Author Topic: The Remake debate thread  (Read 3161 times)


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The Remake debate thread
« on: January 14, 2008, 09:15:38 pm »
You've seen the attempts, you've heard the talk.
But in all honesty, would you support a remake of Chrono trigger, radical Dreamers, and Cross?

Makes sure you've got both pros and cons for whatever you're siding with.

and... go!


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 09:21:24 pm »
I'd support a remake strictly because it's what many of us have wanted. I've long awaited the purchase that I made last year for the PSX version. A remake would be a godsend.

The downside of a remake could be that it would leave fans wanting more. A more interesting and detailed sequel. A direct sequel. The sequel that Chrono Cross failed to be.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 09:22:47 pm »
The sequel that Chrono Cross failed to be.

..... rage.... BUILDING....


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 09:39:23 pm »
Fuck a Chrono Trigger remake. That's as short and succinct as I can put it. A graphical little distraction on the DS like the Irregular Hunter X remakes would be okay for renewing interest, but only as the precursor to a new game. There is more ground to cover across time and dimensions, and events such as Guardia, Magus's life, and the fates of the Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross teams to cover. With El Nido, the Chrono world is vibrant and expansive, and it's time to take full advantage of that with a new epic. Kato and Tanaka have already said they don't like rehashing old stuff.

It is not surprising that in my entire tenure as a Chrono fan, the ones most supportive of a Chrono Trigger remake are people who hate and revile Chrono Cross. And that is why we have WRONG.png:

« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 09:44:28 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 09:43:49 pm »
But Z, surely you would enjoy playing a remake with up-to-date graphics and such.... would you not?


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 09:51:25 pm »
Not in the absence of a new Chrono game.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 09:57:48 pm »
The only game I'd support for a remake would be Radical Dreamers, since its gameplay was extremely limited in its original incarnation. But that's a Compendium job  (:wink: -- if we could get away with it); if Masato Kato's going to be involved in a Square-Enix project, let it be something that further expands on the world he's already developed. There's still plenty of ground to cover in the series -- the origin of Lavos, Mystic culture, events in other time periods, the rise of Porre, Magus' fate, a deeper discussion of the ethics of time travel. These things could be explored in a CT remake, but I think progressing from the games that already exist allows the maximum creative freedom to the scenario writer.

You know, now that this topic has been brought up, I guess I have to sort of praise Square Enix for not simply cashing in on a FFVII remake and instead opting to develop the series. But on the other hand, I shudder to think of "Dirge of Magus," "Chrono Core," and "Before Zeal." Well, I guess that last one is legitimate. Farkas already has the outline in the Dream Splash! forum practically. :P
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 12:12:08 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2008, 11:53:01 pm »
Not in the absence of a new Chrono game.
So long as it has the same characters as the original, I'm ok with a sequel. Still, I'd find time to play a newer version.

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2008, 12:07:34 am »
How could you not want a remake of Chrono Trigger? I'd love to see an artistically beautiful Chrono Trigger, running at 60FPS, full voice dialogue. Of course, this is probably not going to happen, as if there is a remake it'll be some shitty RPG in the vein of all the other shitty RPG art directions going on today. Cutesy young spunky girl! Brooding young man. Mysitcal quite booky girl. Aggressive girl with a sensitive side! And of course, the team leader. Fuck. Well, anythings better than Akira Toriyamas shitty cutscenes in the PSX version.

And id love to see Chrono Cross with cel shaded graphics. Or at least like Dragon Quest 8 (which I admit Akira Toriyama did quite well in)

The only game I'd support for a remake would be Radical Dreamers, since its gameplay was extremely limited in its oriignal incarnation. But that's a Compendium job  (:wink: -- if we could get away with it); if Masato Kato's going to be involved in a Square-Enix project, let it be something that further expands on the world he's already developed. There's still plenty of ground to cover in the series -- the origin of Lavos, Mystic culture, events in other time periods, the rise of Porre, Magus' fate, a deeper discussion of the ethics of time travel. These things could be explored in a CT remake, but I think progressing from the games that already exist allows the maximum creative freedom to the scenario writer.

You know, now that this topic has been brought up, I guess I have to sort of praise Square Enix for not simply cashing in on a FFVII remake and instead opting to develop the series. But on the other hand, I shudder to think of "Dirge of Magus," "Chrono Core," and "Before Zeal." Well, I guess that last one is legitimate. Farkas already has the outline in the Dream Splash! forum practically. :P

And whats with this whole idea of keeping the same characters in a seqel! Balls to it! I mean, Crono has already won. whats the point of milking the characters even more? It's like fucking Men in Black 2, or every Disney sequel ever made. I'd hate to see what Squeenix does to Chrono Trigger 2: The Mana Chronicles.

Some shit like that. With the v sign. Ergh.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2008, 11:16:07 am »
.... god someone do a CT KH pic. I'm begging ya.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2008, 12:47:35 pm »
I'm almost 100% convinced that a CT remake would ruin the series. Even a port to the GBA/DS would piss me off. The game was perfect as it was (hence the existence of this website), so please don't change it out for polygons and bad voice actors.

However, if there ever was to be a remake of a Chono game, I'm all for a RD remake. Mostly because I'd like to see it as a real RPG, but also mostly because I've never able to play it emulator where the ROM messes up before I get to finish. If Squeenix wants to have an easy time making a sequel, they can always just expand on RD to make a prequel to a sequel, right?

...right? :?


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2008, 01:06:51 pm »
There's already an RD remake... Chrono Cross isn't a typical sequel, but it's a sequel; it isn't a typical remake either, but it's definitely "RD done right", at least according to its creators.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2008, 07:43:41 pm »
At the risk of making enemies so early in my time here on this forum, I have to agree with Burning Zeppelin. I'd love to see a CT remake on the PS3 or Xbox 360, especially if said remake were to expand on certain elements of the original; for example, Mystic culture and origin, the struggle to survive in 2300 A.D., and that sort of thing. And I also have to agree with those who really disliked Chrono Cross, regardless of how well it did (a million copies fewer than CT worldwide) or how well it avoided plot inconsistencies (what's character development again?).

I'd like to see a slightly more mature CT than the original. My reasoning is as follows:
- When CT came out in 1995, most gamers, myself included, were just kids, and thus we were all enamored with stories about hormonal teenagers with cool hairdos being chosen to save the world (and getting cool magic along the way).
- Today, most gamers, myself included, are adults, and this is reflected in modern gaming. Bioshock, Half-life, or Medal of Honor 3, for example, all feature mature yet enthralling storylines. Many RPGs, by contrast, seem to be avoiding that kind of mature game, with the heroes still appearing to spend more time on their hair and their outfits than on becoming the type of warrior who could fight effectively. I am tired of RPGs that feature plots reminiscent of an MTV teen drama, with characters that look like they were dressed by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (or girl).

Having said this, CT was a pretty lighthearted game, and that would need to be maintained. When I say 'mature RPG', I don't mean something dark and frightening; CT's charm came from being bright and lighthearted. A certain balance between levity and seriousness is what's needed, I think. And (here's hoping no one stabs me in the eye for this), I think the characters should be portrayed as adults rather than teens, and (here's hoping no one rips out my spleen for this) I think it would be a good idea to include some new, albeit minor characters, new situations, locations, plot twists, and stuff like that, without deviating from the original main storyline.

In any case, I support a remake over a new game. What say you?


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2008, 08:17:24 pm »
Hmmm, a remake of CT. Hard to say for me.

I'd like to see it in full 3-D glory, but a new game would be much better IMO.
It doesn't even necessarily have to be Crono and company, just as long as it has time traveling elements and the word Chrono in the title.

I'd like to see it make an appearance on the Virtual Console, just to see if a lot of people would pick it up off of there. Get some buzz going if ya know what I mean.


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Re: The Remake debate thread
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2008, 08:25:03 pm »
If they remade Chrono Cross, I'd just want them to remove those useless characters.

You know who I'm talking about Zeality.