Author Topic: 12/06/07 Info! Update 1  (Read 2538 times)


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12/06/07 Info! Update 1
« on: December 06, 2007, 03:13:02 pm »
Early start on hacking. Serena now has her own stats like David does. She is higher in her magic ability than Marle is, But is much weaker physically.

One thing to note is, If David levels, Crono Levels and vice versa, nothing I can do about that.

Now it's time to back up my hack and clean up this code to make it look better.

Or not.. Moving the stuff around didn't help one bit.  Gotta move back to my backed up rom.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 03:31:45 pm by Shinrin »


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Re: 12/06/07 Info! Update 1
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 03:13:59 pm »
Couldn't you just set it that once Crono and crew are there, you tell it to change the memory location of their stats back down to the original or something else?


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Re: 12/06/07 Info! Update 1
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2007, 03:33:18 pm »
I have to do the same thing i did with these, except doing it reverse. If it was only that easy.


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Re: 12/06/07 Info! Update 1
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2007, 06:19:10 pm »
Isn't it that easy?  Well somewhat...If you want to preserve his stats, couldn't you throw it in empty memory locations and call them up in later events?


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Re: 12/06/07 Info! Update 1
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2007, 12:11:30 am »
I had to forward these stats over to a diffrent memory location, then add or subtract from the stats, then had to move them back to the original memory location. Now this is kinda hard to explain, so i hope I don't lose ya.

Alright, Justin asked a question about why don't you move the original stats to another location to store them so you can move them back. The problem with this lies within Leveling, Lets say i move Crono's stats to.... lets see for example 7f0100 and so on.

Since i base the new stats off of Crono initial level if David we're to level up to 2 and the 1999 ad scene is over with, then i move the stuff from 7f0100 back to crono's information, Crono will be level 2 with initial stats. which would mean he'll be weaken.

Now I could try one other thing, but it'd be a lot more complicated that what i've already done...

One more thing the way i'm doing this is really sensitive about changing. Earlier I was messing with marle's stats, and I check after each stat was changed. The thing is, I had everything working at one point, then i changed one of her stats, and the next thing i knew none of it was working. o.O I would either had to change one thing or another to let the stat change.

Also I tried to fix my code so things would look neater if someone happen to open it up in TF. Then the whole thing wouldn't work. See why i say it was sensitive.

Now I'm going to try and see if I can do what Justin said, but with a twist. This means copying and moving Levels, exp,  learned techs and everything else besides stats over. This will be a challenge in it self I'm not sure i can pull it off. Anyway I'm off to see if i can get it to work.

Edit: The way Justin said will not work. 1) it wouldn't be new game + compatable, Meaning David and co will only start off at level 1 while Crono and co could be level 99. :P 2) If you play this game on the real thing, there'd might be a problem with the data being lost when you turn off the system.

Now my way will work with New game + Since it just uses the stats you start off with and add and subtracts from it, Plus you'd don't have to worry about losing Crono and co's stats or David and Co's stats on turning off the system.

I just came up with this while talking to Justin on AIM. Nice Idea, but it won't work

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, as of right now David and Co's stats are tweaked in a way where you can't max out your stats for them. I'm gonna look into this to make sure you can. Just a matter of comparing if a certain stat is at  **/99 or not in hex that would be 63. so I'll do a Comparison 7e260b != 63 then it will add or subtract from that. now for hp (mp should be 0063 since mp using two bites for some strange reason) will be 3E7...

More to come as i can get it right in my head.. I can code it, but explaining it is different.

Edit 2: Alright, I've figure out more good stuff I can do with this, I'll use an Location Event just for Stat changing, this will save on space and will be a less of a pain to do this. Here's hoping!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2007, 01:08:46 am by Shinrin »