Alright, since I'm bored that nothing's come of this forum and these threads, I'm going to at least give the final overall grades of all the characters in one post...I should just make another topic (or SOMEONE should)...but I assume someone's eventually going to do something with all this crap...I'll put their highest voted grade followed by how many votes to that grade over how many votes total for that character...
Doc - C (7/10)
Draggy - C (8/14)
Fargo - A (8/16)
Funguy - D (10/12)
Glenn - A (8/15)
Guile - A (4/11) & B (4/11)
Greco - C (5/10)
Grobyc - B (10/19)
Harle - A (9/11)
Irenes - C (6/10)
Janice - D (11/12)
Karsh - A (7/12)
Korcha - D (10/12)
Leah - C (7/15)
Leena - B (6/18) & C (6/18)
Kid - A (10/13)
Luccia - C (5/11) & D (5/11)
Marcy - C (7/14)
Macha - D (9/12)
Mel - D (8/11)
Miki - D (7/13)
Mojo - B (3/10) & C (3/10) & D (3/10)
NeoFio - D (9/13)
Nikki - B (8/13)
Norris - A (8/15)
Orcha - D (6/10)
Orlha - B (5/9)
Pierre - A (5/17) & B (5/17) & C (5/17)
Pip - B (5/12)
Poshul - D (8/18)
Radius - A (7/13)
Razzly - C (6/12)
Riddel - B (5/14) & C (5/14)
Serge - A (10/15)
Skelly - C (5/12)
Sneff - D (9/12)
Sprigg - B (8/16)
Starky - D (5/14)
Steena - C (3/8)
Turnip - B (3/10) & D (3/10)
Van - C (7/9)
Viper - A (4/10)
Zappa - B (8/12)
Zoah - D (10/13)
Chrono Cross Characters
As - 11
Bs - 11
Cs - 15
Ds - 15
Final Grade - C/D
Of course, I didn't count Serge as Lynx because I don't see that as a different character besides the character design really...but if I did, it would have given them one more A (duh, cause Serge as Serge got an A)...And I also counted all of the grades in tie situations (which is why there are a total of 52 grades).
I find it odd that besides Serge, Kid, & Harle, almost none of the overall A grades were close to unanimous at all. Most were close by 1 or 2 votes of being tied or surpassed by a B...While most of the D grades WERE as highly voted so as Serge, Kid, & Harle were voted A...But then again, maybe it means nothing because Grobyc was the highest voted character with 19 votes total, Steena the lowest with 8 total...and both Kid & Serge got the highest A grades with 10 A votes.
Hooray for democracy!...?