Special update today! Be sure to check out
www.chrono-crisis.com too!
Firstly, something I'm sure everyone will be excited to see... finalized artwork for Xavier, Matison, and Celia! All done by our wonderful new artist, Dice. I'm sure you'll notice that Matison's outfit is different, this is because I felt the old design didn't really catch Matison's personality and battle style perfectly. I also wanted to give her a more futuristic look and a cool accessory. (Headphones! XD)
Here's the new artwork of Xavier, Matison, and Celia:
Secondly, there's a new screenshot available in the Gallery. Don't you just love convenience stores?
Next up, a new music clip has been put up in Downloads, "Forward to the Past." It's an old version of the intro that has made it's way to be used in a different way. Where though, is a secret. ^__~
Roe's Cross remix, "Dreaming By Your Side," is going to be featured in Crisis. To give it a listen, find it in Roe's Soundclick:
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=255190 Finally, I had our second new artist prepare a teaser poster for this occasion. Check out it: (Click for bigger size!)
This poster is an ad for an upcoming concert in the Crisis world, featuring the hottest music artist in Guardia, Calypso. Calypso used to be a somewhat different character who went by another name. Hardcore fans may remember the old version of her, do you?
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this update! Happy Halloween! Now go out and do something fun!