Author Topic: Christmas release?  (Read 9287 times)


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2007, 06:28:58 pm »
  • Perhaps layer 3 can be used with Denadoro to give the effect of water beyond a shore. In any case, that idea sounds fine.
  • When I mapped the beast's nest, the final area to the right of the second map is what I had in mind for the boss battle.
  • That works for Zeal Palace. I'll write some dialogue now for what's missing.
  • Originally, one of those rooms was supposed to be Magus's, with a guard blocking the other one. The current system works fine, but there is a lot of black space there. We can just stick two guards in front of each and say those rooms are reserved for the seneschal (Dalton) and a high attendant or something.
  • To explain why Queen Zeal is still in the "Lesser Glory" bedroom on the right, I'll write a line of dialogue for the guard in her room stating that ever since King Zeal died, she moved into the lesser room and has never returned to the old one. What i"m trying to avoid is the idea that the woman stays in the lesser room and the man stays in the bigger, so we don't have any overt sexism. So the lesser room is reserved for royal family, but the Queen and King should stay in the bigger. She just stays out because of King Zeal's death and its emotional effect.
  • What should we put as the ending sequence?

I'll get to writing that dialogue tonight. Once everything is done, we can add varied music in certain places (if applicable) so Zeal Palace isn't overused too much. Perhaps JCE can make remixes, or we can implement Far Promise ~ Dream Shore somewhere.


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2007, 11:17:43 pm »
Zeal Palace Bedroom Guards

This is the Greater Glory bedroom,
reserved for the principal rulers of
Zeal. None may enter.{full break}
The Queen moved out to the
other room after King Zeal's death
and has not stepped foot in here
since. A sad aura pervades it...{null}

This is the Lesser Glory bedroom,
reserved for non-heir relatives of
the royal family.{full break}
As Queen Zeal's personal quarters,
you are not allowed in except
with her permission.{null}

(Also in the bedroom, let's just put one person on the middle platform at the beginning so it's not totally empty)


It's peaceful here.
The walls, the floor...everything
is soundproofed from the bustle
of the palace.{null}

Lesser Glory Room After You Get Back from Mt. Woe


Heard there's some heavy
construction going on in one of
the Ocean Palace locks today.{full break}
Once Belthasar ditched, Dalton
ordered the slaves to work twice
as hard. He's really pushing to
finish up early.{null}

Zeal Palace Regular Dialogue (once the NPCs are thinned out; these work for any nPC except for the plant lady and a Nu)

(Plant lady)
Hello, visitor.
Have you come to see our gardens?{full break}
Melchior gave me this plant two
weeks ago for my care. He says
it can survive in the most harsh
conditions.{full break}
If he's right, and the earth below
is just sleeping, then one day the
snow will stop and the land will be
like Zeal. It's a viridian wish...{null}

...{delay 03}
Oh, he'll be back, Nu.{null} (deliberately weird, cryptic message not referring to anything in particular)

The cerulean lake is such a nice
retreat. And the palace rises over
with dominion of earth, water, and

Such pale skin...?
Have you come from the land of
snow and ice?{null}

In addition to the Ocean Palace, I've
heard the Gurus are working on
more extravagant inventions.{full break}
But what else do we need once
we're immortal?{null}

I've watched the Earthbound time
to time. They emerge from the caves
in the dead of the day, hunt for sluggish
beasts, and scurry back to safety.{full break}
How can people such as that have
dreams and hopes as we do?{null}

Queen Zeal hit one of her aides last
week. It's something you're not
supposed to talk about, but considering
she did it in front of everyone...{null}

Gaspar and Belthasar sometimes
keep Nu, but I've seen Melchior with
uncanny beings unlike anything else.{null}

Schala's taken good care of Janus,
but even her warmth can't heal his

Dalton rose through the ranks with
a bad attitude. Someone should put
that jerk in his place.{null}

Hallway to the Mammon Machine (one woman)

The moment they turned on the
machine months ago, the entire
palace felt alive.{full break}
Such is the magnitude of even
a drop of the god Lavos's crimson

Hall of the Mammon Machine (just 3 people in there)


They say if you put your ear to
the machine, you can hear a
faint whisper...{null}


This is the great fire of our
ancestors, which set aflame
the dormant earth and created
our fortunes.{full break}
Once lost, that life-giving fire
now fuels our dreams again.{null}


It feels great in here, but...
Could I ever fall asleep by this
thing? No way. The vibrations are
just a little too overwhelming.{null}

POST-Prophet Audience (once Zeal approves of his prophethood; only a few people in each location will actually have changed dialogue)


(Welcome to the city of dreams guy now says...)

Aha, so you're a Prophet!
Do your visions come in dreams?
We must research this possibility!{null}

(Poyozo now says...)

Heard about the news.
So you're a Prophet, eh?
Well, the seals it. Fate exists,
and all our lives are predetermined...{full break}
{Magus}: ...{delay 02}
If a sage knows the future, can
he not then act to change it?{null}

(Our magnificent king woman now says...)

A Prophet...
Can you tell me...will my love
grow? Shall I realize my goals
in the near future?{full break}
I will seek the answers in dreams...{null}


(What a raw aura! woman now says...)

So, a Prophet...
I wonder if such an ability is
normal with that kind of
raw magical power?{null}

(The Mammon Machine was designed scientist now says...)

I've heard you are a Prophet.
How unscientific...{full break}
But if the Queen vouches for you,
and welcomes you as guest...
Then there must be some merit
to your claim.{null}

(The Gurus were close guy now says...)

If only you had been on that
fateful journey. Perhaps you might
have felt the Black Wind around
the King, and prevented his death...

Zeal Palace

(Dalton rose through the ranks person now says...)

Wow, your first day here and
you're in the Queen's good graces.
That's gonna make you-know-who
pretty angry.{null}

(Queen Zeal hit one of her aides now says...)

I knew I felt something strange
about you. Will you reveal my
fortunes?{full break}
{Magus}: ...Zeal has but one{line break}
fortune for everyone.{null}

(Such pale skin...? now says...)

I find it hard to believe that
anyone other than an Enlightened
One could possess clairvoyance...{null}

(They say if you put your ear woman in the hall now says...)

Ah, so you can hear the whispers
of time's will...{full break}
Lavos has brought us energy, and
now, a teller of fate. Oh, what
a glorious being...{null} (haha, yes, Lavos did bring Magus to Zeal, after all)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2007, 11:50:13 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2007, 05:20:33 am »
Give me the word and I'll make the map. Is there an ocean in that tileset or could I use the Zenan Bridge tileset?
I was thinking about the tileset from {094} Denadoro Mountain Vista, something not huge, perhaps just one screen wide, with the sky at the top, a bit of grass/cliff in the middle and water (layer 3) at the bottom of the screen. However, I just checked the map and the layer 3 appears to be all black because of the palette... But I'm pretty sure it's not a problem. If you make a map with the clouds and cliff, we can probably palette-hack the rest so that we can add a layer 3.

As for the ending sequence... I don't know, here's a suggestion. Perhaps a few, short replays of the game's cutscenes in addition to relevant cutscenes from CT and the "What the Prophet seeks" ending. With no text, a sepia color overlay, and alternating with credits. I guess the last of these cutscenes could be Magus facing the party at North Cape. Then the screen fades to black and we can perhaps show some kind of line from Magus paralleling Schala's "I will find you" line at the end of CC, except this one would be more bitter and probably directed to Lavos, fate, or whatever, rather than Schala, since it's pre-"Magil".

It would be awesome if we could insert an ending artwork before that line, to parallel both the "Schala Kid on the beach" ending clip and the Japanese CT ending artwork... but we don't have a nice Magus/Prophet artwork at our disposal, do we?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 05:23:36 am by Chrono'99 »


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2007, 03:02:13 pm »
If maggiekarp has the free time, she might be willing to draw some art. I'll ask her about doing something with the height and width of the Retranslation end screen.

What should it depict? Magus staring out to the sea on the North Cape? I wonder how many colors we're limited to...


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2007, 04:07:53 pm »
Whaddaya think of this? I can research the artist and see if contact info is available if you guys happen to find it of interest.

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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2007, 06:20:16 pm »
Woah, awesome stuff. It's not North Cape, but it's so neat that it probably doesn't really matter (this just adds to the ambiguity of the ending line); it's definitely a fitting artwork (well in my opinion).


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2007, 06:30:39 pm »
The artist was identified somewhere on this forum, but I'm having a very difficult time finding it. I know that Lord J posted in that thread, and it started as a "who drew this" thing.


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2007, 06:48:13 pm »
I'm not sure if we'll have NPCs there or if it'll be a free walking kind of thing, but if we do have people at the Cerulean lake...let's say two...

The source of Zeal's waterfalls and
lakes lies deep beneath here.
Past a certain point, the water
bubbles up or runs out below.{null}

When Zeal sails through storms,
the view from here is amazing. You
can see lightning strike the palace.{null}


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2007, 06:59:44 pm »
With regard to that Magus art, it's signed JD for Julie Dillon.

You can see the Magus pic waaay at the bottom there. What a great artist!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 07:04:22 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2007, 07:29:27 pm »
I e-mailed her about using it.


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2007, 07:37:28 pm »
Oops, I forgot about changing the status screen portrait. Would adding in a new one be very easy? Maggiekarp draws Magus all the freaking time and could probably make a great one by tomorrow. From what I recall, though, my tutorial on adding in new portraits doesn't work because one of the colors is always transparent, and that causes problems.


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2007, 07:51:21 pm »
If you wanna make him look like Nosferatu, there's always this.

But that's probably not what you're going for.

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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2007, 02:09:48 am »
Janus, Queen Zeal, Schala, and finally Magus will staff the tiers from bottom to top; the screen will fade to black and then illuminate for Magus's appearance, at which point the textbox will come up.
Is the part I bolded still in?

{164} - Skyway leading to Kajar

(I wasn't aware Enhasa was throwing a
costume ball today...){full break}
Wha? Oh, uh, nothing...
Going to Kajar, I presume?{null}
Is this line still going to be in, or has it been replaced by the "Another lovely day, isn't it?" line?
Edit-I just realized that I thought this line was supposed to be in the land bridge for so long!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 04:39:40 am by Vehek »


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2007, 02:25:37 am »
I guess it's been replaced...perhaps it should be revived, though. It's a lot more interesting.


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Re: Christmas release?
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2007, 04:06:30 am »
Good news. Julie Dillon cleared the use of her Magus artwork in the hack!!