I found the UV data, Qhimm put the model togeather. There have been 2 runs at creating a model viewer. Each time the models initally render "wrong" due to some kind of error. (The polys are all there, but not in the right place)
I'm not sure that CC uses weighted vertexes, that technology didn't show up till tekken tag, I think. Let me show you what weighted vertexes are....
This is a picture of a model I made. You see the colors in the dress? These are the "weights" that are assigned to the lower leg bone that is moved behind the model. The colors go from red to blue. The more red it is, the more influance the bone movement has on the surrounding vertexes. Because Kaori wears a dress here, I want to smoothly move the dress, but have parts "stick" with the bone.
When looking for the model data format, it is most likely going to be orginazed into a few sections with lookup tables in the headers. Psy-Q wrote out it's data in text format that was "compiled" into biniary data for the lib to understand in run-time. The big break for us was that FF7PC has the RSD files in an uncompiled text state so we could read them with standared text editors. we could then see how the models broke down.
Psy-q has the ability to save animation data per vertex, but not weights like my model above. If the model is in any way standard, there should be a kind of RSD discriptor at the beginning that defines how the model is put togeather.
Inside the RSD data it should point to other data types, depending on if the extended libiary was used.
Refrences inside RSD files [ReSource Data]
-PLY [PoLyGon data] (.p in FF7pc) defines the shape of an object in the model. (Head, Neck, Torso, l_arm)
-MAT [MATerial data] (TIMs) These reference the textures used on the particular PLY above
-GRP [GRouPing data] These discribe how various PLYs are grouped togeather. (Character Models vs. weapons mostly)
The other types are MSH [Mesh], PVT [Pivit], COD [coordinate], MOT [animation], and OGP [vertex groups]. I don't know much about these types as I've never ran across them. These are used on the per-vertex models and may need to be deciphered for CC.
Keep in mind an RSD file does not contain any data, but only points to other datasets, you may need to seperate out the refrenced data so you can get a clear idea of what section is where.
I have yet to see a model that didn't follow that rule above. Look for headers and lookup tabes that go upwards in value. That will lend a clue.