1. Roget Parrion
Roget will become more sensitive to the matters of Project ZEAL as it goes on; he will not undergo major changes until the last couple subplots. He will eventually fall in love with Nasreen Ferdows. When she refuses her orders, he is asked to try and escape with her, but refuses. He comes to regret this, and it racks him daily until he unites with her towards the end.
2. Juan Z. Gerard
Juan will be in and out of the End of Time, having personal training with Spekkio. He will begin to cultivate his magic potential alongside his martial arts artlessness. He'll occasionally stroll back to Keystone to deal with matters of his homelife and make decisions. He'll eventually take a liking to Rashelle Tujaas, who charges him with the courage he needs to forge his own path in life. When she is abducted, Juan sort of subscribes to the dark side for awhile, eventually recovering her alone as she is taken to a place in Keystone to jog her memory. The two will eventually return to 1023 A.D., as Rashelle died in the original timeline anyway.
3. Nasreen Ferdows
Nasreen will be pushed with each subplot farther into Project ZEAL due to her immense shadow magic capability due to a genetic freak mutation. She will eventually, as in the last couple subplots, be assigned to assassinate outright one of the heroes via major temporal distortions, but the thought of Roget will prevent her from doing such a thing. At this point, the element that stopped her, Roget, will refuse to leave the Project in an attempt to escape. However, he activates the Project ZEAL Gate for her, allowing her to escape; she flies a subplot with Gaspar's heroes, but is recaptured. She is liberated before the final fight.
4. Rashelle Tujaas
Rashelle will be one of Gaspar's confidants, as her tactical expertise will be critical in avoiding Nanashi confrontations and planning missions. She will be paired with Juan to balance out skill; while the two disagree on most things at first, they learn much from each other. Rashelle becomes more introspective due to Juan's influence, and begins to admire him. Rashelle is constantly bothered by the fact that she should have died, and that her evolution as a human being on Gaspar's assignments is making her not wish to return to the 1400s and continue her past life. At one point, Rashelle will be kidnapped by the Nanashi and undergo a rigorous interrogation. Juan will proceed to unlock his darker side, and when the Nanashi take Rashelle to her former home to jog her memory and abuse her family, Juan will personally seek them out on the authority of Gaspar and fight for her. She will eventually leave with him for 1023 A.D., realizing that she must match the courage she's given him to find his own path in life.