Me, I opted to try out making a tech editor
WHY:I want to have some new techs....or atleast the appearance of new techs in CE
WhenAvailable now.
WhereFirst get the .NET framework:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&displaylang=enhttp://jpsondag.com/CE/TechEditorand hopefully put on the compendium somewhere eventually.
WHATEdit anyones techs. Lots of unknowns but they are soloy being figured out!
There is a great chance that this will corrupt your ROM so make a backup. That being said I have used this to adjust the commands successfully so if used correctly it shouldn't be to bad.
I repeat make a backup.
There's going to be ALOT of bugs in this release, please don't report bugs until I release another version and test it out a little. You can put feature request.....don't make them to crazy.
HowRead the tutorial:
http://www.chronocompendium.com/Forums/index.php?topic=5379.0below may be outdated
Um to use it click "Open Unheadered Rom" after doing so three windows will be populated:
Far Left: This is properties of the currently selected command
Middle: This is what we have been able to decode of provoke so far
Right: What it translates to in Hex
You can select a node and change either the parameter for the command...so if you select load animation you can change the animation. If you want to remove the command click the command then click delete node, if you want to add a new command (as long as you have enough space for it to fit) choose the type of command from the drop down list and click add node.
Anyways I'm probably going to to work a bit more on CE now but hopefully we'll get more more commands figured out and I can improve on this alot.
Edit: Attached FW's Magus Patch to show off what it can do

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