Author Topic: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?  (Read 5174 times)


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2007, 05:05:01 pm »
I remember people saying stuff like "The Black Omen sure is shining today" or something, after the Black Omen had risen.

I'm pretty sure Chrono's mother says that. I thought that it might be a throwback/reference to the beginning of the game when she said "Ah, Leene's Bell makes such beautiful music!", in a comical sense, since she really has no clue what's going on during the plot at any point anyway.

The Gurus interrupted, flung everyone in time so Q. Zeal never had any cause to raise the Black Omen. Maybe Lavos just absorbed her or something...*shrugs*

My guess is that Lavos got pissed and sank them all.

12000 b.c. Black omen rises and in 600A.D. people act like its always been there. Well It has always been there to them. 12600 years is a long time. If they don't remember Zeal then They wont remember The Black omen rising.

Which explains the casual mood. The Black Omen may as well be a sun or a star to them.


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2007, 10:27:35 pm »
Huh, just thought of something. Remember how there were strange airplanes in the original screens of 1000AD CT? I know they probably took them out just for this reason, but I'm really curious if the timeline would have been affected at all by the ability to go up to the Black Omen.

But it was taken out pretty early. Sigh...


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2007, 12:59:54 pm »
Hopefully I'm not changing the topic too much, but something's been bugging me about the Black Omen recently, so I'll ask here.

So we've got the Black Omen in multiple time periods. If Chrono & Co. enter the Black Omen and eliminate Lavos in, say, 1000AD, does that destroy the Black Omen in 12,000BC and 600AD? I think the Compendium's official timeline assumes Chrono & Co. enter the Black Omen in 12,000BC and wipe out Lavos that way, which naturally takes care of the Omen in all later time periods.

I suppose the answer depends on where exactly the Black Omen draws its power from. Does it draw power from the Pocket Dimension, i.e., directly from Lavos? In that case, no matter when Lavos is defeated, the Omen would lose its power source and crash in 12,000BC.

Regarding how the Black Omen works temporally, I think you can fight all the bosses and Queen Zeal up to four times if you enter the Omen in 2300AD, 1000AD, 600AD, and 12,000BC in that order. Can anyone confirm this offhand? And I think if you defeat Lavos' shell through the Omen in 2300AD and go through the Black Omen in 1000AD, etc., the shell will already be destroyed for you, which is consistent with the Pocket Dimension having its own linear timeline separate from the world timeline.


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2007, 05:00:13 pm »
You can't enter the Black Omen in 2300. As for the bosses, I'm pretty sure they stay dead no matter what time you're coming from, but I'm not sure of that.

Anyway, there's no way to tell what time period the Black Omen crashes in, because the only way to destroy the Black Omen is to take out Lavos, and once you do that, the game ends.

Y'know, logically, destroying Lavos from the Black Omen should take him out of all time periods (well, since the creation of the PD), which would drastically alter the history of Zeal and thus the rest of the world. That's a bit problematic...


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2007, 07:22:07 pm »
Thanks for addressing my question, Chrono'99 and Generality! Wow, I hadn't even thought of some of the Pocket Dimension Theory's deeper implications, and how it can conflict with the game's events if interpreted in certain ways. Is the theory expected to undergo some sort of major overhaul then?


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2007, 03:57:22 am »
Yeah, I think it is, come next analysis review. Which probably should be this month...



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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2008, 09:58:05 am »
It could be like Chronopolis it stay on all time periods?


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Re: The Black Omen: How does everyone know?
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2008, 11:50:52 am »
Then what the hell happened with it BEFORE Crono and friends meddled with time? Apparently the Black Omen never rose, and the Ocean Palace never sank. So just what happened at the Ocean Palace? Did Lavos just destroy Zeal? Very weird.
Besides what V_Translanka said, another possibility is that in the original timeline, Schala used the last charge of her pendant for some other purpose.  Like, warping herself out, or even killing Queen Zeal.  That sort of action could cause some massive change even if by themselves Crono and Magus accomplished jack-squat.

RE:  V_Translanka:  I think the Guru intervention happened in both timelines.  It must happen after Mt. Woe falls but before Crono gets to the Mammon Machine.  I don't have the English readily available so I dunno if this is even there.  In the Japanese version, when the earthbound elder wakes up Marle in the hut after Zeal falls, he says...


This translates loosely as...  "When the great disaster occurred, a black vortex-like thing appeared, sucking in and therefore saving Janus and Melchoir"  (Janus and Melchoir are names Jacky and Bosshu, respectively, in the Japanese)

If the elder knew that, it must have happened in the game timeline.