Author Topic: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!  (Read 21650 times)


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #150 on: January 25, 2009, 10:01:36 am »
Edit: - Almost done with the HDMA and whatnot.  There's a few things I'm having a lot of trouble finding for it though.

Edit 2: - Gotta fix the HDMA in the Exchange menu and the weapon area.  Then I have to fix some menu drawing for the weapon menu part.  After that, got to re-arrange the Character Party Exchange menu to see if it'll align right.  After that, got to fix it so when you go to the next menu, it'll delete the other boxes outside of it.  Then fix the names in menu and battle.  Then, have to fix the hand movement in the menus.

Edit 3: Fixed hand placement on all menus except exchange.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 03:54:02 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #151 on: January 27, 2009, 08:53:55 am » - Labeled video of 7th letter and whatnot.

Edit: - Found the X coordinates of the letters.  I'm hoping to see if we can extend the routine to allow 14 letters isntead of 13.

Edit 2: A shoddy example of how it'd look with extended names.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 09:25:42 am by justin3009 »


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #152 on: February 06, 2009, 07:36:19 pm »
Fixed the HDMA bug in the exchange menu.  But then out comes 2 more bugs

- This is what it looks like now that I moved the text.
- This is what happens when you try to move a PC.  They're inter linked.  You move 1, you HAVE to move the other -_-

The other bug is when you switch a character in the "Exchange" menu.  The first letter gets stolen.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #153 on: February 21, 2009, 12:47:43 pm »
Been working on this more since last night.  The entire tech menu is almost bug free, which is where most of the bugs originally were.  The last remaining bugs are :

1) When you select a PC, the first PC slides way over to the right.  Just have to find the x coordinates of that
2) When you bump or expand the tech names, it doesn't read them all correctly.

That's all I can think of right now, but almost half the menu bugs are eliminated.  There's just a few more and the entire menu will be done.

Edit: Fixed the Exchange menu and the Character Replacement menu.  They're both working 100% now.

Edit 2: It's getting horribly annoying now.  There's 1 more HDMA bug in the tech menu bit I can't find it at all.  It's when you choose a PC to look at for techs.  Why do they have 2 separate HDMA's for ONE thing >_<

Edit 3: New video!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 06:53:03 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #154 on: February 24, 2009, 09:29:40 am »
- Update a little.  I'm going to expand the item names a bit so they're slightly better looking.  I'm going to do that for techs if I can...but it's really weird.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #155 on: February 27, 2009, 10:51:31 am »
*Removed the above idea: This will probably be implemented last or into another hack*

- Fixed the menu name bugs.  There was a random bug in the menu that caused it to not load 7 letters properly when naming someone.  Found where the byte was and changed it.  For names to show up properly completely in the menu, there's just 1 more bug with the saving.  The entire name saves, but the first PC's 7th letter shows up on everyone in the save menu, yet they retain their names.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #156 on: March 23, 2009, 09:05:11 am »
Found another bug.  If you try naming the character after 'b' and erase the name, it won't erase the name and it'll start rewinding itself when erasing.  Like...If you check the value it'll go down to zero on the 1st letter, but you're still able to go further and it'll reset itself to FF then keep going down.

Edit: Well fuck, this bug exists even on the 6th letter!

Edit 2: Fixed.  Had to move the 07 0F's to 0F 0F and now it works perfect.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 09:10:55 am by justin3009 »


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #157 on: March 28, 2009, 09:31:59 am »
Okay, I'm officially confused.

Notice how the shading is wrong on those 2 spots.  I've gone through everything in what I believe to be the entire menu shading routine and I have NOT found anything on these two.  I've even gone through the main menu/tech menu area and didn't find it either.  I'm completely baffled and lost on where this is.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #158 on: March 28, 2009, 09:04:12 pm »
Could you put up a patch and your notes so far?


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #159 on: March 28, 2009, 09:12:17 pm »
Yea, here's the patch.

Quote from: Notes
Window Elements
3FC457 (D7 C4) - Character Stats On Left
 (ED C4) - LV**
3FC45B (F4 C4) - TIME 00:00/ ######G
3FC45D (14 CA) - Power, Speed, Evade, Hit, Magic, Magic Defense, Stamina, Experience, Next
3FC45F (35 C5) - Character Name, Level, Power, Speed, Evade etc...#'s
3FC461 (81 C5) - Nothing?
3FC463 (BE C5) - ??? Something to do with character stats
3FC465 (ED C5) - Weapon Text
3FC467 (F4 C5) - ??? Nothing?
3FC469 (FD C5) - ??? Some sort of Stat
3FC46B (5A C6) - "Exchange" Icon/Text
3FC46D (6E C6) - "Who'll you replace?" Text
3FC46F (83 C6) - "Use/Move    Organize" Text
3FC471 (98 C6) - Item Icon (In Item Menu)
3FC473 (A2 C6) - All Icons in Settings Menu
3FC475 (5A C7) - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Selection)
3FC477 (65 C7) - Confirm Cancel Menu Dash Warp
3FC479 (87 C7) - Erase old Save File?  Yes No
3FC47B to 3FC480 (A6 C7) - New Game +
3FC481 (B3 C7) - New Game
3FC483 (BE C7) - Time        ######G  Save # xxx
3FC485 (DF C7) - Save File Character Stats
3FC487 (E0 C4) - Attack/Defense Data
3FC489 to 3FC48B(02 C8) - Can't do that!
3FC48D to 3FC496 (11 C8) - 1 2 3 (Tech Menu Icon)
3FC497 (2B C8) - Character Stats/MP Used (Tech Menu)
3FC499 (6B C8) - Skill Points Need ###
3FC49B (80 C8) - ???
3FC49D to 3FC49F(C4 C8) - Active Wait
3FC4A1 (12 C9) - Erase old Save?  Yes No
3FC4A3 (A6 C7) - New game +
3FC4A5 to 3FC4BE(2D C9) - Equip
3FC4BF (41 C9) - Buy
3FC4C1 (37 C9) - Sell
3FC4C3 (4B C9) - Buy    Sell
3FC4C5 (55 C9) - #######G (Shop menu)
3FC4C7 (67 C9) - Blank?
3FC4C9 (71 C9) - AttacK:
3FC4CB (7A C9) - Defense:
3FC4CD (BE C8) - ???
3FC4CF (83 C9) - Buy   Sell   # Owned
3FC4D1 (A8 C9) - Blank?
3FC4D3 to 3FC4D5(AC C9) - 0-9 A-Z etc..(Name Screen)

Character Replacement
02C64C - Beginning of Routine Data? Stopped at 2CBEC

02CA56 - Here and below has something to do with the "Who'll You Replace?" Text

02C6AE - Change to EF for some strange things

02C76A - How much it copies over when moving character?

02C891 - ??? Idk where this area is

02C785 - Change to 02 so it copies over ALL letters on 1st Column
02C78D - Change to 12 so it copies over ALL letters on 2nd Column

02CAAC - Y Coordinate of Gaspar
02CAAD - X Coordinate of Gaspar

02CABB - X Coordinate of "Who'll you"
02CABC - Y Coordinate of "Who'll you"
02CAC7 - X Coordinate of "you'll replace?"
02CAC8 - Y COordinate of "you'll replace?"

02CDCB - X Coordinate of PC1's Stats
02CDCC - Y Coordinate of PC1's Stats

02CDCD - X Coordinate of PC2's Stats
02CDCE - Y Coordinate of PC2's Stats

02CDCF - X Coordinate of PC3's Stats
02CDD0 - Y Coordinate of PC3's Stats

02CDD1 - X Coordinate of PC4's Stats
02CDD2 - Y Coordinate of PC4's Stats

02CDD3 - X Coordinate of PC5's Stats
02CDD4 - Y Coordinate of PC5's Stats

02CDD5 - X Coordinate of PC6's Stats
02CDD6 - Y Coordinate of PC6's Stats

02CDD7 - X Coordinate of PC7's Stats
02CDD8 - Y Coordinate of PC7's Stats

02CDDB - X Coordinate of PC8's Stats
02CDDC - Y Coordinate of PC8's Stats

02CE6E - Y Coordinate of PC 1
02CE6F - X Coordinate of PC 1

02CE70 - Y Coordinate of PC 2
02CE71 - X Coordinate of PC 2

02CE72 - Y Coordinate of PC 3
02CE73 - X Coordinate of PC 3

02CE74 - Y Coordinate of PC 4
02CE75 - X Coordinate of PC 4

02CE76 - Y Coordinate of PC 5
02CE77 - X Coordinate of PC 5

02CE78 - Y Coordinate of PC 6
02CE79 - X Coordinate of PC 6

02CE7A - Y Coordinate of PC 7
02CE7B - X Coordinate of PC 7

02CCDF - Location of 2nd Column Characters?
02CCFB - Location of 2nd Column Characters "there's 4 separate things meaning 4 characters"
02CD1D - Location of 1st Column Characters "there's 3 separate things meaning 4 characters"

3FB77B - Hand X Coordinate EVERY 5 BYTES
3FC457 - Beginning Data?

3FBF0E - Character Replacement Width
3FBF0F - Character Replacement Height
3FBF11-12 - Box design of First Column

3FBF13 - First Column Character X Coordinates
3FBF14 - First Column Height (Maybe Y Coordinate?)
3FBF15 - ???
3FBF16 - Box Height First COlumn?
3FBF17 - ???
3FBF18 - Last 3 Boxes First Column X Coordinate <--
3FBF19 - Last 3 Boxes Background First COlumn Y coordinate
3FBF1A - Last 3 Boxes First Column X Coordinate -->
3FBF1B - First Column Y Coordinate Boxes
3FBF1C - 2 Boxes/First COlumn Width

3FBF1D-1E - ??? Box Underneath "Who'll you replace"

3FBF1F - 2nd Column Box Design
3FBF20 - Same as Above
3FBF21 - 2nd Column X Coordinates
3FBF22 - 2nd Column Y Coordinates
3FBF23 - 2nd Column Background Box Width
3FBF24 - 2nd Column Background Box Height
3FBF25 - ???
3FBF26 - Background Design
3FBF27 - Background Design
3FBF28 - Background Design speed?
3FBF37 - HDMA Pointer

Main Menu Editing
02FC93 - Bank to load portraits from.
02FC94-5 - number of bytes to load for portraits

3FB51B - Beginning of Menu Icon Data

02A6F4 - Possible editing of Weapon/Armor/Helmet/Accessory data!  (Might be able to add another piece of equipment =] )

02A251 - X Coordinates of Equipment
02EDD9 - Menu arrangement routine starting?
02A261 - Portrait X/Y Modifying (2 Bytes Each)
02A288 - Magic Header X Coordinates...Multiple bytes to move piece by piece
02A42D - X Coordinate of Pointer Triangle when you're selecting a weapon
02A42E - Y Coordinate of Pointer Triangle when you're selecting a weapon
02A4C5 - Something to do with the box when you select a weapon?

02A572 - X Coordinate of Item Names (Top ones)
02A543 - Possible Item Description Changes? I stopped at 2A620

02F2EF - Length of Item Names

3FB71F - Hand X Coordinate on 1st box
3FB725 - Hand X Coordinate on 2nd box
3FB82B - Hand X Coordinate on 3rd box

3FB808 - Menu Editing
3FB80B - Helmet Y Coordinate
3FB80F - Armor Y Coordinate
3FB812 - Accessory Y Coordinate
3FB814 - Pwr/Speed Y COORDINATE

3FBAB0 - HDMA Length on character select in menu - Top Half
3FBAB1 - HDMA Length on stats on right in menu - Top Half
3FBAB5 - HDMA Length on character select in menu - Middle
3FBAB6 - HDMA Length on stats on right in menu - Middle
3FBABA - HDMA Length on character select in menu - Bottom Half
3FBABB - HDMA Length on stats on right in menu - Bottom Half

3FBC83 - HDMA Length on character select in menu when you select it
3FBC84 - HDMA Length on stats on the right when you select

3fB825 - Character Scrolling Main Menu Editing
3FBBB0 - 3FBC57  - Set all to FF and menu has no shading
3FBD5C-3FBD73 - "I have listed as Coordinates and other data for six main menu icons" (Quoted by: Geiger)
3FBD75 - X coordinates of Power/Evade/etc..
3FBD7D - Gold Text Modifying
3FC4FC - Gold Modifying
3FBD7F-80 - Time X Coordinate

3FBD84 - PWR SPD EVA etc Text Modifying
3fBD85 - PWR SPD EVA etc X Coordinates
3fBD86 - PWR SPD EVA etc Y Coordinates

3fBD89 - Menu X Coordinate
0285E8 - Menu X Coordinate?
3fBD8A - Menu Y Cooridnate

3FBE1D - X Coordinates of Spd PWR etc etc Name/Level in Status area of menu

3FBE56 - X Coordinate of Description Box

3FBE4F - X Coordinate of weapon box when you select it
3FBE50 - Y Coordinate of weapon box when you select it

3fBD8E - Character Scrolling Menu X Coordinate (back)
3fBD8F - Character Scrolling Menu Y Coordinate (back)

3FBD75 - X coordinate of PWR SPD etc etc

3fBD90 - Character Scrolling Menu Width
3fBD91 - Character Scrolling Menu Height

3FBD93 - Character Scrolling Menu Bottom 3 Objects X Coordinate
3fBD94 - Character Scrolling Menu Bottom 3 Objects Y coordinate
3fBD97 - Character Scrolling Menu Bottom 3 Objects Height

3fBD99 - Character Scrolling Column Menu Height
3FBE7D - Character Scrolling Menu X Coordinate, when you select it
3FBE7E - Character Scrolling Menu Y Coordinate, when you select it
3FBE7F - Character Scrolling Menu Width, when you select it
3FBD97 - Character Scrolling Menu Width of other 2 scrolling boxes - Change 3FBD93 & 3FBD95 to 01 for it to be 1 left and 1 extended right

3FBE1D - X Coordinate of ** Character stats
3FBE35 - Something to do with X Coordinate of top of weapon box
3FBE38 - Something to do with background boxes?

3FBE43 - "Weapon" box X Coordinates
3FBE4F - X coordinate of top part of weapon list?
3FBEAC - Weapon Box Width when you're choosing a weapon
3FBE51 - Weapon Box Width

3FBE56 - Description Box

3FBE6A - Character Scrolling last 2 columns Width when you select it 3FBE66 & 3FBE68 - Change both to 01 for it to be 1 left and extended 1 right
3FBE61 - Time Box X Coordinate, when you select it.
3FBE80 - Character Scrolling Menu Height, when you select it
3FBE84 - Weapon Box X Coordinates
3FBE78 - Change to 02 to bump entire character column over 1 spot (front boxes) --> use this to possibly fix weapon box
3FBE86 - Width of Weapon Box

3FBEAC - X Coordinate of Front Weapon Box
3FBEAD - Y Coordinate of Front Weapon Box
3FBEBE - Width of "weapon"/weapon box
3FBEC3 - Width of Description Box when you leave it

3FBE8B - "Weapon" Box X Coordinates?
3FBE8D - Blackness Width?
3FBECA - Weapon Box Coordinate
3FBECC - Weapon Box Width after you leave the weapon area
3FBED3 - Weapon Box List Width after you leave the weapon area

3FBEE3 - X Coordinate of all Attack/Defend/PWR/EVD stats 2 (The behind ones)

3FBEE8 - X Coordinate of Attack Stats when you select new weapon
3FBEE9 - Y Coordinate of Attack Stats when you select new weapon
3FBEED - X Coordinate of Back Description Box

3fBD9C - Character Status Back X coordinates
3fBD9D - Character Status Back Y coordinates
3fBD9E - Character Status Back Width
3fBD9F - Character Status Back Height
3fBDA9 - Character Stat Spacing

3fBDB1-2 - Character 2-8 MP Y coordinate

3fBDB5 - Start of Editing Column

3FBE20 - Characters Name/LVl Text Modifying Status

3fC53C-41 - Editing the text "Level **"
3FC38D - Editing "Level **" text (JP FINAL)
3FC542 - Edits the max level symbol  07 = Star * 09 = 00
3FC546 - Pwr Hit Mag ** X COORDINATE
3FC549 - Edits Max symbol for Power 00 = ** 0a = 99
3FC4D8 - Name Pointer in Menu
3FC4ED - "LV" text modification
3FC55F - SPD Max Symbol Editing
3FC56A - M.Def ** X coordinates
3FC56D - M.def Max Symbol editing
3FC5BF - How many letters appear in Menu (Gets rid of 1 ><)
3FCB04 - Prelease (Same as above)
3FC5C3 - Pointer for "LV" Text
3FC5CA - X Coordinate of Health Points
3FC5D5 - Editing / That seperates the HP
3FC5DE-DF - Editing the blank spaces between MP
3FC5E5 - Editing / that seperates MP

3FBE11 - Character Stats X Coordinate Scrolling Menu \
3FBE12 - Character Stats Y Coordinate Scrolling Menu / These move the ENTIRE status, including name, attack, defense etc..
3FBE20 - Characters Name/LVl Text Modifying Status?

3FC5BD-3FC5C1 - General Area for Character Name

Item Menu Editing
02AA2C - Beginning of the Item Menu Routine
02AA84 - Beginning Area of ALL item Data?

02ADDF - Triangle Pointer X Coordinate
02ADE0 - Triangle Pointer Y Coordinate

3FB53E - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 1
3FB53F - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 1

3FB544 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 2
3FB545 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 2

3FB54A - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 3
3FB54B - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 3

3FB550 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 4
3FB551 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 4

3FB556 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 5
3FB557 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 5

3FB55C - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 6
3FB55D - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 6

3FB562 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 7
3FB563 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 7

3FB568 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 8
3FB569 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 8

3FB56E - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 9
3FB56F - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 9

3FB574 - Hand X Coordinate Item Slot 10
3FB575 - Hand Y Coordinate Item Slot 10

3FB57A - Hand X Coordinate on Use/Move
3FB57B - Hand Y Coordinate on Use/Move

3FB580 - Hand X Coordinate on Organize
3FB581 - Hand X Coordinate on Organize

02AE32 - X Coordinate of Item when you use it
02AE4B - X Coordinate of Item: # Item Top
02ACAE - X Coordinate of Item: # Item Bottom
02AE54 - X Coordinate of Items? (Huh?)

02AEBC - Blackness when selecting an equip item
02AED6 - Change to 07 for it to do 7 letter names nicely?
02AF02 - Change to 07 for names again =/ (It's ugly with 07)
02AFBD - ???
02AFC8 - X Coordinates of the entire Character Box and Stats?
02AFD4 - Something to do with back box?
02AFF1 - X Coordinates of Character Stats when you try to use a healing item
02AFF2 - Y Coordinates of Character Stats when you try to use a healing item
02B045 - Y Coordinate of PC 1
02B047 - Y Coordinate of PC 2
02B049 - Y Coordinate of PC 3
02B046 - X Coordinate of PC1
02B048 - X Coordinate of PC2
02B04A - X Coordinate of PC3

02B05F - Length of Item Names !
02B06A - Symbol to use for dividing the item name and the # (:)
02B06C - X coordinate of :?
02B075 - Number of items that can be held (11 = 2 digits) (22 = 3 digits) (25 = 255 max)

3FC068 - X Coordinates of Use/Move     Organize
3FC069 - Y Coordinates of Use/Move     Organize
3FC06E - Item Icon X Editing
3FC06F - Item Icon Y Editing
3FC072 - Menu X Coordinates
3FC073 - Menu Y Coordinates
3FC077 - Use/Move and Item Description Box X Coordinates
3FC078 - Use/Move and Item Description Box Y Coordinates
3FC079 - Use/Move and Item Description Box Width
3FC07C - Item Description Box X Coordinates?
3FC07D - Item Description Box Y Coordinates
3FC07E - Item Description Box X Coordinates
3FC080 - Item Description Box WIDTH
3FC085 - Item List Box X Coordiantes
3FC086 - Item List Box Y Coordinates
3FC087 - Item List Box Width
3FC088 - Item List Box Height
3FC0A3 - HDMA Effects Pointer

3FC0AC - Character Box X Coordinates
3FC0AD - Character Box Y Coordinates

3FC0AE - Character Box Width
3FC0AF - Character Box Height

Tech Menu Editing
02B350 - Beginning of Routine? - Stopped at 2B3E0

02B5EA - Change this to affect how much data scrolls over?
02B642 - How much data it reads on the right
02B67A - Ending data for character stats

02B5F8 - Change to 0B for it to get more data on the right
02B580 - Change to 04 \
02B5EF - Change to 04  > Change these to 04 for the name to not scroll strangely
02B5AF - Change to 04 /

02B5B0 - X Coordinate of Character stats when scrolling
02B5B4 - X Coordinate of 2nd half character stats
02B585 - X Coordinate of Character Stats when scrolling back up

02B5F0 - X Coordinate of Character Stats
02B5F1 - Y Coordinate of Character Stats

02B5F8 - How much data it copies from the right when you scroll

02B901 - Color of healing techs
02B90D - Color of * of healing techs

02BDE4 - Length of Tech Names?

02BB0B - X Coordinates of Characters
02BB1A - Y Coordinates of Characters

02B9FF - Y Coordinates of PC1 when you select for tech
02BA00 - X Coordinates of PC1 when you select for tech

02BB3B - X Coordinate of Mp Used "#" when you select someone to view techs
02BB4C - X Coordinate of Second/Third Character for dual/triple tech viewing

02BA74 - X Coordinates of Character Stats
02BA75 - Y Coordinates of Character Stats
02BB8A - X Coordinate of Character Stats when you select someone to view techs

02BADC - X Coordinate of Triangle Pointer
02BADD - Y Coordinate of Triangle Pointer

02BD40 - Tech Labels, 01 = Crono's 09 = Lucca's, etc etc

02BD6F - X Coordinates of Techs
02BD70 - Y Coordinates of Techs

02BEDO - X Coordinate of Stats / Tech 1 2 3 when you select someone's tech to heal
02BED1 - Y Coordinate of Stats / Tech 1 2 3 when you select someone's tech to heal

02BE91 - X Coordinate of Character Stats (In Character Column) when choosing to heal someone

02BF31 - Y Coordinate of PC 1 when you want to heal him/her
02BF33 - Y Coordinate of PC 2 when you want to heal him/her
02BF35 - Y Coordinate of PC 3 when you want to heal him/her
02BF30 - X Coordinate of PC 1 when you want to heal him/her
02BF32 - X Coordinate of PC 2 when you want to heal him/her
02BF34 - X Coordinate of PC 3 when you want to heal him/her

3FBFAB - Tech 1 2 3 X Coordinate
3FBFAC - Tech 1 2 3 Y Coordinate
3FBFAF - Menu X Coordinates
3FBFB4 - Character Area Box X Coordinate
3FBFB5 - Character Area Box Y Coordinate
3FBFB6 - Character Area Width
3FBFB7 - Character Area Height
3FBFBB - Tech 1 2 3 Box X Coordinates
3FBFBC - Tech 1 2 3 Box Y Coordinates
3FBFBD - Tech 1 2 3 Box Width
3FBFBE - Tech 1 2 3 Box Height
3FBFC2 - Techs Box X Coordinate
3FBFC3 - Techs Box Y Coordinate
3FBFC4 - Techs Box Width
3FBFC5 - Techs Box Height
3FBFC9 - Tech Description Box X Coordinate
3FBFCA - Tech Description Box Y Coordinate
3FBFCB - Tech Description Box Width Coordinate
3FBFCC - Tech Description Box Height Coordinate
3FBFD7 - Tech Menu HDMA Color Pointers
3FC016 - Something to do with other HDMA
3FC01C - Tech Menu Hand Pointer?
3FC022 - Character Stats X Coordinate
3FC023 - Character Stats Y Coordinate

3FB7A6 - Hand X coordinate (There's 8 in total you have to change - 6 Bytes Each) ~Mauron~
3FB7A7 - Hand Y coordinate (There's 8 in total you have to change - 6 Bytes Each) ~Mauron~

3FB7D6 - Hand X Coordinate when you choose to heal someone.  (There's 3 in total you have to change - 6 Bytes Each) ~Mauron~

3FB7E8 - Hand X Coordinate PC 1
3FB7E9 - Hand Y Coordinate PC 1

3FB7EE - Hand X Coordinate PC 2
3FB7EF - Hand Y Coordinate PC 2

3FB7F4 - Hand X Coordinate PC 3
3FB7F5 - Hand Y Coordinate PC 3

Exchange Menu Data
02C5E0 - Beginning of routine data?

02C7A1 - Change to 08 for it to copy all data

3FBF51 - Exchange Text Selection
3FBF53/3FBF49 - Exchange X coordinates
3FBF54 - Exchange Y coordinates
3FBF57 - Box X Coordinates
3FBF58 - Box Y Coordinates
3FBF63 - Box X Coordinates 2?  Removes the 2nd half
3FBF64 - Box Y Coordinates 2?  Removes the 2nd half
3FBF65 - HDMA Movement?
3FBF66 - Box Height

02C76A - How much data it reads from the left?

02CDDD - X Coordinate of PC 1's stats
02CDDE - Y Coordinate of PC 1's stats

02CDDF - X Coordinate of PC 2's stats
02CDE0 - Y Coordinate of PC 2's stats

02CDE1 - X Coordinate of PC 3's stats
02CDE2 - Y Coordinate of PC 3's stats

02CAFF - Original A9, change to AA maybe for it to have a perfect HDMA in exchange?
02CB19 - X Coordinate of Hand in Exchange Menu

Save Menu Editing
02D06C - Around here has something to do with all the text
02D14E - Chapter Names

3FC101 - Location Box X Coordinates
3FC102 - Location Box Y Coordinates
3FC103 - Location Box Width
3FC104 - Location Box Height
3FC108 - Character Stat Box X Coordinates
3FC109 - Character Stat Box Y Coordinates
3FC10A - Character Stat Box Width
3FC10B - Character Stat Box Height
3FC15F - X Coordinate of "Time" "Save #: ###" and "######## G"
3FC135 - HDMA Effects Pointer
3FC16B - Character Stats X Coordinate
3FC16C - Character Stats Y Coordinate

Settings Menu Editing
3FC1BD - Background Box Editing

Shopping Menu Editing
3FC225 - Background Box Editing


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #160 on: March 29, 2009, 06:40:56 pm »
Found the area of the tech menu issue. It's somewhere in this range: 3FBD08-3FBD17

Edit: 3FBD0B-3FBD0C: 09 F6
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 07:21:45 pm by Mauron »


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #161 on: March 29, 2009, 07:39:34 pm »
Jees, all the way down there?  I didn't expect it to be in that range.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #162 on: March 29, 2009, 07:47:30 pm »
I just set an execute breakpoint on C2F373, and started zeroing out the areas it returned.


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #163 on: March 29, 2009, 08:01:59 pm »
It actually returned values?

Quote from: Snes9X
$C2/F373 54 7E FF    MVN 7E FF               A:0021 X:B808 Y:9100 P:eNvMxdizc
- That's all I get


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Re: 6 Letters Available! (Complete!) - Now Doing 7!
« Reply #164 on: March 29, 2009, 08:05:33 pm »
Oh, sorry for not being clear. The X register holds the location in bank FF that starts the section, and the accumulator (A) holds the length of the area. The Y register holds the destination in memory.

In your quote, it's telling you that the data range is FFB808-FFB829.