@Zeality: If those people affect you, then yes, you have every right to stop it. In fact, if those people present to you a fatal danger, then you have every right to kill them. But am I affecting you? Are my beliefs causing you irreparable damages? And you seem to think that religion is, by way of existing, terrorizing the world. I'm not sure where you get your information from, but religion is hardly the
only motive for mass murder. And let us not forget
these. The major motives for mass murders are in fact, race and land. Now you tell me what is a greater evil, ignorance to reason or the concept of race itself. More violence has been caused in the names of nations than religion. Should we destroy nations? Many people say yes. What do you say?
Your attack on religion, that it is a natural enemy to reason, is also false. Some sects of religion may hinder reason, but others cherish and propagate it. We have given you many examples.
However, you do bring up a point with your views on children who are sheltered from other ways of living, and brought up under yada yada yada. But surely this is exaggerated! I see only a few of these around, religious nuts and all. No danger to society. Most of my religious friends look at it objectively, and most of my Christian friends were given the choice whether or not to follow it. In fact, my sister's fiance was brought up atheist, by scientific professors. He was brought up without commercial television and religion. However, his life felt empty, and his mother, again, an atheist, recommended Islam for its fairness and so on. Does that sound like a man without reason?
And in fact, you are preaching, even if what you say is common sense. You are in fact imposing your knowledge on to someone else.
Now, for something a bit different. I'm not one to brag, and this may sound a bit immodest, but I'm quite sure that I think about things more deeply than most of the people I know. And I can say first hand that a deeper sense of reason and knowledge does not equate happiness. In fact, it has left me colder, and made me more apprehensive and pessimisstic. Most people around me, I think they are phonies. They're fake. Whenever they laugh, or joke, all they are trying to do is fit in, or please someone else. That's not to say that reason and knowledge is bad, in fact, it is the very foundation of humanity. But what I'm saying is that, you can argue and argue all you want, but in the end, will it make you any happier? I do not think so. But we all think it will. Why? Because when we hear someone agree with us, it pleases us. When we see someone change their beliefs to one we share, it pleases us. When we find someone who shares the same beliefs we do, it pleases us. We can talk and talk about how we wish to save humanity from some dark pit of disaster, but all we want is to fulfil our need of belonging. (sorry if this is a bit incomprehensible. I tend to be that way when I'm ranting)
And much of what has been displayed in this thread, it displays the very ignorance of the author which he very much wishes to annihilate.
@Radical_Dreamer: If God existed, then of course his motives would appear odd to us. We could be but a game to him. The hardships we face in life could be a test. The imperfectness in the history and structure of religion could be to test our knowledge or reason. The contradictions in faith could be to see which of us would think before we choose the religion we want. Or, maybe the scriptures have been altered throughout the ages. Whatever it is, we may never know.
Now on a very different note!I just got a strange idea, partially from this thread (which is why I'm posting it here instead of making a new thread). Imagine if the world nations were based on land owners, so if I bought a piece of land from another nation holder for a million dollars, I could make laws for that piece of land. However, the only universal law, upheld somehow by a group of wordly police, was the right to move from land to land. This way, to keep their nation from dying, they would more and more make their land a better place to live.
I need to go have a lie down.