Forgive me if I shouldn't be posting in this topic since it's pretty much a dead thread, but I really wanted to share some things I thought would (possibly) be helpful/interesting. Well, here's my 2¢:
If you look at it close up you notice that these are a bunch of Latin letters overlapping each other. If the more readily identifiable letter (usually the one on top) takes precedence, then it seems to spell out "pehraandeal" or "pepraandeal". Sounds somewhat like the English word "prandial" but I doubt that has much relevance as it refers to a meal...
Going very far out on a limb, the second spelling almost sounds like "Pay plan deal", which could mean something, but I think I'm just trying too hard.
As it was pointed out Ginza is a location in Tokyo, but it maybe be coincidental because the rest is gibberish:
As a side note, most of the Dragonian Tablets seem to be just gibberish of randomly put together Latin letters.
If you look close up you can see the characters in the pic are Serge, Kid and the Shaker Brothers. I've have no clue what they're used for; just wanted to point out that little factoid in case it wasn't obvious.
It appears to say something about "Chief Measurements". I say 'appears' because I'm not entirely certain about the first Kanji...It's something to do with measurements, though.
I'm pretty sure there are a few mistakes with this romanji. "Ha" should be "wa" etc, and "jkanno" makes about as much sense as "kwyjibo"
Writting it as "koko wa evhal jkanno gunnjri you o okonatte imasu kanari yabai yo" makes it easier to read, but it's missing at least two vowels, probably three, and "evhal" isn't a word in any language I know of.
Extrapolating from the data a bit, I came up with: "koko wa EVIL jikan no gun no jiri you o okonatte imasu kanari yabai yo" which is a possible sentence and could be loosely translated as "There are evil agents of time carrying out calamaities here; it's quite dangerous!". Someone with more knowledge about Japanese might be able to make more helpful progress in this area, but I thought I'd lend however much of a hand I could.
I hope that was worth posting!