I'm going to have to head over to GameFAQs and talk with this guy. I didn't bother reading his CC theories because, after I had finished the CT ones, it became apparant that his theories were based mostly the technicallities of video game logic.
To use the progression of the character's "levels" throughout CT as literal evidence of their strength is impossible. The level of the character's will vary at least a little from player to player, but more importantly numbers cannot be converted into actual measures of fighting prowess and strength.
Here's the best analogy I can come up with to try and explain this: powerlifters train to be able to lift outrageous amounts of weight in the basic movements of the bench press, dead lift, and squat. I know a guy who is 180 pounds(roughly)and can bench press 600 pounds like he's benching 100. 600 is mearly a number, though. You can translate benching 600 pounds into how well the guy fights.
In the same way, you can't say Lucca has "x" HP, "y" strength, and "z" magic and say she could tear Lynx apart. Those numbers are for judging the power of the characters for fighting in the game only and not for equating it to other scenarios outside those restrictions. The only things you count on are that Lucca has some kind of weapon magic spells. In which case, her best spell is Flare. Lynx has Forever Zero. I'd say he has the advantage.
That debunks his whole "omfg it makes no sense the CT characters should be able to kill Lynx lololol!!one1!!" theory.
As for the perpetual time loop theory he is, that is a matter of fact. There are three primary theories on the rules of time travel. The one CT uses is the time moves on a single path, hence, when the characters are in 12000 BC, time is not still moving in 1000 AD because the timeline only progresses as the time travellers know it. I'm not sure how he is using the items gradually getting better as time progresses as a way to disprove this. If anything, I see it as further solidifying the time moving on a single path theory.
I'll read those CC theories another time.