Design: Cute, yet badass. Commanding, yet sensitive. Stylish, yet powerful. Some may say the outfit is skanky. But I have a hard time thinking of Kid as a skank, so to me it's just fashionable.
Battle: She has the only thief ability for a good portion of the game. Solid, well rounded in battle.
Tilt: Kid is beautiful. She's a piece of a star that fell from the sky. She's strong, pure-hearted, compassionate, brave, bold, charmingly blunt, and very stylish. She's the kind of woman I could fall in love with and probably my favorite character from any videogame.
Design: I definitely get a little bit of a disco-fever vibe from the outfit- but Karsh pulls it off. Because it's really the man that makes the clothes. I dig the hair, and the badass scowl.
Battle: Solid character- comparable to Glenn until Glenn gets the twin Einlanzers. Which is stupid. Karsh should be able to dual-wield Rainbow Axes or something... 'cause he's way cooler than Glenn #2.
Tilt: Karsh has a lot in common with Kid, so obviously I like him a lot. He carries a terrible secret on his shoulders but doesn't let it diminish his resolve to fight. Sure, he's misguided- but who wasn't? CC's plot's so convoluted that everyone got confused... Karsh could afford to question his orders a bit, but his strong sense of loyalty is a bit endearing. Under his rough exterior, he's got a heart of gold.
Design: Good-looking young swordsman, reminiscent of his namesake
Battle: Probably the strongest fighter in the game once he gets that second sword... Great dual tech with Serge.
Tilt: He's a good guy. He listens to Riddel and searches for the truth regardless of what others do. In this sense, I like him more than Karsh- While Glenn's certainly a loyal person, he still questions suspicious orders and searches for the right course. However, aside from being a standup guy, he doesn't really have a whole lot of personality. Really, he's kind of bland and lacks the dimensions of his namesake.