Author Topic: Retranslation Bug Report Thread  (Read 87418 times)


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2007, 01:34:11 pm »
Ah, I was just reading the FAQ, and it says you need to beat the Black Dream for New Game +. If that's true (not sure why it should be, since it's a sidequest, but..), that's probably it. I just revived Crono and immediately went Lavos huntin'.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2007, 01:37:37 pm »
Well, I'd say 'yes' for savestates...Temporal Flux reorganizes CT's location data such that old savestates sometimes load junk stuff.

But I've never seen that happen with actual SRMs. Was the old CT headered, and your retranslation ROM unheadered?


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2007, 02:04:11 pm »
I think it was unheadered, (i could be wrong) just to make sure it is here's my rom crc/md5 info

CRC32: 2D206BF7
md5: A2BC447961E52FD2227BAED164F729DC


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Retranslation Bug Report
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2007, 10:30:52 pm »
Hail! After playing the whole game and achieved the full final version with all the quests completed, I detect the following glitches/erros (snapshots):

That's it folks! Besides that, there are those 'spaces' between the itens and the exclamation points when get some itens. Best wishes!


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2007, 04:49:01 am »
I think it was unheadered, (i could be wrong) just to make sure it is here's my rom crc/md5 info

CRC32: 2D206BF7
md5: A2BC447961E52FD2227BAED164F729DC
I don't think the ROM having a header or not would affect the SRAM in any way, shape, or form. In fact I'd stake money on it. Zeality, did you chance any write/load points between the initial release and the bugfix version? Or I suppose the more accurate question would be, does TF do it and you aren't realizing it? Hmmm, I wonder. An interesting train of thought:

Suppose the patch wasn't patched correctly. I'll assume that the rom was expanded to 6 megs with this (I'm not sure, so please no hating). Now, if the patching process was bad, the rom header (C0/FFC0, not the first 0x200 bytes) might not have been changed correctly, which in short would mean Very Bad Things™. Geiger can probably elaborate on this more than I can. But I guess what I'm saying is, if that wasn't changed correctly, SRAM write/load points wouldn't need to be touched for that kind of brokenness to happen. Again, just a theory. *waits for many people to say just how badly wrong I am.*


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2007, 12:02:26 am »
Typing mistake:

"Notice: There is a way that only whose who have decided their hearts to go can go."

should be

"Notice: There is a way that only _those_ who have decided their hearts to go can go."

In any case, this sentence doesn't make much sense.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2007, 09:32:54 pm »
I'd like to start by saying I've been playing again since the 1st patch was released, and I can't tell you how grateful I am to be able to play it with the original dialog!  1UP to the Compendium!

Since I hadn't noticed there were so many bug/typos/errors left in the 1.01 patch, I just started over to kind of skim through and add a few contributions to perfecting the patch.  The first thing I've noticed were things like this:

Here, the 2nd sentence should read, "Where do you live to not KNOW about that great a hero?"  In other instances, due to the patch being a literal translation of the words originally used, the dialog comes off very wrong.  I suspect that a good proofread and rearranging of words here and there would fix the clunkiness of the lines being delivered. (like the line from the image above, it could be rearranged to something like, "Where must you be from to not know such a great hero?"  I think it'd have a smoother flow, while maintaining the line's original sentiment.)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 11:05:08 am by djespe »


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2007, 10:12:10 pm »
Yeah, I noticed that too. Some of the lines are way too literal in translation and don't sound very good when read. Someone should really go through the script and try to rephrase it so it sounds better while still keeping the meaning.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2007, 01:25:42 am »
Yeah, I noticed that too. Some of the lines are way too literal in translation and don't sound very good when read. Someone should really go through the script and try to rephrase it so it sounds better while still keeping the meaning.

Agreed.  Personally, I would be happy to go through the entire script for a bit of a rewrite, given the opportunity.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2007, 12:45:28 pm »
reference = chronotriggercomprehensivescript.txt vs. CT retrans v1.01 (in-game)

Broken text (in-game):

"year" = Ln 45062 Col 45

"one" = Ln 47393 Col 23

extra space ("__was") = Ln 47876 Col 47

text off-set = Ln 47924

Confusing lines (need to rephrase? but still I get point of what they're saying):

  Ln 42485
  Ln 47183
  Ln 47185
and lastly,

is it Dorino or Sandorino and Porre or Parepoley? (overworld map text limit?).

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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2007, 01:15:16 pm »
That overworld name limit is what's causing the differences.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2007, 04:02:15 pm »
I love the compendium.  For the people sending in their info to help make the perfect translation patch; you guys rule ass. :D


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2007, 05:29:36 pm »
In Arris Dome, the rat's directions are misleading and don't work on an emulator.

In the original translation, the rat says:

"Press and hold the L&R Buttons and then press the A button to access the   secret passage, squeek."

In the retranslation, the rat says:

"For the passage switch, press L and R while holding A chuu!"

The phrase "while holding" suggests that you should press and hold down A and then press L and R.  The original translation is much clearer.

Secondly, these directions may not work on an emulator (I'm using ZSNES).  Since I'm guessing most people use a SNES emulator nowadays, I would recommend adding an additional note.  Something along the lines of...

"But, if you've changed the button assignments, it's all mixed up chuu!"
"And, if you're using an emulator, you might have trouble chuu!"

The player then knows to look up the puzzle in a walkthrough for workarounds.


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2007, 01:11:42 pm »
reference = chronotriggercomprehensivescript.txt vs. CT retrans v1.01 (in-game)

Graphical errors

Cursor overlap - Ln 49248 and 53130

Transparency? - Earth Cave (Rest area / inn)

   * There is also problem in transparency before you enter the inn (earth cave)
     that's is if you move to the left side of the doorway you will see the
     problem. I thought it was a patch bug but it isn't 'cause it is also
     seen on the unpatched version of the game, anyway I just wanted to say
     this hoping if they can fix it :P
Load screen - text is missing on the load screen on magus castle scenario.

Ln 61035 Col 20 - text off-set and "no" was broken.

Confusing lines

Ln 48642

--- --- --- ---

I could be wrong from this point but I'll say it anyway;

Ln 50613, 51851, and, 52438 <-- I don't get what's the use of an extra apostrophe in the beginning.

Ln 52196 Col 33 <-- First time I noticed but I've seen several words like this in the script.

--- --- ---
Sorry to all, I've double posted some. >_<

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« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 01:55:55 pm by Hysoak »


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Re: Retranslation Bug Report Thread
« Reply #59 on: October 11, 2007, 03:59:29 pm »
In Arris Dome, the rat's directions are misleading and don't work on an emulator.

In the original translation, the rat says:

"Press and hold the L&R Buttons and then press the A button to access the   secret passage, squeek."

In the retranslation, the rat says:

"For the passage switch, press L and R while holding A chuu!"

The phrase "while holding" suggests that you should press and hold down A and then press L and R.  The original translation is much clearer.

Secondly, these directions may not work on an emulator (I'm using ZSNES).  Since I'm guessing most people use a SNES emulator nowadays, I would recommend adding an additional note.  Something along the lines of...

"But, if you've changed the button assignments, it's all mixed up chuu!"
"And, if you're using an emulator, you might have trouble chuu!"

The player then knows to look up the puzzle in a walkthrough for workarounds.

Yes you are supposed to hold L and R and then press A button not the other way around.

But I don't agree that you should put issues about emulators in the game since that is only a problem for that emulator.
(also it messes up the dialog in your example)
If you have problems with your emulator you can ask about that or ask on the emulator's HP or try another emulator. Or is it a problem with the keyboard? You can't hold some keys down at the same time on most computers if that is the case you just have to change the buttons in the emulator to other keys so it will work.

Now to all bugs I found that don't seem to be reported yet:

O Maou is still Magus even though you stated that he is always called Maou and never Magus in the J game

O Toma is ordering Cider first time you meet him early in the game (is it suposed to be cider there?)

O You can trade for a "Ancient Sword" in Ioka (second time I think) but in item menu it's called "Old Sword".

O You say that the people in Zeal are called "People of the Light" but there is one in zeal calling
   (first town in that floating continent) him/herself "Enlightened Ones".

O On the Silvard time select screen the names seem to still have the NA names (End of Time etc).

O Naga-ette Bromide didn't get. I don't remember what that item is called in the retranslation but "Naga-ette Bromide"
   is what it was called in a walkthrough and I noticed I did never have it in my Item menu after I took it in the game.

O Ayla's nickname for Crono is by default "Crono" isn't it suposed to be Cro? Or was that just a popular nickname for him?
   It's not really stated by the game that you are suposed to give him a nickname there or is it?

Oh and about that two spaces in Crono's nickname I don't get it I have no problem with that. I just removed all letters except the three first "Cro" when I was asked to give him Aylas nickname and I have no problems so far.

That's all I remember see if I find any more.

Thanks for a great translation I LOVE retranslations and this one is very literal I like that, keeping all the japanese honorific
and stuff that's great. I only wish it was made on the original Japanese ROM instead of the NA ROM but that was maybe
more work? Well Thanks anyway!!

Oh another thing I have a question:
I heard that Ted Wolsey couldn't fit all text because english text is taking so much room so he had to discard lots of text and make it simplier. So if you have put in all text that is in the japanese version then you would have to expand the ROM
or something right? But it wasn't expanded you just put the patch on the ROM, or did the patch expand the ROM?