Bleach 144 was great. Not too much filler material, thankfully (but the traps scene was pretty funny, anyway).
Oh, and it brings us the fantastic new opening, After Dark, by Asian Kung-fu Generation. Personally, I love this opening, and can't get the song out of my head. The video is pretty cool, too, especially how the Espada and Aizen are portrayed in black and white. I was surprised that it didn't include Ichigo and Grimmjow fighting, though.
The new ending, Tane wo maku hibi (Day seeds are scattered), is pretty good, though Houki Hoshi still sits at the top, if you ask me.
Anyway... Is it just me or is the anime beginning to lose its 'oomph' with the fight scenes? I just felt the Iceringer/Demōra battle was lacking in comparison with the manga...
Anyone played The Blade of Fate yet?