Gotcha. Thanks Halkun! Hopefully we're on the verge of a breakthrough.
EDIT: Alrighty Halkun, I've got something that may be of interest. It might be a random coincidence, but the chances of it being random are very small IMO because it works out so beautifully.
First, the hex code I'm looking at:
I'm especially interested in the data values boxed in blue. Interpreted as (U,V), in decimal these would read:
(93, 206); (105, 206); (93, 220); (105, 217)
(81, 217); (81, 206); (93, 220); (93, 206)
Assuming (0, 0) coincides with the upper-left corner of the texture as you said Halkun, these values trace out the following points on Serge's texture; they're in yellow, with overlapping points in green:
The resulting quads are symmetrical, which I particularly like. There's loads of examples like this in Section 1-2 of the model (offsets 0x358 ~ 0x28E7) -- although the potential UV map data could be restricted to offsets 0xFB8 ~ 0x1E20. I could be wrong about that; it's only my first impression.
I believe this area is worthy of further investigation. Halkun, Cyb, Luminaire, et al, is it possible UV map data could be arranged in such a manner? The pattern seems to be:
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx - U1 V1 U2 V2 U3 V3 U4 V4
...where "xx" represents something I don't know at this point. Thoughts?
I'm attaching Serge's battle model texture so others can take a look if they wish.
[attachment deleted by admin]