Character Design - Chrome-dome with an attitude. I guess it's KIND of interesting...but it seems rather basic to me...I think I like his original design just a bit more though...Not sure how I feel about Jyakotu as a name though...but "Viper" is kind of lame too now that I think about it...*shrugs*
Combat Usefulness - ANOTHER sword-wielder, but he's got an original weapon that looks like an anchor (*UGH*)...G-Force & AirForce are kinda meh Techs, but the cool thing about FlagBearer is that you get a Dragoon's Glory when you get it and thus, you can get an unlimited amount of Dragoon's Glory in one game. It's not, like, the best accessory or anything, but it's a nifty little glitch.
Tilt Factor - He's a general who has ties to the mainland and stuff or something...He has a history with Fargo and the other older original Dragoon Divas or w/e they were called. As for his actual character, we know little outside of him caring (?) about his daughter...I mean, I don't even think we ever even get any information on Riddel's mother the entire game...But w/e...Another character that feels like he would have been better staying an NPC...
Final Grade - C