So here's Dead!Serge, Nu!Serge, Kid!Serge, Chrono!Serge, Lynx!Serge, Serge Version 1, Pirate!Serge, Reptite!Serge, Radical Dreamers!Serge, DemiHuman/Cat!Serge, Guru!Serge, and (though you can't really tell what's going on), Zealian!Serge. He's scared. 'Cos... he got sucked into another dimension. From Zeal. When the Ocean Palace Disaster happened... ah.. yeah.
>_> And I made a Pirate!Serge 'cos I was listening to 'S.S. Zelbess' and then a One Piece song came on after and I was like, 'omg Serge needs to be a pirate.'
Oh and I'd have to be Queen of Kings, 'cos I'm a girl. Yeah.