
Rate Poshul on a scale of A (best) to D (worst).

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Author Topic: CLOSED - Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul  (Read 11027 times)


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CLOSED - Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« on: October 02, 2007, 03:21:07 am »
Evaluate Poshul based on her character design, combat usefulness, and Tilt factor -- which can mean anything, from how much she strikes you as cool to how important she is to the plot.


« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 11:23:09 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2007, 03:27:08 am »
Character Design: A huge pink and purple sentient dog with a lisp. I've seen weirder characters. But what's with that lock on her collar? I never noticed it before.

Combat Usefulness: She's a good aid at the start of the game, and can be helpful on the journey to Termina. Beyond that she doesn't usually see much use though.

Tilt: The interesting thing about Poshul is that if you get Home World Poshul, she will actually travel with Serge on the first journey even though Home Leena didn't, which is mildly confusing. What's more, even if you don't pick up Home Poshul, Another World Poshul will join you to head to Termina, making Poshul the only character to have both Home and Another versions join the party. (Technically.) And I like her. She's cute, and you rarely see a sentient dog in any sort of video game, which makes her a neat little gift, per se.

Still...I don't think she needed to be a PC. Her usefulness could've been avoided by better balance in the game itself and as such she should have been relegated to fun, loveable NPC status. That's really where she belonged. I wouldn't have her removed from the game completely though. Far from it.

Final Grade: C (but only reluctantly due to the fact that she probably shouldn't have been a PC.)


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 03:52:56 am »
Design: Just... too weird for my liking. Seeing THAT in Arni at the beginning of the game is a strange sight indeed.

Well, it's only natural she provides some help early, if you choose to recruit her before finding the Komodo Scales. I never used her past my first visit to Termina, or recruiting Mojo. It was one of those.

Tilt: Provides a little comedy relief at the beginning, I guess (Oh come on, who doesn't like seeing Poshul being kicked off the cliff by Karsh?). It's interesting that you can recruit one of the two Poshuls, though...

Final Grade: C


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2007, 06:41:16 am »
Design: Terrible, scary, will give me nightmares if I look at it to long.

Combat: Helps early on in the game I guess, but not that strong.

Tilt: Pyt Fumv just reminded me that there's two of those things..... :(
Also, when it got kicked of the cliff I was hoping it wouldn't come back... but it did.
It makes an annoying noise when it walks.
Not important to the plot at all.

Final Grade: D


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2007, 05:06:05 pm »
Design: A pink dog, fuck, this was only the start of bad characters.

Combat: Great for beginning the game, not much else.

Tilt: First character you can get, but a piece of shit character. Crowning moment in game? Karsh kicking the pooch off the cliff.

Final Grade: D


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2007, 05:31:21 pm »
Character Design - Another freakish mutant...This one's a wannabe Tails from the Sonic series apparently...A pink & purple blob of fur with a giant lock on it's collar...Is that to show that it's butch?

Combat Usefulness - How many characters without hands use Gloves as weapons...?

Tilt Factor - One of the STUPIDEST accents in the game...some kind of retard lisp, which is actually an insult to the mentally impaired and I, in fact, take it back. The ONLY good thing that comes from having Poshul in the game? Karsh getting badass points for kicking the little furball off a cliff. Quite easily one of the best moments in the game.

Final Grade - D

Yeah, I know...but most of the other cosplayers had stupid huge mascot heads...


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2007, 06:06:26 pm »
Character Design: Cheeky, quirky, funny, and cute. Poshul is a charming character.

Combat Usefulness: If you use her throughout the game, Poshul is much more of a tank and physical powerhouse than her image implies. Not as deadly of a pure attacker as someone like Karsh, but it's notable that Poshul on average has a higher hit-point rating than Serge and can do very notable damage on the physical side when trained. A lot of people are oblivious to this, since they shelf Poshul after the early stages of the game.

Tilt: Poshul doesn't have much of a backstory to speak of, but she doesn't need one. If you recruit her in the very beginning before you leave for home-world, she adds a lot of color and personality to an otherwise dreary section of the game, and it's also noteworthy that she is the only character that you can recruit before being teleported to Another World. Speaking of which, I've found that having her around after being teleported to Another can be rather comorting, because it feels like even though all the chaos of the game, you always have a little piece Home World with you in Poshul and all of her comedic goodness. XD Poshul is just a tongue-in-cheek character, and some people blast her for it, not realizing that she isn't supposed to play a serious and important role in the game - there are plenty of other characters to do that if you wish (though I generally don't like the generic, angsty "badass" characters that are all carbon copies of one another). Having Poshul in my party is always a delight.

Final Grade: B. Poshul is my favorite character in the game and as such SHOULD have gotten an A from me, but I'm trying to be objective here.


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2007, 09:05:29 pm »
How can you be objective and still give Poshul a B? That has favoritism written all over it...wait, you DO write that...If Poshul isn't supposed to play a serious or important role in the game than Poshul should STAY AN NPC (and at best only get a C)!!!


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2007, 09:16:53 pm »
Poshul does have a certain charm...


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2007, 09:24:04 pm »
How can you be objective and still give Poshul a B? That has favoritism written all over it...wait, you DO write that...If Poshul isn't supposed to play a serious or important role in the game than Poshul should STAY AN NPC (and at best only get a C)!!!

Poshul actually is very much important to the ultimate plot. That is, when you consider the fact that she (it?) is the only character that you can get to recruit before leaving 'Home' world. This is important because, at the end of the game, when all is said and done, everything returns up to the point after which you met Leena at Oppassa Beach. Meaning, that Leena and Pohsul are perhaps amongst one of most important characters in this game for this fact and this fact alone.
This is because, for all we know, everyone else (including Kid) may have forgotten about Serge except for Leena (Home) and Poshul, after the dimensions become unified.


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2007, 09:31:30 pm »
You can't differentiate the Leenas at the end of the game because there is only one Leena...and if she's forgotten then why wouldn't Poshul also forget? She's the only character that either World's version can join you...but so what? Does anything change because of this?


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2007, 09:40:15 pm »
Everything. It is the single most important scene in the entire game. That is, everything that happens at Opassa Beach, after the end of the game and everything you did before you left 'Home' world.
If Break was ever made, I am positively certain, that most likely it would have picked up from this point in Cross or at least made reference to it, at some point.

So, to summarize, Poshul is very much important, and so is Leena from Home world, because of the vague ending that Cross left us with it. And Leena does not forget about Serge, as you can clearly guess from that last bit of the ending, when she is talking with him.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 09:49:01 pm by dankun »


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2007, 09:43:12 pm »
Character Design: Easily Yuuki's best work for the game. I dare you to find another character so cuddly, so furry, so huggably rapably adorable with half of Poshul's personality and development.

Combat Usefulness: Lordy, it's like Magus made love to Taban's leg eating machine and they had a beautiful stuffed animal as a baby. Almost made the game TOO easy, if you ask me.

Tilt: Poshul is an enigma wrapped in a rubix cube wrapped in roadkill, but for all they keep secret they develop such a beautifully rich character. So many things said, but so much more that needed to be said. Just look at the lock on its neck.

Just why does such a sweet puppy have that on its neck?

What horrible past are you hiding behind those gorgeous eyes, Poshul?

I want to know you...

I want to be a part of you...


Final Grade: Unfortunately, the grade I formulated for this stellar, completely necessary and plot-moving character was so high, when I tried to vote for it it registered as a D. Let it be known, my friends, this beast gets A+++


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2007, 09:48:29 pm »
How can you be objective and still give Poshul a B? That has favoritism written all over it...wait, you DO write that...If Poshul isn't supposed to play a serious or important role in the game than Poshul should STAY AN NPC (and at best only get a C)!!!

Again, who is the judge of that? According to your viewpoint, Poshul should only get at best a C. But your opinion is no more valid than mine in this debate, and there is no right or wrong answer. Obviously, if you like a character, you are going to give them a higher score, and such is the case with my rating of Poshul. If she is my favorite character in the game, why should she not get a high score from me? If I dislike Karsh, why should I give him an A? This is a poll for a reason. If which characters are good and which are bad were clear cut facts and not debatable, there would be no need for a poll, now would there? I don't have to sit here and rationalize to you why I like the things that I like, and frankly I don't care if you don't understand or agree.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 09:52:50 pm by SimChao »


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Re: Rate Cross Characters 30: Poshul
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2007, 09:53:08 pm »
Sarcastic though I am, I actually completely agree with Chao on this one. If it's his honest opinion that Poshul deserves an A, based entirely on character Tilt factor, then that is totally fine.