Author Topic: ~Announcements  (Read 13333 times)


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2009, 03:22:18 pm »
Yea just get it done when you get it done :) Out of curiosity, should I continue my play through? Since Azure already played through and found most of the main bugs, I have mostly been operating as the spelling and grammar police. If you think a lot of the errors are still there I can keep playing, otherwise I don't mind waiting until 1.1 is finished, and I can keep an eye out for them there.


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2009, 03:52:47 pm »
Yea just get it done when you get it done :) Out of curiosity, should I continue my play through? Since Azure already played through and found most of the main bugs, I have mostly been operating as the spelling and grammar police. If you think a lot of the errors are still there I can keep playing, otherwise I don't mind waiting until 1.1 is finished, and I can keep an eye out for them there.

Keep playing. It's going to be slightly longer...
The puzzles are driving me nuts in not working out properly.
Hope to have it soon though...



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2009, 09:31:56 pm »
CT+ 1.085

Only Z, DK, and Azure should have this version!
If anyone else asks you for it, don't give it to them.

Some of the bugs on the previous list have been fixed, some have not.
If they come up again, don't worry about them as they are on my todo list.
New ones that may have come up are not, so let me know~!

New Bugs:

Lavos seems to freeze the game. (after Queen Zeal)
It may have something to do with editing/saving all of those times...
Usually, for releases I import all my exports into a fresh ROM, but
this is just a workstation ROM so lots of things may have crept up
in data overwriting...

things to note:

Millennial Fair
The tent by Gato's warps you to my puzzle test room, which is in shambles right now.
There's a warp to one of the Cleft of Dimensions there and you can run around. But don't save in there as there's no way out... The Cleft parts are in this hack because I was working on them, they really shouldn't be there, but you can test it out...

Manoria Cathedral -
First Organ Puzzle randomly chooses 1 of 3 note sets.
Second puzzle does not (and will be coded to later on)

Arris Dome - switch puzzle rooms don't work yet.
If you get stuck, enter the menu and reload. (which resets the copytiles for the platforms)

Beast's Nest
I've taken DK's map and started dungeon-izing it.
The water animations don't work yet.
The Beast battles glitch, so you'll have to open TF and make some of the tiles walkthrough-able (from the start room, straight up to the top)

Zeal Library
Lib. map is there and has books and npcs.
Don't bother reporting bugs here as I'm still finishing it.

Zeal Libray Dungeon.
Uhhhh. don't enter here. You can't get through.
I was making a puzzle area in conjunction with Azure's maze map.
Going here's not a problem yet as you aren't forced to go through here to get to the Throneroom (to get to the O. Palace)

In 1.09/1.1, this area will be forced unto the player.

I've sent this to each of your emails.


Edit: Just use the public bug forum for this stuff...
Hope to have a stable 1.09 very soon!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 09:39:25 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2009, 09:54:47 pm »
So out of curiosity, do you mean that we cannot beat the game as is, since Lavos freezes it, or just fighting Lavos after Zeal freezes it. I am just wondering what exactly I am expecting with that, since it would suck not being able to test any of the side quests...

I am glad to see this moving forward :) Very nice!


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2009, 10:08:45 pm »
So out of curiosity, do you mean that we cannot beat the game as is, since Lavos freezes it, or just fighting Lavos after Zeal freezes it. I am just wondering what exactly I am expecting with that, since it would suck not being able to test any of the side quests...

I am glad to see this moving forward :) Very nice!

I'm not sure why it freezes. It's happened twice before and I can't remember what I did or what I did to fix it, both times...anyways, there's nothing new yet after the Lavos battle anyways (I haven't done the ending stuff)



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2009, 11:22:18 pm »
Also any input on the maps in the map thread would be appreciated :)


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2009, 06:44:10 am »
Here's what I have left to do, anything else is going to get held back for 1.2
In theory, I could have this done in a few days...but, we'll see.
Anyways, 1.1 isn't very far off...

place treasures practially everywhere
code count+ for special treasures (like Zeal boxes) to the Treasure Rank guy
~so he checks your rank and tells you properly...

Change all references to Lightning Element to "Light" and Shadow to "Dark"
(including PC graphics portraits) This should have been done AGES ago.

CUTSCENES --add sound effects to any that don't have sounds for special animations

Crono & Sensei scenes
~ split into 3 scenes (and have as flashbacks)
1 - Guardia Prison Cell (before Crono wakes up)
2 - Proto Dome (as Lucca fixes Robo, after Factory)
3 - Ioka Party (after everyone passes out)

Finish Ioka campfire scenes (before Party members 2 and 3 pass out)

Last Village Scene2; (when Marle returns) finish anims and sprite movement

Atropos Origins (STILL haven't done this, should've 2 years ago)

LAVOS CORE (animations and movement, make GOOD)

Moonlight Parade Ending (finalize, and variations)

CT+ Ending stuff: (if all sidequests completed)
~Crono & Sensei bonus scene
~Marle & Father bonus scene
~Lucca & Mother (if Lucca's Mom can walk)
~Robo & Atropos bonus scene
~Ayla & Kino bonus scene
~Magus bonus scene

Schala bonus scene
Lavos bonus scene

All other Endings

Puzzles (finish)
Arris Dome: Switch rooms
Blackbird: Basher count/rewards
Black Omen: Chamber of Annihilation

Cool Eternal End Intro Screen at ROM load

NG setup stuff
NG+ bonus stuff

Elite Mode (enemies upgrade at certain levels)
E.g All Proto2s upgrade to Proto3s then Proto4s
Megasaurs to Gigasaurs to Terrasaurs
...and so on.

Not every enemy has a 'tougher version' ...but many DO!
Would make NG+ a reasonable challenge. ;)

Omitted Stuff
This all is being held back, the players won't really know what's not there as 1.1 will still feel like a rock-solid complete hack without all of that. 1.1 is more about 'cut-scenes, battles, enemyAI and some puzzles' rather than new and expanded areas. (with a few exceptions of course)

Zeal Library Dungeon - The Lib. will still be there, but I don't have the motivation to finish the maze/dungeon right now.

Beast's Nest - Same. It'll be really cool when complete.

Searing Chasm (and enemies)

I hope to have the pre-release 1.09 test to you guys very soon. We'll see!



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2009, 10:20:44 pm »
Interview with FaustWolf should be online soon. Also, the teaser video is nearly finished.
Since that's almost out of the way (been putting it off forever too!) I can go back and hopefully get 1.1 done.
We're getting closer! Let's just all hope everything goes smoothly.  :P



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #53 on: April 04, 2009, 03:08:36 am »
Teaser done. Just have to upload.  :)



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #54 on: April 04, 2009, 04:13:08 am »
Teaser vid online...  :D check it out here:



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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2009, 07:08:30 am »

Can't access the site...  they blocked everything recently, including youtube.


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2009, 07:16:41 am »

Can't access the site...  they blocked everything recently, including youtube.

Who are they? That's horrible! Only a douche-bag would block out youtube.  :?

Alternate site (downloadable)

« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 07:24:11 am by Zakyrus »


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2009, 07:50:47 am »
Thanks friend.
Hey, the teaser is awesome, lots of new features. :shock:
But what do you think about Zeal's laugh(Bekkler's?)... It was so loud comparing to the BGM.


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #58 on: April 04, 2009, 08:54:36 am »
That looks great, especially the new Zeal location. Fan mappers (in general) often make walkable areas too wide and too empty and make everything look too blocky (even the Lost Sanctum in CTDS has some of these flaws), but it's not the case here so kudos. The sunshine on the windows could use some refining though; I think they looked better in CT.


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Re: ~Announcements
« Reply #59 on: April 04, 2009, 12:31:59 pm »
Looks good!  Let me know if anything needs done Zakyrus.