Okay...I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about this...Mainly because I think we're all (or, all the people involved)...that'd be...Symmetry, Radical_Dreamer and I, correct? Damn if I've messed this thread up already...
Well, basically I thought that perhaps we would find a way to write this...That is, unless it's already been done...I figure that this requires some serious groundwork being laid down...
Firstly, I thought that the main parts should be written by...and god help me if I've gottent his all screwed up...Symmetry, because he will be dealing with Argus, and thusly with getting everyone else around (and ultimately out of) ZEAL...but that we (Radical_Dreamer & I) could find places within said section to mess around with our characters (ie Flea's departure & Sigma getting freed, perhaps)...I think it might be a good idea to have Symmetry do the leading up to scenes and probably even go into them a bit, in which we could 'write over' each other and compare notes...
Wadda ya think? Don't tell me...I've gotten all the names f***ed up and it's already been written, right...? I knew it...Really, I did...