Author Topic: Chrono Sinners  (Read 4305 times)


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Chrono Sinners
« on: December 11, 2007, 12:56:14 am »
I saw a topic like this on the Gamefaqs forums. I didn't like the main response, but the idea intrigued me. Match each of the seven PCs of Chrono Trigger with one of the seven deadly sins! Please explain your answer.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2007, 01:55:29 am »
ROBO-Can`t sin he a cool robot

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2007, 03:18:36 am »
ROBO-Can`t sin he a cool robot

Hmm.... disagree.
What are the seven again? Sloth, gluttony, lust, envy, wrath, pride, greed.
But Crono definitely doesn't belong with sloth.

Lucca - Pride
Why? Because she is very proud. Doesn't she call herself Lucca the Great? Doesn't she, when Marle says how smart she is, say 'isn't it the truth'. If there's anyone with the chance of being overproud, it's her.

Glenn - Wrath
He actually isn't that proud of a character, and seems really too hard on himself to have that kind of a flaw. However, he is really angry: angry at himself, and angry at Janus. He does overcome this, but if there is anyone capable of falling prey to anger, it's Glenn. Janus is too... self controlled to really let his anger rule him. Other emotions are his downfall. So definitely Glenn is wrath.

Janus - Sloth
Defining it as melancholy and all that, that's Janus alright.

Ayla - Lust
Definitely. Her desire to keep living, keep doing things, the very reverse of sloth, can lead her to the realm of too much passion, to lust. Therefore this best matches her. Gluttony tends to be a more material lust for things, like food, but hers is also psychological: she has an entirely passionate nature that is subject to lust.

Crono - Gluttony
Crono is tough to peg. Of the last three I think that gluttony best describes him, but he's also close to Lust and Wrath. I think all of those fit him. But seeing the way he acted at the fair with the food... and how he drank all that soup... he might tend to be a glutton. I'd really peg him more for Wrath, but seeing as that's taken, for now I'll let it be gluttony.

That leaves Greed and Envy for Marle and Robo. But do those fit either? I'll try to make them fit, but really, I think Marle's outgoing attitude tends more to Lust. But I'll set her to Greed just because I have more of a thought to set Robo to Envy. Why? Maybe he desires to be human...

Robo - Envy
He's a robot, so he probably desires to be human. That might then be his sin.

Marle - Greed
Truth, she's probably Lust like Ayla. But I've had to set her for Greed. I suppose it could be explained that she desires a lot of things that she doesn't have. She wants to be free. That's Envy, I suppose, but it seems she less dislikes others for it and more simply wants things. So it's Greed.

So, whatchya all think of that ordering?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 03:25:16 am by Daniel Krispin »


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2007, 10:56:05 am »
These things are tough to peg. You justified your answers very nicely, though, I can definitely see where you're coming from


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 05:37:27 pm »
Hmm...weird thread...It WOULD have to come from GameFAQs, wouldn't it...V_V

I'll go through 'em if I can...I'll add the virtues if I can...

Crono - VICES - I'll go with either Sloth because of all the sleeping or maybe Greed from all the EXP hogging he does in the beginning by being the default character. HA!
VIRTUES - Oddly enough, the opposite of Sloth, Diligence is apt for Crono for going through the whole mess in the first place and Kindness because, hell, he saves everyone's ass at the cost of his own life!

Lucca - VICES - Pride though when she displays it, it's mostly just kind of jokingly self-debasing...same with Envy. Maybe a Greed for knowledge.
VIRTUES - I think she displays quite a few during the course of the game, Charity, Diligence, Kindness and especially Forgiveness for what machines have done.

Marle - VICES - She's Envy all over, no debate for any of the others really. She wants out of what she sees as her boring, stuffy life.
VIRTUES - Humility, Charity and definately Kindness. She's the perky helpful girl of the group who always wants Crono to do the right thing for the right reason because people are getting shafted somewhere for no good reason.

Frog/Glenn - VICES - Oddly enough, or I should say fittingly enough, Glenn shares a main vice with Magus in the form of Wrath. He wants revenge, but in the beginning, I'd say he's much more Sloth  because all he does is cry about how he misses Cyrus in his hole in the ground...
VIRTUES - He displays Kindness and a mild amount of Humility...but in the end, I think he comes to some kind of Forgiveness (at least, if you accept Magus's criticism of Crono)...or, I suppose you could say he forgives himself in the end.

Robo - VICES - If any, I'd go for Pride, but it's all for his newfound friends, so it's barely a sin at all really. Maybe a little Wrath at the Mother Brain for having to shut down Atropos and all the other insane crap she was doing.
VIRTUES - Chastity & Temperance easy. Who's he gonna have sex with and what's he gonna eat? lol. Kindness and definitely Diligence...400 years! For a stupid forest that only a handful of nuns are using!

Ayla - VICES - Lust most easily. She wants to do it with everything, doesn't she? I mean, just look at that outfit. She's gonna die in the Ice Age. Maybe Gluttony if you take it to be "Soup"...Also, probably a little Sloth or Pride.
VIRTUES - Charity, Diligence (they pretty much all get that one for going through the whole mess), Kindness...and definitely Forgiveness for that final farewell with Azala.

Magus - VICES - He had some Pride as a kid, thinking he was above everything, perhaps...but eventually he's Wrath incarnate. While many people like to think he's doing everything out of the love of his sister and wanting to be reunited (cause it feels so good),  and while that's kind of true because everything he loved and knew was taken away from him, really, he's out for REVENGE! He wants to take Lavos down no matter what the cost.
VIRTUES - While he's got Wrath all over, he's also the most Diligent of the group. Lord (/Kato) knows how many years he spent on his quest for vengeance...he even pretty much gave up on his own species.

Oh, and according to Wikipedia...

Vice                    Virtue
Lust                Chastity
Gluttony    Temperance
Greed              Charity
Sloth               Diligence
Wrath            Forgiveness
Envy              Kindness
Pride                Humility
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 05:42:54 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2007, 06:25:55 pm »
Actually, this seems fairly easy to peg down.

Gluttony: Ayla is rather gluttonous. When people show up on your doorstep and want something of yours, do you challenge them to an eating/drinking contest? Or when a friggenly huge frog shows up, do you ask if you can eat it?

Lust: Robo, oddly enough, fits this category rather well. For one, the title of "Sex Machine" would actually be rather fitting for him. Additionally, his main squeeze is Atropos, a robot. Having a mechanical girlfriend seems to be just a step better than having an inflatable girlfriend.

Greed: Lucca is all about the money. No one else has two shows set up at the Fair, she has designed a fighting robot (Gato) that reeks of military applications (thus, government funding), and even her father/mother are concerned with money!

Sloth: Chrono was apparently too lazy to develop a personality or even utter a single line in the entire game. Jeez, he puts sloths to shame!

Wrath: Who is dangerous, green, and someone you don't want to be angry? Frog, aka the Hulk! He has two emotions; self-pity and wrath. As Self-pity isn't a deadly sin...

Envy: The entire game starts off with Marle wanting to be something she's not. She is the daughter of the most powerful political figure in her world and she still wants more!

Pride: Magus... does he even need an explanation?

Just a sinful,



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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 10:09:09 pm »
Thought provoking...Lets see what I can do:
Lust: Ayla. Most people understandably want to put her with Gluttony, but she's the only one in the whole game that talks about sex. She makes references to having babies, and she even comes on to Chrono as well as Marle and Lucca. Not to mention she's dressed the skimpiest of all.
Gluttony: Crono. He eats the most of anyone in the game, and he even gets a really fancy food platter named after him.
Greed: Robo. Despite being a Robot not subject to needs and desires as we know them, Robo did want one thing above all: a soul. He tried to make friends with everyone even when he knew they were bad (The R series), he tried to foster love with another Robot (Atropos), he devoted himself to help nature (Fiona sidequest), and he even gave up his existence to help constrain FATE. These events, while noble, were all in reaction to his futile desire for a true human soul. (OK, its a stretch, but I fit everyone else first and I needed one more for Greed).

Sloth: Lucca. Her whole penchant for creating machines was due to her feeling she was too slow to help her mother. She was constantly reacting to this sin in her life by being over active and quite prolific in creation.
Wrath: Magus. The very force driving his life was his hatred of Lavos and desire for revenge. He sold his soul for the chance for vengeance.
Envy: Marle. As a princess she wasn't able to leave the castle or make friends on her own. She undoubtedly was jealous of the people outside the castle that could roam the countryside and go on adventures.
Pride: Frog. Its a fault that he recognizes even in himself, it's what lead him to blame himself for failing Cyrus (he thought he could have actually beaten Magus and saved Cyrus). And he prides himself on his sword skills more then anyone else in the game.  Most of the game is him reacting to this self perceived sin.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2007, 10:19:17 pm »
Sloth for Lucca? No, that doesn't make sense. She doesn't feel like she's too slow, but not smart enough. That's why she began her study of machines. For the knowledge to prevent future disasters. Besides, she's one of the more diligent of the party (always hanging around Crono even though she knows it's not going anywhere) by fixing Robo all the time and crap. lol


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2007, 11:04:33 pm »
Sloth for Lucca? No, that doesn't make sense. She doesn't feel like she's too slow, but not smart enough. That's why she began her study of machines. For the knowledge to prevent future disasters. Besides, she's one of the more diligent of the party (always hanging around Crono even though she knows it's not going anywhere) by fixing Robo all the time and crap. lol

Exactly. She's overcompensating for Sloth with Diligence. Just like Frog overcompensates for Pride with Humility.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2007, 06:58:18 pm »
Just because you have the Virtue that doesn't mean you're overcompensating for the Vice. She was a little girl who had no business knowing how to stop the machine. Her not knowing doesn't make her Vice Sloth. If anything, she's compensating for Wrath because she used to hate machines. Or, like I suggested, she's Greedy for knowledge.

And I don't know about Frog having all that Humility or Pride...He shows more Wrath & Forgiveness than anything else.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2007, 07:52:27 pm »
Just because you have the Virtue that doesn't mean you're overcompensating for the Vice. She was a little girl who had no business knowing how to stop the machine. Her not knowing doesn't make her Vice Sloth. If anything, she's compensating for Wrath because she used to hate machines. Or, like I suggested, she's Greedy for knowledge.

And I don't know about Frog having all that Humility or Pride...He shows more Wrath & Forgiveness than anything else.

With Frog and Lucca their characters were reacting to self perceived sin. I agree they weren't actually there, but because the characters thought they were their lives were shaped accordingly. While as an outsider we can see that Lucca was just a little girl that couldn't help her mother, or that Glenn could not defeat Magus at the time it does not mean that the character's themselves would feel the same way.

Also if you look at the way the event of saving Lara was set up you can see it was a timed event: if Lucca is quick enough to discover the way to shut off the machine she saves her mother, if not then history continues on. 

As for Frog, he was so ashamed at his inability to protect Cyrus that his pride as a knight was damaged, and it was futher damaged by him thinking it was his fault that Leene got captured by Yakra. It was a foolish sense of pride that caused his emotional distress twice over, however after talking with Cyrus' ghost he was able to come to terms with his true stenghts and true limits and he was resolved anew. Hence the Granleon/Masamune grew more powerful in his hands.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2007, 08:46:55 pm »
Lil Lucca also needs to know the password. She can only know that if she happened to read a specific scrap of paper (I believe in the kitchen or something). Big Lucca found it. Little Lucca didn't even seem to know there was a passcode at all because all she tries to do is get her mother out. As Big Lucca, we get to read Taban's note and have access to the passcode imput station.

Speaking of that scene...I wonder if anyone ever, the first time, were forced to look in on the scene from the upper balcony...There's another heart-wrencher for ya Big Lucca! V_V

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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2007, 03:46:53 am »
Envy: Lucca does not feel this toward Crono and Marle perse, but rather to the fact that while they have each other, she has NO ONE. Also, as Magus puts it in Mortonhayle's parody, "YOUR WEAPONS SUCK!"

gluttony: Eat! Drink! party! fight! fun! Ayla does this stuff all the time like there's no tomorrow. That stuff in those bowls isn't poi, either, if you play the Japanese version. It's something a little bit more addictive.
lust: Frog seems to have quite a bit more on his mind than just the kingdom's safety. (See: Lancelot)
wrath: At the climax of a mad quest for vengeance, Magus drained most of his valuable power. (nevermind the fact that his vengeance involved hitting Lavos in the face with a stick. >_>) Had he not done this, he could have teleported Schala to safety after Crono's sacrifice.
pride: It's a soda guzzling contest! test your strength and ring the bell! What are you, a man or a mouse? drink it in one gulp! Beat me up and earn 15 silver points! Crono more than fills his male quota in this game. Oh, did I mention the sacrifice? That too.
greed: Marle hates the royal life, until some confused person in the middle ages calls her "Queen". Then, suddenly it's okay again.

Sloth: Unless you want comic relief, Robo will not be the one who gets to see any action.


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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2007, 05:42:49 pm »
Wait, Lucca's weapons suck? But she uses a kick ass hammer!

Crono doesn't need to do all that stuff...That's like saying Cloud HAS to breed Chocobos or Tidus HAS to spend most of his adventure Blitzballing. But I understand where you went with that...

I don't understand what you're saying in Sloth at all...???

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Re: Chrono Sinners
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2007, 06:35:17 pm »
Basically what I'm saying is, by show of hands, who uses Robo all that much? He usually sits around the end of time gathering dust.

 Also, in case you missed the hint on Frog, it's Leene.