Author Topic: Ocean Palace/black Omen Discussion  (Read 2771 times)


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Ocean Palace/black Omen Discussion
« on: February 20, 2004, 10:25:07 pm »
AIM Black Omen Discussion #1
Miss_Tiger, ZeaLitY, GrayLensman, Aitrus, Radical Dreamer, Cliftor, V_Translanka, chronotriggerfreak, OathoftheTimeTraveler

1. How does the Black Omen transcend time?

Quote from: Queen Zeal
QUEEN: The Dark Omen transcends time
   and space, waiting for Lavos to

Firstly, the nature of this quote must be considered; Queen Zeal is known for her raving. The Black Omen is susceptible to time; if it is destroyed in one era, it will remain existing in eras previous to that. Thus, it is believed that this was simply a superficial comment, and that the Black Omen transcends time and space in that it and its inhabitants are seemingly ageless and eternal, as Lavos's powers grant, and that it rises above the atmosphere in some regard.

2. How do two Mammon Machines exist -- the ruin seen in the Black Omen and the functioning version seen in the Pocket Dimension?

The Mammon Machine is a "A trans-dimensional object.  One object, but expressed in two dimensions at the same time." (GrayLensman) It is possible that "the Mammon Machine, when it began to interface with Lavos, split, one of which stayed in the pocket dimension gathering power from Lavos, with the other staying out and processing it." (Aitrus) "The Keystone Dimension equivalent was damaged by the Ocean Palace stabbing. Keystone PD-1's is flawless until blown up in the BLack Omen sidequest." (ZeaLitY)


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Ocean Palace/black Omen Discussion
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2004, 10:37:36 pm »
I'm going to be editing this thread for future discussion; hold off awhile.