so schala rights a letter saying ill find you serge, and you wake up on opassa beach with LEENA, and i beleive LEENA is actually HARLE and maby a reincarnated SCHALA. then it shows her in EARTH world, so i beleive that SCHALA has found earth now and is looking for serge.
when u first meet leena you get seperated becuase of FATE that chooses not to allow you to LIVE YOURE own life, tehn u take off on youre adventure.
but after you rescue schala and defeat time devourer, you wake up with leena there, now you can choose youre own life and live in peace..
LYNX teh frenchman, gained his power by burning children, LYNX was ONCE a nice man, but transfomed into an evil catman, becuase of lavos.. teh same man who possobly made love to KIDD nad was teh frenchman from the RADICAL DREAMERS clan.
do you think we can make it thruough thjis horrible dream on earth?
its all up to HARlE (schala)