Author Topic: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?  (Read 4217 times)


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 07:54:35 pm »
Ha, I post that thing everywhere too!

I think the innovation factor can apply to a lot of Square though...specifically the FF series, of course, in which every game is slightly different...and it's odd that a major turn in 'innovation' for the series was a 'sequel' sequel! lol


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2008, 10:19:29 am »
I think the innovation factor can apply to a lot of Square though...specifically the FF series, of course, in which every game is slightly different...and it's odd that a major turn in 'innovation' for the series was a 'sequel' sequel! lol

Quite right, which is why I said "to a non-Chrono-specific extent." All Chrono games are innovative, but not all innovative games are part of the Chrono Series. Still, can you imagine what Chrono Cross might have looked like if it wasn't innovative? I don't doubt that it would have been fun, but I don't think it would have had that particular chrono-essence.

Innovation is one of those attributes that all memorable games have.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2008, 01:15:27 pm »
Yeah, if it wasn't innovative there'd no doubt be people complaining that it's more of the same & just a CT clone or something. No need to pay attention to haters. :P


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2008, 06:39:54 pm »
Very interesting topic... I think one of the most underrated element that contributes to the Chrono feel is the fact that the games don't "take themselves seriously". The series is highly poetic and melancholic in many ways (I'd say Romantic, even), but it also has a lighthearted, humorous feel that never really disappears. The humor in CT and RD is pretty obvious, no need to explain them.

Concerning CC, the story focuses on some darker sides of the themes of the series; however, the lighthearted feel is still omnipresent even in the most tragic parts of the game: think about the innuendos in the Dead Sea (the Tragediennes who say "I like to suck... blood"), or Masa and Mune who retain their cool/silly personalities even during the orphanage flashback. Even Harle, whose story and fate are rather distressing, makes you smile every time she appears due to her personality and fancy accent.

This mixture of lighthearted and melancholy is a main characteristic of the Chrono series, in my opinion. Xenogears is sometimes compared to a "cousin" of the Chrono series and it does have many similarities with it, but it's very distinct at the same time. Xenogears is highly poetic and melancholic too, but it lacks the lighthearted feel. The game just takes itself too seriously. Xenosaga is worse due to the absence of Masato Kato (i.e. the lack of poetic feel... Xenosaga just feels cold). I've never played Blue Dragon but apparently it follows the opposite formula: it's too lighthearted and not melancholic at all.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2008, 06:49:11 pm »
Fascinating observations. Now I better understand why some of the lighthearted characters were included in Cross.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2008, 08:35:09 pm »
Bear with me here, and this may sound utterly assenine at first.

The "Chrono" Feel, in my opinion, is part of a much bigger essence. An essence that the schololry minorities of humankind have been trying to spread since the Renaissance priod, and that is the Essence of Breaking Free from Constraint. Breaking free from the Norm and taking hold of your own destiny. Chrono Cross showed us how to break free from "FATE", and that our own "Kid" is looking for us, out there somewhere. This feeling of inspiration is something that mankind needs right now, because we're own the path to our own destruction. Why? Because no one can realize that they have the power to control everything around them! If everyone woke up one day, and realized that everyone, you, me, and even a puppy have the power to mold their own Fate, then we would evolve mentally in maybe two months as we would 200 years now.

The problem is, is that too many people simply don't care! Superficial, incompetent beings who have an exteremely narrow view on life just can't realize they have the power to live out their wildest dreams, who only care about being deemed "successful", a term that has been warped and misused as time has gone on, can't see that.

I'm 100% sure that Masato Kato knew this, maybe not in the exact way that I speak it, but I'm positive that this was the message, the essence, the feel he was trying to convey with the spectacle of awe that is the Chrono Series.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2008, 08:57:16 pm »
Agreed. What you're describing also captures the Chrono Compendium Feel in my opinion.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2008, 09:12:50 pm »

Wow, Faustwolf starts another groundbreaking thread. You've got a talent for this, my friend.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2008, 06:47:53 am »
The Chrono feel is almost unexplainable to me.  From the moment I first played Chrono Trigger until I finished Chrono Cross, I knew the way I viewed stories had changed forever.  As I've seen somewhere on the internets, in reference to Chronoverse, "Are we just the spoiled children of the god who made us?  Is saving the future really the right thing to do, even when it'll create problems we can't even dream of yet?"

If I had to pick one on Faustwolf's list, it would be the first:  Striving against fate.  Also important to me is the sense of naturalism.  How do you think the planet feels, being forced to choose humans to save itself?  Modern humanity stemmed from Lavos' interference in evolution, and humanity goes forth and hurts the planet for its own selfish ends.  If the planet is sentient at all, wouldn't that almost be a humiliating choice, especially when humans are even now destroying fairies, dwarves, mystics, and other offspring of the planet? 

Many felt that there is no real emotions among characters. How so? Serge, and Kid are literally bearers of an entire idea – that no matter what, regardless of what life, existence as such, will propose to you, will test you to, you will find your place next to your pair, even if it takes forever.

Yes.  YES.  Just...YES. 


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2008, 01:48:50 pm »

The planet's dream, the Radical Dreamers, the Grandleon and its spirits, the echoes of the species for survival (Lavos, the Planet, Humans, Reptites, Demons), dreams like Turnips... the archetype of hero projected by Schala's speech, one to change the world, one like spermatoza and the planet like an egg. At the same time, the Chrono Trigger as the egg, the bearer like the one that gives life to it, the Grandleon as the egg, the bearer the one who gives life to it, the Frozen Flame as the egg, the receptacle, the one who speaks to it...

And the void, an abysmal doom. The war with demons... the ruined future... Ayla's law of the earth... the desperation and separation of enlighteds and earthbounds at dark ages... the prosperous king of Guardia is the laughter amongst the love and hate, we loved so many yet hated so much... then that falls, Guardia falls, another war, Chronopolis and Dinopolis, Humans and Demi Humans, Porre and Guardia, Humans and Machines, Humans and FATE (Machine envious of humans but also fate itself), and many, many other struggles.

But mostly, Dreams. That reference is stronger in every game, maybe stronger in Chrono Cross than in Radical Dreamers itself. I wouldn't be surprised if the next game involves traveling between dreams insetead of time/dimensions. :P


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2008, 04:05:52 am »
 :lol:Guess there's not much to say, for we all know about it anyway! But I'll point a few things out.

The tendency to change time with out decision. A second late/early may change the future drastically.
Change through time.
Psychological effects on the mind due to a certain past. (Check Leena without serge, Magus, Kid, etc.)
How the world would be affected while you're not here. (Serge is/isn't around? Magil in RD but not Cross?)
The struggle: For the planet or For ourselves.
How far one would go for his dreams, how much more would it change time.
Heroes: Only to those who change history and those who acknowledge it. To the rest, they're evil demons. (Check Cross)


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2008, 09:44:00 pm »
I agree with a lot of what has already been said. Innovation, achieving your dream, duality, nature, et cetera. Another thing that I believe ties into several of these ideas is the idea of acceptance. Or perhaps it would be better described as a sense of open mindedness, but I will use acceptance for sake of clarification.

It has been mentioned that on earth nowadays we are far form our potential because so many people do not care. They do not care because they do not believe in themselves. The people who have made a difference are people who have accepted themselves (both their powers and limitations), accepted the world (and what impact they have had on it), and accepted their ability to do something about it. Most people do not want to accept responsibility for themselves because they are afraid of facing what they have done (or not done, for some people). One of the first rules for overcoming anything is accepting it, and I think there is an important reason for that.

So, in the Chrono world, what is a big difference between many of the playable characters and villians and the non-playable characters? Acceptance. Chrono and Co and the villians have accepted themselves, their place in the world, and then move on to act upon it.

Take Magus for example. He comes to grips with reality. He accepts that Lavos destroys everything he holds dear, and moves form that to do something about it (first to destroy Lavos, then to find Schala). What about the other Zealians (perhaps the wrong term to use. It is up for debate on another thread)? Some whine about being stuck with the earthbound ones, some hope for a better time, some are gripped with despair, but they have all not accepted the reality of the situation (they still can't believe what has happened to them).

Pierre from Chrono Cross is also similar. He has to accept what it means to be a true hero and his own limitations before he can become that which he truly desires. In fact, I think that is the difference between a lot of the playable and non-playable characters in Chrono Cross, more so than Chrono Trigger.

In any event, I think there is a better word than acceptance, but I am unable to put my finger on it right now. maybe someone else will have an idea of what I am grasping for and be able to enlighten me. Even if I am unable to quite describe it in words, this is what the Chrono feel means to me.

EDIT: Boo's quote caught my grammatical error, so I fixed it. The meaning is still intact.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 11:12:59 pm by Zaulche »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2008, 10:57:10 pm »
In fact, I would that is a difference between a lot for the playable and non-playable characters in Chrono Cross, more so than Chrono Trigger.

You know, now that you mention it, you're absolutely right.  Doc, Radius and many others all had to come to grips with reality and chose to ACT against fate (no pun intended).  Although that is a cliche console RPG theme, Chrono Cross did, in fact, deal with this more than Chrono Trigger.  I hadn't thought about it that way before, so thanks Zaulche.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2008, 11:03:58 pm »
Yes, this is all excellent stuff everyone, so thanks for the enlightenment.


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Re: The Chrono Feel -- What does it mean to you?
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2008, 11:15:59 pm »
No problem Boo. I just spewed several conjoined thoughts in the hopes of getting across what I meant. Sometimes I have trouble putting words to more abstract things such as feelings and emotions. I am very glad that it was meaningful to others.