This release of TF has a number of new location event commands decoded since TF 2.55 Most of these were included in the Event Commands.txt of the Offsets Guide updated last summer.
Here's a summary of these commands and their category in TF:
Object Function - Script Processing on/off: Turns on/off processing for the object as the name suggests
Object Function - Activate/Touch: Also an on/off command. If off, code in the object's Activate and Touch sections doesn't respond to player interaction
Comparison - Check Drawing: An if statement for checking if an object exists at all, is offscreen, or drawstatus is set to hidden
Comparison - Check In Battle: An if statement for checking if an object (enemy) is close enough to be included when a battle starts
Animation - Animation Limiter: Used to prevent slowdown by dropping animation frames. Not fully understood. Lower data value means more frames dropped, and a higher frame rate.
Sprite Movement - Object Follow - PC Distant: The object will follow the PC from a distance, enough to stay on screen and just within battle range. Used for bats in Magus Castle (towers and final stairway)
Sprite Movement - Move Towards Object: Vector move to object or PC
Scene Manipulation - Wait for ColorAdd End: Game waits until a ColorAdd command (ex: blue light flash when a sealed chest is opened) ends before processing more of the object code. ColorAdd was previously Brighten in TF 2.55 In addition, the ColorAdd command was updated to include the list of possible colors.
Edit: updated to add Command 8F Distant PC Follow