my hobbies?

Anyway, I'm not a little boy, and the way those words have been leveled at me as an insult lately, it's making me feel completely unattractive and very ugly. And that's even though I understand the problems and prejudices associated with the insults. There just comes a point where that stuff adds up, and it starts to really hurt.

EDIT: Pictures I posted on the Pictures thread in recent months (I'm the fourth post down):,6631.1080.html

Is there a reason why the first picture is "pretty," but the second is not? Two months separate them, and nothing else changes but the hair.  (People here on the Compendium were awesome. But in general, everyone else raved about how pretty I was in the first picture, but remain silent on the second.)

I just don't understand. Someone explain it to me, please.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 05:07:00 am by rushingwind »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5818 on: May 03, 2011, 06:10:27 am »
That's quite sad, and I'm quite speechless on the issue and tactless to ever properly console someone. Bare with me here:

I can understand that it's a long tradition of human capacity to recognize feminine beauty mostly thanks to long hair. The way a hair is kept does not just signify beauty and their relentless efforts to blend in with the society, but good hair also signifies good health; this usually drives women to spend hours in front of a mirror before going out, and this is understandable. Asking someone to cover their faces and/or hair is usually an offence. Women aren't material, they are people, they have their views, rights and dignity, and yet the society would take appearance first and foremost.

That said, looks heavily matter, especially at first appearance, and most people wouldn't really know (and for some, nor care to know) about a person's current status or disorder so long as they look and behave well. As for the mocking, humanity has developed a trend since the old days that not only work but also put people in their places. Consider mocking an obese person, and though their feelings hurt they might try to lose pounds (yes, that sounds bad and yet true, but the best method is to actually get an obese person to make friends with healthier people rather, so they adjust to the lifestyle, instead of mocking them; that's just a take). Another example would be a person horribly dressing up for parties, in the end being ignored or even mocked at. This results in the person either isolating himself or trying harder to look his best. After a certain age every man/woman is responsible for their own faces, and people spend countless of dollars to look their best, whether or not they're born that way, only to be accepted by the majority merely because they need a face to know, not the personality. That's the harsh reality, I know.

 :) Here at the Compendium however, and some other places you feel most comfortable at, we don't care what you look like so long as you're a wonderful person. Your actions and personality matter most in most cases than anything. Regardless of a person's looks, you have no restrictions to what you do, not only here but also at the world at large. Show them who you are and what you're capable of! Do what you need to do to prove yourself, and be respected by everyone! That's your destiny and we're all counting on it.

But when it comes to show biz, such as theatre, cinema or dance, do note the "first impression rule" again: appearance matters. Most of the actors you see on screen are outright ugly in real life, but are brilliant actors, and all they need to do to get in is to disguise themselves, spending countless dollars on looks alone. Yes, your bellydancer teacher may have been tactless and hurtful, but professionalism counts. Do what you need, get a wig, perform your best and let the world know you. After the show you may toss it away, go out to the world and show you face, no matter what you look like. Be proud of who you are, and be proud of what you do! No buggers or mockers can stop you from achieving your dreams! 8)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5819 on: May 03, 2011, 02:06:32 pm »
Appearance matters, to some extent and in certain ways, but how incredibly frustrating and tragic is it when people persist with their narrow, petty-minded standards of beauty and attractiveness? We should do our best to call people out on their abhorrent lack of imagination.  

Rushingwind, your post is triply enraging to me: one, because obviously these people who are mocking you were incredibly tasteless and rude and interested in policing your individuality, not to mention so dismissive of the fact you were sick after they were informed; two, that they had such a tiny limited idea of femininity that they think it's restricted to hair length, even though you were dressed femininely; and third, that weird assumption that looking gay or androgynous impacts your attractiveness. (Also, haven't these idiots ever heard of femme lesbians? Portia di Rossi? Come on.)  

Personally, I think that depending on the individual, short hair can look very feminine or masculine. Would anyone call Natalie Portman with her pixie cut boylike? I don't think so. To say nothing of the fact that people so often act as though women are there for them to find attractive. (Even women think this, as that example illustrates...)

I notice this policing hair phenomenon with boys, too. My wonderful brother has thick, curly Jim Morrison hair. It's absolutely gorgeous and girls will often approach him just to play with it, but every day he gets comments about how he should cut it, how it looks unruly, how he looks like a "fag," etc. etc. It's really disgusting. I'm glad he shares my stubbornness and will never cut it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 02:28:17 pm by Syna »