Seeing as to how you're posting this on someone else's turf in front of their (relatively few) members, you have to be more tactful, like a reporter probing important people.
For example, if your local high school is having problems with inadequate parking, so the school board decides to make a rule that students can't drive to school anymore in order to be fair, you don't ask the school superintendent at an open meeting, "Why didn't you decide to do X instead?" because they might not have even considered it. Even worse if you come from another county and you tack on, "Why don't you do X, because Stevens county tried what you decided and it didn't work." You'll look like an ass, and the school superintendent won't ever talk to you again.
Instead, you want to say something more along the lines of, "Has the school board considered this X option?" And then follow up with "Why did they decide against it?" only if the school board did consider it. Otherwise, you can then follow up with, "If people are interested in getting this X option considered, despite the school board's decision, what can they do?"
Anyway, that's just an example. It doesn't map perfectly to your own issue at hand, but that's so you'll actually have to think about these things and come up with your own words.
Besides, who's to say that their motive has anything to do with ego? From a quick glance at his site, it looks like he's mostly just looking for money.