Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 597965 times)


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5880 on: May 21, 2011, 01:02:14 am »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5881 on: May 21, 2011, 01:05:13 am »
Don't wear the shirt just yet--the Rapture is tomorrow.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5882 on: May 21, 2011, 01:19:36 am »
Yeah, Mr. Camping has a few hours to go yet since he's in California. May 22 is gonna be weird -- a local radio station in my area is one of those that carries his broadcasts, and I'm morbidly curious as to what's gonna air on it from now on. I'm glad it's not causing a national uproar or anything. More people psychologically cracked in the leadup to Crimson Echoes than the leadup to this, fascinatingly. Even his official Youtube channel is surprisingly untrafficked. I guess the Second Coming of Crono was more relevant to our generation.  :D
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 01:24:28 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5883 on: May 21, 2011, 06:24:40 am »
Hah, I was just about to post that on WTF thread, but looks like everyone already knows about it. When I told dad about the Rapture thing I read here, he simply stated, "We're all gonna die sooner or later anyway, so why not just make our lives the best of what we have now?" That's the most inspiring thing I've heard all week.

More people psychologically cracked in the leadup to Crimson Echoes than the leadup to this, fascinatingly. Even his official Youtube channel is surprisingly untrafficked. I guess the Second Coming of Crono was more relevant to our generation.  :D
Sir Crono doesn't need a glorified Second Coming! His Second Coming was at Zeal when it fell, Third at the Dark Ages, Fourth when he was reborn in 1000 AD and Fifth when Lavos poked out of his hole. And each time we were saved! :lol:

Speaking of which, I once saw a DBZ-esque Manga of Jesus once. I forget where...

P.S.: This again reminds me, it's still highly possible. Correlation rather than causation, I mean. Not necessarily Christ descending, but any major event might be the last for the human race. Black Holes and Magnatars? Earthquakes and Volcanoes? We can predict Earthquakes, but not well enough to know when. So yeah, I'm going to stick to my father's words and make everyday the best I've lived.  8)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 06:28:33 am by tushantin »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5884 on: May 21, 2011, 08:34:18 am »
One of those Rapture billboards popped up on the way home, between the costume store and the old strip club. The strip club is no longer operational. I never did get what they were trying to say. I thought it was a radio program that the Bible guaranteed. Regardless, if the world is going to end, let it! If it isn't, good for it!

Frustration: If the world ends, I'm going to go out a virgin. :|


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5885 on: May 21, 2011, 11:36:39 am »
Meh, I heard about it some days ago. It's not the first time Rapture have been predicted, probably not the last  :lol: The end of the world sounds like a good excuse to throw a party, anyway xD

I guess the Second Coming of Crono was more relevant to our generation.  :D
Sir Crono doesn't need a glorified Second Coming!

When I read Faustwolf comment yesterday I couldn't help thinking there was a Sir Crono joke there xD

Today's Frustration: I have no patience for children, and my nephew and nieces are a handful sometimes @_@


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5886 on: May 21, 2011, 01:35:55 pm »
Middle schoolers are the worst, IMO. They're still annoyingly high pitched and immature, and yet they want to be like high schoolers. And the only way to do that is to emulate what they see in movies... and that drives me nuts.

Frustration: I want to play a game about SAVING THE WORLD, but I'm not sure which one I want to play. A Final Fantasy? Chrono? Fire Emblem? Mario??


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5887 on: May 21, 2011, 03:57:55 pm »
What a friend of mine semi-affectionately refers to as 'apocaphilia' fascinates me; it feels as though our era is pretty marked by obsessions with the apocalypse and a not-so-subtle desire on the part of many, many people to see it happen, but I do know that apocalyptic references go way back, as far as Egypt's Middle Kingdom, even. I'm not sure I know enough about history to make an educated guess as to whether it's more potent now than in other times, though.

Even my 10-year-old brother is obsessed with zombies right now. Honestly, it exhausts me-- I know why it's culturally and psychologically relevant, there's nothing wrong with it in principle, but in practice it just seems so... escapist, or something. Like people just want to give up. Everyone needs to sit down and watch The Road and take a good, hard look at themselves. We really don't want this to happen! Let's try to make things better!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 04:06:30 pm by Syna »


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5888 on: May 21, 2011, 04:09:05 pm »
It's not the first time Rapture have been predicted, probably not the last

Unfortunately, it isn't the first time this organization predicted the Rapture, and it probably wont be the last either


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5889 on: May 21, 2011, 05:47:57 pm »
Yeah, I've wondered if there isn't some kind of nihilism underlying the fascination with doomsday. Or maybe people just think it'd be exciting? When something's lacking in people's lives and it takes the apocalypse to fill that void...that's a little creepy.

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5890 on: May 21, 2011, 07:17:54 pm »
Frustration: I want to play a game about SAVING THE WORLD, but I'm not sure which one I want to play. A Final Fantasy? Chrono? Fire Emblem? Mario??

SimCity! All those empty tiles...awaiting their potential fulfilled!
Tetris: Will the L-Shaped Block doom us all? Can the Soviets launch their rocket on-time?
Metroid Prime 3: What better way to save our world than by blowing up another one!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5891 on: May 21, 2011, 07:20:22 pm »
There's nothing more epic than tetris  :P

Middle schoolers are the worst, IMO. They're still annoyingly high pitched and immature, and yet they want to be like high schoolers. And the only way to do that is to emulate what they see in movies... and that drives me nuts.

A couple of years ago, I was stuck with a group of middle schoolers for a week, during a religious retirement... and, man, they were immature and annoying as hell...

« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 07:23:05 pm by Licawolf »

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5892 on: May 21, 2011, 08:15:22 pm »
What a friend of mine semi-affectionately refers to as 'apocaphilia' fascinates me; it feels as though our era is pretty marked by obsessions with the apocalypse and a not-so-subtle desire on the part of many, many people to see it happen, but I do know that apocalyptic references go way back, as far as Egypt's Middle Kingdom, even. I'm not sure I know enough about history to make an educated guess as to whether it's more potent now than in other times, though.

Even my 10-year-old brother is obsessed with zombies right now. Honestly, it exhausts me-- I know why it's culturally and psychologically relevant, there's nothing wrong with it in principle, but in practice it just seems so... escapist, or something. Like people just want to give up. Everyone needs to sit down and watch The Road and take a good, hard look at themselves. We really don't want this to happen! Let's try to make things better!

That's very perceptive. Pessimistic storytelling is very big right now, both in the form of apocalyptic fiction and dystopian fiction. It's getting nuts in sci-fi; like a virus it's the flavor of the moment and it's hard to find sci-fi that doesn't at least have these kinds of undertones. It's an issue in fantasy as well, and has more recently become an aggressive evolved version of the disaster format of action films--leading to what some people derisively call "disaster porn": Hollywood big-budget movies that involve killing and eradicating most of civilization in lurid graphic detail. Nor is this an issue only in America, with other countries favoring pessimistic storytelling to various degrees.

It comes from the good times we're in. Both in material quality of life and in civil liberties, most (Western) people right now have a very comfortable life and have considerable freedom to do what they like. It may not seem like it, but we live in both a golden age and an age of legends, where high technology and high quality of life both rule. That's the good news; all of this apocalypse fiction and such is a sign of the good times.

Most people who benefit from our comfortable way of life aren't able to comprehend that we're living in good times, however, because if one hasn't found fulfillment in life from within oneself, it doesn't matter what external setting one may dwell in--and when that setting is lush and magnificent, it becomes more like a cruel irony to feel so internally wanting. Many people's natural tendency toward insecurity can make this feeling even worse. Also, most people aren't equipped to deal with many of the unnatural stressful particulars imposed upon our society--such as unsatisfying jobs, hydralike social webs, and the attention-sapping barrages of media. On top of everything else, we live in an age where our enemies are hard to touch (existing, variously, as foreign terrorists, huge corporations, or even such abstracts as the environmental pollution caused by our very existence), and our champions are nowhere to be found--often drowned out by the mass media.

This combination of lack of fulfillment amid good times, festering personal inadequacy, and continuing outside stress...leads people to the cynicism which makes them so attracted to stories where civilization is destroyed or corrupted. For some it is an act of vengeance to partake of such stories. For others it is projection. For still others it is the mere escapism which you mentioned.

You're entirely correct that we don't really want an apocalypse to happen. Those who think they do are either sick in the head or, more likely, deluded. Most of the rest are either cynics who are convinced it will happen and that they have no control to stop it (an allegory for their own lives), or are stressed people who are coping with life's difficulties by indulging in one of the oldest forms of coping: imaginative What-Ifs where you can sock it to everybody who ever did you wrong. When they take in these disaster stories...they're the hero. They're identifying with the people who survive and live on to build a new world.

I echo your wise sentiment. We don't really want this to happen! Let's try to make things better!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5893 on: May 22, 2011, 01:15:10 pm »
At my spare time at work I read the news, watch stuff, read the comments, formulate thoughts, evaluate theories and test them, and just when I've reached the brink towards revelation... something distracts my train of thoughts, and I forget all of it. All of it! It's like my brain is functioning on fucking 64MB of RAM! I wish I could remember things at will, then temporarily forget them when I don't need them, and recall them again. Human brain has the capability of forgetting things via simply unlinking thoughts, then recall them with a zap. But its archiving method isn't sufficient for me. I need a super-evolved brain now!

More frustration and replies on the way, provided I get my net recharged. x.x

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5894 on: May 23, 2011, 01:16:18 am »
It's a sad day when a good, intelligible forum is attacked by spammers who think they're funny.
