Author Topic: Further Character Discussion  (Read 78802 times)


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2007, 10:08:20 pm »
Alot of characters in CC were hardly worth while...I still say Pip deserved a damn high grade.  That thing was actually really useful in battles for healing and did pretty decent damage..I found Sneff, Mojo, Skelly and like 20 others to be completely useless to me.  I just left them to die =]


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #76 on: December 04, 2007, 07:49:39 pm »
Alright, since I'm bored that nothing's come of this forum and these threads, I'm going to at least give the final overall grades of all the characters in one post...I should just make another topic (or SOMEONE should)...but I assume someone's eventually going to do something with all this crap...I'll put their highest voted grade followed by how many votes to that grade over how many votes total for that character...

Doc - C (7/10)
Draggy - C (8/14)
Fargo - A (8/16)
Funguy - D (10/12)
Glenn - A (8/15)
Guile - A (4/11) & B (4/11)
Greco - C (5/10)
Grobyc - B (10/19)
Harle - A (9/11)
Irenes - C (6/10)
Janice - D (11/12)
Karsh - A (7/12)
Korcha - D (10/12)
Leah - C (7/15)
Leena - B (6/18) & C (6/18)
Kid - A (10/13)
Luccia - C (5/11) & D (5/11)
Marcy - C (7/14)
Macha - D (9/12)
Mel - D (8/11)
Miki - D (7/13)
Mojo - B (3/10) & C (3/10) & D (3/10)
NeoFio - D (9/13)
Nikki - B (8/13)
Norris - A (8/15)
Orcha - D (6/10)
Orlha - B (5/9)
Pierre - A (5/17) & B (5/17) & C (5/17)
Pip - B (5/12)
Poshul - D (8/18)
Radius - A (7/13)
Razzly - C (6/12)
Riddel - B (5/14) & C (5/14)
Serge - A (10/15)
Skelly - C (5/12)
Sneff - D (9/12)
Sprigg - B (8/16)
Starky - D (5/14)
Steena - C (3/8)
Turnip - B (3/10) & D (3/10)
Van - C (7/9)
Viper - A (4/10)
Zappa - B (8/12)
Zoah - D (10/13)

Chrono Cross Characters

As - 11
Bs - 11
Cs - 15
Ds - 15

Final Grade - C/D

Of course, I didn't count Serge as Lynx because I don't see that as a different character besides the character design really...but if I did, it would have given them one more A (duh, cause Serge as Serge got an A)...And I also counted all of the grades in tie situations (which is why there are a total of 52 grades).

I find it odd that besides Serge, Kid, & Harle, almost none of the overall A grades were close to unanimous at all. Most were close by 1 or 2 votes of being tied or surpassed by a B...While most of the D grades WERE as highly voted so as Serge, Kid, & Harle were voted A...But then again, maybe it means nothing because Grobyc was the highest voted character with 19 votes total, Steena the lowest with 8 total...and both Kid & Serge got the highest A grades with 10 A votes.

Hooray for democracy!...?


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #77 on: January 10, 2009, 03:33:20 pm »
I find it odd that besides Serge, Kid, & Harle, almost none of the overall A grades were close to unanimous at all. Most were close by 1 or 2 votes of being tied or surpassed by a B...While most of the D grades WERE as highly voted so as Serge, Kid, & Harle were voted A...But then again, maybe it means nothing because Grobyc was the highest voted character with 19 votes total, Steena the lowest with 8 total...and both Kid & Serge got the highest A grades with 10 A votes.

Hooray for democracy!...?

I suppose that demonstrates that some of the variety in the cast of characters offers "something for everyone", while some of the variety just sucks.  I personally don't understand Viper scoring an A while Nikki comes off with a mere B... Apparently it really bothers people that he attacks with a guitar.

Alot of characters in CC were hardly worth while...I still say Pip deserved a damn high grade.  That thing was actually really useful in battles for healing and did pretty decent damage..I found Sneff, Mojo, Skelly and like 20 others to be completely useless to me.  I just left them to die =]
Because his character and story were practically non-existent.  And Chrono Cross isn't even that difficult, so it's not like being good in battle is that important...  But I suppose it's important to you. :)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 03:36:08 pm by CelestialPhantasm »


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #78 on: January 10, 2009, 10:03:07 pm »

Apparently it really bothers people that he (Nikki) attacks with a guitar.

When he attacks with his guitar (GrandFinale), it's awesome...otherwise though, he's, what? Attacking with sound waves that are somehow not determined at all by his guitar, but by his friggin pick?? I'd be more comfortable with that if he changed amps, maybe...imagine his final amp being a huge ass wall of sound behind him & the other party members (of course, made of Rainbow Shells)....
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 10:04:46 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #79 on: January 11, 2009, 06:23:14 am »
He would be cool if he could get high, burn his guitar and then smash someone with it. :)

But what, his attacks are noise? And monsters' ears would bleed out or something?


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #80 on: January 11, 2009, 06:38:47 am »
I think it's a romantic idea that a musician could have such incredible control over sound that he could use it for offensive purposes as well... farfetched, sure... but it is Chrono Cross.

As for the pick.  This is obviously just because the design team was too lazy to design different harps and guitars for Irenes and Nikki respectively.  It doesn't really have much to do with his character and I think there are more important aspects in judging his design.  He was way more style and character than Viper.  Viper really just comes off as a naive old man for most of the game.  Sure, it's nice that he wakes up later on... but so does half the cast.  His coat is cool, I suppose.  But really, his personality's not that interesting...


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #81 on: January 13, 2009, 03:42:27 pm »
Eh, what can you say, he's the war-torn general, that's his archetype, that's his character, and that's his story. He's a powerhouse, I'll give him that, but he lost out on the character development aspect. He's that old man who only believes in honor and code, yet still manages to make mistakes in life. I'd say his best trait is the fact that he's pitted against Fargo...except we have basically no idea why...


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #82 on: January 13, 2009, 07:09:18 pm »
Nikki on the other hand is quite unique for an RPG character... I suppose he's more controversial as a result.


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #83 on: January 13, 2009, 08:16:57 pm »
Yeah, not too many overtly effeminate male characters in RPGs these days...uhhhh...>_>

I guess he's got the best reason to be so though since he's like an actor? Or, wait, he's a rock star? Wait, wtf is he again? Part of a theater troupe with an electric guitar (that he never plugs in)...? Sometimes unique=stupid.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 08:18:34 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #84 on: January 14, 2009, 05:51:56 am »
I think you're nit-picking.  Obviously some kind of wireless-micro-amp technology exists in the Chrono Verse, like all the other fantastic things, and you just get over it.  And Nikki has magical powers, maybe he just powers his guitar with those... gosh.

He's a rock star who gives theatrical, plot-driven shows.


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #85 on: January 14, 2009, 06:15:37 am »
Magic guitar sounds almost as stupid...possibly moreso now that I think about it...>_<


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #86 on: January 14, 2009, 02:06:05 pm »
Nikki was unique...useless, but unique. I can't really compare him to any other RPG characters--he's that spoony bard archetype, but he's got a more modern touch to him. Unfortunately that modern touch didn't make sense worth shit--like V_ pointed out. I mean, his pick is his power? He seemed kinda out of place in CC...I mean, on one side you have all these knights running around with swords, axes, shields, helmets, etc. and on the other side you have some effeminate bloke knocking enemies over with the sound of music (HE'S THE JULIE ANDREWS OF THE CHRONO UNIVERSE).

And he's somehow Fargo's son? Blah.


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #87 on: January 14, 2009, 02:10:26 pm »
It seems Nikki has a good backstory.
Fargo, Luccia, Marcy, Nikki and Viper... they all have something to to with Porre.


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #88 on: January 14, 2009, 05:10:00 pm »
Yup. It's a bit strange, but through Fargo a good handful of characters got some backstory, although it wasn't explored as much as it should have been, if you ask me. I mean, Fargo had the most definition, as a character, even though some of his backstory was a bit ambiguous. As much as I hate the fact that Nikki and Marci are Fargo's kids, it did make 'em both a wee bit more interesting, and I respect that.


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Re: Further Character Discussion
« Reply #89 on: January 14, 2009, 06:24:59 pm »
Well, I think he's reminds me of David Bowie. And I love David Bowie.  But I liked Nikki even before I started listening to Bowie.

He's a colourful, fun character with style.  He's got a good chunk of dialogue, story, and a strong connection to the world of characters. 

And yet you insist on hating on his magical guitar and his androginous look. Fine.  The fact that he's so controversial just confirms that he's special, I suppose.