Current bitching from Boo:
So I'm a contractor. I have been for about 4 years at a Fortune 500 company. Up until about a year and a half ago, I worked in a part of Information Management that is 90% contractors, with an abysmal contractor-to-FTE conversion rate. The pay was good, I had flexibility in changing job roles / orgs / different projects, so if things got stagnant or icky I could move on with minimal effort in regards to applying and interviewing.
All in all, I built a solid reputation and 1.5 years ago was headhunted to go to a non-IM org and bring in some of my expertise with project management. They offered to eventually convert me to FTE when they were able, one year max, and we had a handshake agreement for a nice bump in pay and hefty bonuses. I had a friend in that org who loved it, loved the management, and she couldn't sing enough praises for it. So... I went for it.
A year and a half later I have no FTE. None of it was in writing, so there's no really any recourse on my end. We have been undergoing a reorg for about four months, and there's been a ton of unease all around. There are no open positions, no budget, and no way to convert me. They keep asking me to stay, they promise they will when they are able.
To be honest, I'll definitely be making more money if I get converted. I'll also have that nice bonus (which, even at the lowest amount due to tenure, is like 5%+ of base salary). My benefits will also be cheaper.
But I'm getting frustrated. It's like a carrot dangled in front of me and I have no actual timeline to believe in.
I really like the people and the work. But I know I could be making more as an FTE employee, whether here or elsewhere (the contractor versus FTE argument is not always true; contractors don't usually make more money unless you have a very specific skill set, and oftentimes we're treated as second-rate citizens). There's also been another opportunity knocking, but I don't really trust it. It would mean more money, but more than likely more stress and less work-life balance. And it's in a different industry (manufacturing), which is a shrinking industry.
Do I take this random opportunity with good pay and potentially more unhappiness, or do I stay where I am and continue to hold on to hope that they will finally make the conversion happen?
I feel lost and unsure of the right path. It's frustrating.