Author Topic: I think TS is about to die  (Read 1802 times)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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I think TS is about to die
« on: November 18, 2007, 10:14:27 am »
my payment is due, and i dont got the money for it ($20).

if anyone would like to donate, please say so.

quallity games are at that site, such as Side Scroller Maker, Text-RPG-Maker, and others will be up soon, as i have an interest in making things for cell phones right now (my nokia 5300 rules)

anyway, go to, and check it out. if you would like to help an aspireing game creator with his dream, now is your chance.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 04:22:41 pm by Sora »


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 01:02:43 pm »
By the looks of that link, it already is.


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 04:23:14 pm »
arg, i had .com and not .net >.< now try


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2007, 10:27:09 pm »
donate to TS, because you dont want me spaming my geocite (lol)


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 01:33:55 am »
give me money or ill annoy you and spam!

your site sucks no one will donate.
design is crap, information on things is false (eva trailer) and side scrollers dont take long to program once you know the related syntax for drawing and animating things on screen.

get over it now or it will plague your mind later when you will look back at it and wince.


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 03:38:57 am »
The Compendiums thoughts on Twilightskies thought the ages

I don't think you're ready to start a site. Why not join an existing one?


Not a good idea to make a site revolve around you. :P

Insert my two cents here.

cause no one else has the cool forum design like mine, and also, no one has all the topics i like.
Too true. Sorry, but your website design isn't that great. It is very...amateurish. I know it is slack to compare it to huge corporations, but most websites succeed due to good design. Like, look at Google. Or Apple. Or Cocacola. People don't want random animated GIF's and a gradient colour background. They want simplicity: easy to use but awesome to look at. Something which isn't a gimmick and won't get repetitive after a while. There's a maddox article somewhere about easy to use websites. Find it.

Short version: You're a fucking idiot. If you're going to be lazy and inept and start yet another worthless forum with no purpose other than to pet your own ego, then try at least stringing some actual words together, you worthless fuck.

Don't you get it? It doesn't matter if there's another site with 10000+ members. No site is perfect. If there's something you want to do, then just do it better. And if you can't, then spend a few bucks on some O'Reilly books and learn how to.

Resigning yourself to starting yet another generic Anime/Game/Miscellaneous forum and scrumming around the bottom of the barrel for whatever sycophants are willing to hop on board in return for being moderators in order to try and make a popular message board is just a waste of time. Not only will you probably fail at building a community of any substantial size or purpose, but there's a lot of suck-ups out there who will turn around and bite you in the ass several months down the road. That's why the only people you should have moderating anything for the first few months should be people you've built decent relations with and can trust.

Honestly, if you have a hard time finding forums that interests you, then you ought to just keep a one-forum message board for you and any friends you have to chat it up, role-play, and share interesting stuff -- no rules, no moderators, just whatever. Forget about trying to make it popular or big. Hell, instead of trying to get people to come, you should make membership by referral or invite only.

Sorry but Ramsus is right. Your site is doomed to fail. Someone will eventually find it...but won't bother joining it. Why? Because there are a billion others sites like that. And sorry to break your spirit, but the design isn't cool. It is exactly like every other anime site out there, and every other anime site out there is also failing.

Fuck the whole anime idea and keep to making games. Maybe after your skill and experience grow, your games will grow in fame.

Or, instead of making a general anime website which god knows the internet doesn't need more of, focus on a specific aspect of anime (four person bondage hentai?) or a anime show. Maybe then people with similar interests will begin to pile up.

Oh, and lose the name Twilight Skies. Too cliche.

looks like crap.
repeating background picture is too small, colours have no contrast, comic isn't centered, you repeat the links when you don't have to and the whole thing is right aligned.
other than looking like a amateur job and various flaws in the drawings it loads slowly for a site that isn't graphic intensive.

it's doubtful that anyone here cares what it looks like or even reads it.

Ahhh. It all makes senses now. You are TwilightSkies. I was wondering where you went off to.
I can't say I'm super excited your back though. Don't take that the wrong way.

As far as this site goes, it's alright I guess. Nothing too great, or too special. But I've definitely seen much worse.
It's just a little too BLUE for me though.

Wow. You call that kind of thing a 'site', now?

By the looks already is.
*Edited for better effect

your site sucks no one will donate.
design is crap, information on things is false (eva trailer) and side scrollers dont take long to program once you know the related syntax for drawing and animating things on screen.

get over it now or it will plague your mind later when you will look back at it and wince.

Twilightskies is like the Compendiums red-headed Step childe.


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 04:22:43 am »
I laughed out loud at the Ramsus one.

Oh fuck, how I love that quote.


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Re: I think TS is about to die
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2007, 12:28:05 am »
I think, Twilight Skies, that apart from you no one gives a damn.