So I've made my very tech from scratch (except the header) using this tech editor.....i'm going to walk through how I did it:
For my tech I wanted to have lucca throw throw a i dont have control of graphics yet but I know that the fireball sprite is in flame throw so i decided to replace that:
First off I cleared out everything except the first object the screen looked something like this
(I'll make a picture later)
Animation header <------this is still a mystery
New Object <--------First object is always the spell caster!
SetFacing(0D) <-------This is optional but keep it just in case i'm wrong
2E <-----Every tech will end here if this line is read the tech is over
Let's have lucca look "shocked", and pause before the tech is over. At the top of the screen is the add node button, switch it to load animation and add a node. Do the same for pause. Should look like this.
animation Header
New Object <--------First object is always the spell caster!
SetFacing(0D) <-------This is optional but keep it just in case i'm wrong
Load Animation(09) <---Thats Shock
Pause(FF) <---Noticeable amount of ftime
2E <-----Every tech will end here if this line is read the tech is over
Now it seems that the second and third object in attack techs are the "target objects" so were going to have them look like they got hit and show the damage but only when we are ready! To do this were going to use the endsection and start section nodes:
Note I have no idea why we have to have two "target" objects
animation Header
New Object <--------First object is always the spell caster!
SetFacing(0D) <-------This is optional but keep it just in case i'm wrong
Load Animation(09) <---Thats Shock
Pause(FF) <---Noticeable amount of ftime
EndSection <---We just moved up to section 1
2E <-----Every tech will end here if this line is read the tech is over
New Object <---Second object is always enemy
StartSection(01) <-----only do this when we make section 1
SuperCommand(08) <---Enemy gets hit and flashes white
EndSection <---Section is now 2
New Object <---Third object is always enemy
StartSection(01) <-----only do this when we make section 1
SuperCommand(08) <---Enemy gets hit and flashes white
EndSection <---Section is now 2
Ok almost there let's add the fireball. 4th object on seem to be whatever your current sprite graphics are...i dont know what determins the current sprite graphics but we know that the for flameThrow the sprites are fire.
First off we want the sprite to be loaded at lucca so use a loadspriteatObject and make the parameter 00. If you make it 03 it loads at the enemd, 1 and 2 load at PC1 and PC2.
Next..this is important you have to make the facing 03....this makes me think that this is not the set facing command but after doing some checking it has to be there. Ok now load animation command and set it to 4....that's a big fireball..3,2,1,0 are each smaller fireballs.
Use unkonwn0B to set the speed of the fireball, my next release of the program will no longer have this as unknown.. B is medium speed...A slow, B medium, C fast
Now wait for section 1 like we did before, show the sprite with drawing status command.
Use the unknown 98 XX YY command to move the sprite to the target. I have this as unknow because I hav eno idea what XX is...However with YY you can make it 0 to go to caster, 1/2 to go to PC 1 and 2 and 3 to send it to the target. we are sending it to the target so make YY = 3.
Finally hide the sprite. Use an EndSection to start the next section of the Tech.
Since we want this to be after lucca is shocked and before the damage is shown make the Enemy objects wait for section 2. Um let's put lucca in her attack stance during this too.
animation Header
New Object <--------First object is always the spell caster!
SetFacing(0D) <-------This is optional but keep it just in case i'm wrong
Load Animation(09) <---Thats Shock
Pause(FF) <---Noticeable amount of ftime
EndSection <---We just moved up to section 1 Load Animation(03) <--while fireball is moving we go in attack stance)
Pause <--wait for fireball StartSection(03) <--Wait for enemy to get hit
2E <-----Every tech will end here if this line is read the tech is over
Return New Object <---Second object is always enemy
StartSection(02) <-----only do this when we make section 1
SuperCommand(08) <---Enemy gets hit and flashes white
EndSection <---Section is now 2
ReturnNew Object <---Third object is always enemy
StartSection(02) <-----only do this when we make section 1
SuperCommand(08) <---Enemy gets hit and flashes white
EndSection <---Section is now 3
Return New Object <---The fireball object
LoadSpriteAt(00) <----Load Sprite at caster
SetFacing(03) <-----this must be here, probably isn't setting facing
SetPriority(00) <-----Try different values, either above or below caster
LoadAnimation(04) <---loads the big fireball StartSection(01) <--waits here for section to be 1
Show Sprite <---obvious)
98(XX, 03) <--Send fireball to target
Pause <--obvious
HideSprite <--obvious
EndSection <--Section is now 2 (enemy gets hit and shows damage)
Return ShowDamage
EndSection <---Section is now 2
I color coded the above to show the various "sections" of code. The color stuff is basically done at the same time.
I'll put better pictures later.
Here's a picture of pretty much th esame tech in the tech editor: