You're kidding, right? 1) I don't think any of this at all is the topic at hand, 2) who cares what system the RPG the comparison is being made of is on? does that somehow make it any less of an RPG?, & 3) I wasn't making a comparison at all, I was simply arguing the fact that PC RPGs kick just as much ass as console RPGs.
You're the one who's kidding.
1) Have you read the topic of this thread?
2) It DOES matter, because computer RPG's are for the most part other types of games (like FPS or RTS games) in disguise.
3) I know that you didn't make the comparison between them, but other people were.
As I've said before and I'll no doubt say again: A BACKSTORY DOES NOT MAKE THE ENTIRETY OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! Not only that, but if NeoFio & Poshul actually have a backstory outside of them just being there, I WILL be shocked. The fact is that Ayla, Magus, and Robo all actually SHOW character. They are individuals each with their own outstanding personalities. We gleen this through their various actions, interactions and dialogs.
Okay, so if backstory isn't exactly the most important thing in character development... what other elements would
you consider that are most important? Having your own personal music theme? Having double and triple techs with other characters?
You say that they actually show character through their actions, but in what form is this different than the actions that Cross' characters perform? They still just follow around the main character of the game and basically
just do everything in the same way that another character would, with a somewhat different line.
Your whole point is based on the fact that Cross' characters aren't deveoloped
just because they don't say different things? The whole point of that, which you completely ignored in my previous posts, was so that you could play with whatever cast of characters you chose. Also, the localization team that worked on Cross did a wonderful job in precisely doing
just that . By giving them their special accents, which you apparently decidedly choose to ignore based
only on the fact that you don't like them.
17 out of 40-something is not exactly awesome, dude. And half of the ones you listed are debatable.
Quoted for emphasis...I'd say more than half are debatable myself because you say 'WELL developed' and 'clearly defined"...of which, I'd only put Kid and Harle...oh, and LYNX IS THE ANTAGONIST! We're talking about the playable characters...But I'll allow it...though it's actually FATE...
Again.... debatable on what gounds? That
you persnoally don't like most of them? The characters that were listed
all have a
fairly decent amount of characterization. And I even neglected to mention a few others that also get some development, like: Zappa, Korcha, Irenes, Mel, Luccia, Grobyc and Zoah.
Since when is the Diablo series or Fallout series a "FPS in disguise"??? And Oblivion is far from "just a FPS in disguise"...By your logic I bet you call Phantasy Star "just a FPS in disguise"...*eye roll emoticon*
I was talking about Oblivion, which for some reason
most people actually consider it a RPG.
My point is still valid, because when they're not FPS then they are RTS games in disguise, for the most part.