Author Topic: The Jail Break Sequence  (Read 23453 times)


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The Jail Break Sequence
« on: October 25, 2004, 06:31:32 am »
Okay...I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about this...Mainly because I think we're all (or, all the people involved)...that'd be...Symmetry, Radical_Dreamer and I, correct? Damn if I've messed this thread up already...

Well, basically I thought that perhaps we would find a way to write this...That is, unless it's already been done...I figure that this requires some serious groundwork being laid down...

Firstly, I thought that the main parts should be written by...and god help me if I've gottent his all screwed up...Symmetry, because he will be dealing with Argus, and thusly with getting everyone else around (and ultimately out of) ZEAL...but that we (Radical_Dreamer & I) could find places within said section to mess around with our characters (ie Flea's departure & Sigma getting freed, perhaps)...I think it might be a good idea to have Symmetry do the leading up to scenes and probably even go into them a bit, in which we could 'write over' each other and compare notes...

Wadda ya think? Don't tell me...I've gotten all the names f***ed up and it's already been written, right...? I knew it...Really, I did...:oops:


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2004, 09:56:56 am »
Well, you did correctly guess that you got the names screwed up.

Radical_Dreamer writes Argus, and I, Leebot, write Sigma.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2004, 02:55:12 pm »
Yeah, I'm not involved in the jailbreak itself at all.

Not to rush you guys if you're really busy, but it would be nice if we could wrap up this scene by the beginning of next week so that the story proper can begin.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2004, 03:50:00 pm »
Alright, then. I'll start working on my next post for Sigma, which will follow her aborted escape attempt. After that, I expect RD will be doing the meat of the jailbreak sequence, as Argus is the only one who knows how to get out.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2004, 06:07:45 pm »
Ok. I'm not entirely sure how the characters I'm not writting speak/react to things, so once I write the initial draft, I'll PM it to V_T and Leebot. That way they can make some comments/edits to their respective characters. At some points, I may just put in brackets notes for one of the other authors. Ex:

[V_T, Flea's last stand goes here]

Because I don't think it would be fair for me to write those scenes.

That being said, I'd like to get the sequence of events settled before we progress it further.

My understanding is that it flows like this:
-Arugs escapes his cell (written)
-Gil passes Argus the Dreamstone, and Argus unlocks Gil's cell
-Gil and Argus spring Flea
-Guards come, Gil explains his displeasure for them with Shadow Magic
-The three of them unlock all the cells to create a diversion
-Argus(?) takes note of Sigma, and decides to rescue her
-Nanashi arrive on the scene
-Flea dies holding off the Nanashi so that Gil and Argus can escape with Sigma



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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2004, 06:26:19 pm »
Well, I've got my next post for Sigma done. You can have them go through and unlock the cells if you wish, but in Sigma's case, it will probably work best if Argus and co. come by at the end of this scene and end up rescuing her. The reason I'd like to do it this way is that I don't want Sigma to know yet that she has some unusual power (which she would if Argus sprang her because of it); I want the revelation to come at a more dramatic moment.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2004, 07:10:31 am »
Damnation & Hell in a handbasket! Leebot, here's one ticket which allows ownership over my stupid ass (useable once at any time) *gives*

Radical_Dreamer, that flow of events seems valid to me...but, as Leebot mentioned not wanting anyone to know of her ability, perhaps (i suggested this in another thread) they would be more forced into saving her because she would be in some kind of danger.

I was thinking there could be a malfunction in her word-smithy thing just totally left me right there...anyways, you know what I mean, either due to however they break everyone else out or the attack against the guards (either possibly an unwieldy magical attack) and/or her latent ability...

Before I had suggested this as a way to attract the eye of Argus to her ability, but perhaps it could just be a way for him to see her in some emminant danger, or perhaps he will not find out that she has any special power, but simply that she comes from the Keystone Dimension...


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2004, 11:30:36 am »
Well, I've already posted her "escape" in the introduction thread. Why don't you go and read it.
Done? From this point, I'm hoping Argus and Gil (and Flea if s/he is still there) will happen to walk into this section of hallway and be forced to rescue her. Then, the fact that Sigma is a "missing piece" from Keystone will allow Argus to transport them all there (presumably the Magness dimension is in no shape to accomodate them).


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2004, 06:15:26 pm »
Uh...yeah, that works...And no, the alternate dimension in Magness (from which Elle, Kaeru/Glenn, & Flea come from) is pretty much in ruin, being a former project of ZEAL...I going back there...That 'missing piece' stuff makes sense too...I was just uneasy with the idea that they just happen along at the right time to save her from the nasty guards...But, really, how different is that from my idea of them happening along at the right time to save her from a malfunctioning dealy-bopper, right?  :?  Here-here!


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2004, 10:08:02 pm »
If you really wanted to explain it as something other than a coincidence, you could say that Argus' escape from his cell weakened the overall magical system, giving Sigma the edge she needed to break out. Then throw in approximately equal times running around, and it's only a small coincidence. Besides, in fiction, the fortunate coincidence is allowed when it increases drama.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2004, 06:59:13 pm »
I'm fine with the idea of coincidence, it was just them saving her from the guards I think that was irking me...but it's no big deal. That weakness thing sounds good though, perhaps the added Magical assaults (from either side) would also come into play...Perhaps we can explain that such things emmediately effect something around the group, like a similar field is nullified or something along those lines...or maybe the lights in the complex begin to flicker or dim or something, indicated stress on the...whatever...power coils or something...


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2004, 01:28:11 pm »
At the risk of sounding like a nagging housewife,

Can we expect the rest of the jailbreak to be underway this weekend, perhaps early next week?


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2004, 02:05:44 am »
Sorry, but I've been pretty busy this last week. Tonight (saturday) is my girlfriend's birthday, but I'll do some writting tomorrow.


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2004, 08:36:24 am »
Yeah, I'm not so sure either...these compelation (er...wait, is that even the right word I'm looking for, much less the spelling) parts seem like they take a while to go about, what with the back-and-fourth ideas in the posts between the authors, the writing itself, and then we'll need to add & edit in each authors' segments...Plus, I really only get on like once a day, and it can be really important continuity-wise to check up with all the other authors and making sure nothing clashes and that everything is honkey-dorey...

I believe once one person gets something in, the rest will flow like a crushing wave...oh, yeah, I'm gooooood!  8)  :)  :D  :P  :oops:  :(  :cry:  :?


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The Jail Break Sequence
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2004, 06:21:33 pm »
Alright, one more post should finish up the jailbreak sequence. The main issue is who will write it? RD just did two for the sequence, but Argus is probably the best voice if we want to get into the details of what's occuring. Alternatively, Gil or Sigma could provide a less knowledgable account of the events, which may or may not be appropriate. A third option would be to skip ahead to when they arrive in Keystone, focusing on Sigma or Gil, who will give a brief account of the end of the jailbreak sequence.

What do you guys think?