Author Topic: How differents dimension came to be?  (Read 4456 times)


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2008, 12:39:02 am »
Well dimensions might have been created and they might have been destoryed, but "split"? No evidence for that in CT that I can see. Indeed, there seems to be a distinction between timelines (which were what was switched in CT) and dimensions. Given the Belthasar's comments about the two dimensions in CC, it seems as if the p-value is rather significant (to such a point that timelines generally are discarded rather than becoming dimensions).
Actually the presumed "split" (e.g. during the Ocean Palace incident splitting into Another World/Home World) *did* take place during the events of CT; causing CC to take place. In addition, it was due to Lavos's interference -- in some way, shape, or form -- that the dimensions split, not random probability. If that was the case the Time Crash would be determined to be a 'natural' event, which, as we can tell by the evidence given, isn't. Or is it...


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2008, 10:49:10 am »
I thought the "split" that allowed CC to occur was when Serge was killed and Kid went back in time to save him (apparently an action that had a 50/50 chance of success). Presumably, this split was retroactive, splitting the past, present, and future into two separate dimensions, and thus technically the ocean palace event would have been split as well (but so would the Fall of Lavos), but that was after the events of Chrono Trigger (on a Time Error scale, as it were).


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2008, 03:15:25 pm »
I thought the "split" that allowed CC to occur was when Serge was killed and Kid went back in time to save him (apparently an action that had a 50/50 chance of success).
You are *partially* right; as quote:
It was caused as a tenet of Project Kid in order to send Chronopolis ten thousand years back to the past. Specifically, it was the result of the Counter-Time Experiment, a test on the Frozen Flame with the objective of gaining control over time. The experiment involved the release of a lock level on the Flame (probably energy related) and its subsequent stimulation. As planned by Belthasar, the experiment backfired, exposing the entire Sea of Eden outside the timestream.
, however it is also clearly noted:
It subsequently shunted Chronopolis thousands of years in the past from 2400 A.D. to 12000 B.C.
, causing the dimensions to be split at *12000 B.C.*; the time of the Ocean Palace Disaster.

but that was after the events of Chrono Trigger (on a Time Error scale, as it were).
True, but I was referring to 4-D time...


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2008, 05:32:34 pm »
however it is also clearly noted:
It subsequently shunted Chronopolis thousands of years in the past from 2400 A.D. to 12000 B.C.
, causing the dimensions to be split at *12000 B.C.*; the time of the Ocean Palace Disaster.

Who ever said that was a dimensional split?
Certainly, that event changed the timeline, but where is the indication that it split that timeline?

Now, when the dimensions actually split, circa 1010 AD, it is reasonable (though not assured) that the split worked "backwards" through time, spliting that event into two dimensions along with everything else. Thus, that event was effected by, but did not create, a dimensional split. Curiously, this action made a dimensional split possible, but that split was "in the future" both on a "4D" time scale (that is, normal time) and on a "5D" time scale (time error).

True, but I was referring to 4-D time...

Ah, but that really isn't "during CT" then. It is during the time periods, but not the actual "time" covered by the game. Hence, still no Dimensional Splits in Chrono Trigger.


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2008, 06:04:59 pm »
Who ever said that was a dimensional split?
To counter your statement here:
In addition the word "split" is mentioned in game *many* times -- and in this article, which contains some of the in game instances, 45+ times.

Now, when the dimensions actually split, circa 1010 AD, it is reasonable (though not assured) that the split worked "backwards" through time, spliting that event into two dimensions along with everything else. Thus, that event was effected by, but did not create, a dimensional split. Curiously, this action made a dimensional split possible, but that split was "in the future" both on a "4D" time scale (that is, normal time) and on a "5D" time scale (time error).
To see my thoughts on this issue I created a thread here.

Ah, but that really isn't "during CT" then. It is during the time periods, but not the actual "time" covered by the game. Hence, still no Dimensional Splits in Chrono Trigger.
Which by your own logic, it did not take place in CC, either. Besides I'm talking about the actions and events not the Time Error Scale. Even if you *were* to bring up Time Error, CC starts in 1020(in the beginning of the game), which is *after* CT's 1000 A.D. era., after the dimensional split, and before the next era in CT; 1999 A.D.. En garde!  :lol:


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2008, 04:34:27 am »
There is just 100 search in Wikipedia...


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2008, 07:23:38 am »
What kind of dimensions are we talking about here?
a more proper term would be timelines, i think.. :?
The real dimensions are the 2D, 3D, 4D, stuff right?

i am inclined that there are innumerable 'dimensions'/timelines, each with its own set of events happening at
just the right place and the right moment.  for example, in one dimension/timeline, if i decided to drive my car out earlier than i am accustomed to (i dont have a license yet), i will meet an accident and hit the person who would otherwise be the future dictator of my country. i thereby effectively created a timeline where that dictator did not reign..  possibly other dimensions/timelines are being created right now.. get my point? :?

the CC dimensions/timelines are a special case because they are somehow conncted, by TD or Serge or whoever..

at least, that is my opinion.. :?


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2008, 06:31:06 pm »
A very good word for it would be alternate realities, which sadly gets all mixed up with the term "dimensions". They are two very different things.

in theory, every choice made by a person spawns at least one other reality where the opposite choice is made and possibly a third one where no action is taken. Take this and add up all possible outcomes for all choices, coin tosses and gambling of all living things in the universe throughout all their lives. This alone would create a near-infinite amount of alternate realities.

This goes for stories and videogames (like the Chrono series and others) too, as the creators and writers create a new alternate reality and decide to show it to the rest of us.

i'd say not only the CC timelines are connected, but every single one of them all, no matter how big the difference is.


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2008, 12:37:17 am »
Yes!! alternate realities!! that would be the most fitting word for it...

Reminds me of some jet li film involving multiverses and alternate realities,
i forgot the title... but it seems that we have the same basic concept about the matter...  :)


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2008, 01:02:42 am »
Like in dragon ball Z, trunks alternate furture.


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2008, 06:15:00 pm »
Yes!! alternate realities!! that would be the most fitting word for it...

Reminds me of some jet li film involving multiverses and alternate realities,
i forgot the title... but it seems that we have the same basic concept about the matter...  :)
the movie was named "the one", but there's also the series named "Sliders", where a guy invents an interdimensional transportation device instead of an antigravitation device as he originally had planned. They go to all sorts of dimensions, including a few dimensions that have been conquered by "cromaggs", the evolution of the Cro magnon race... same thing can be seen in the Reptite/ Chrono series timeline relationship, where another race came to evolve than humans...

I really need to play the games again.... :P


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Re: How differents dimension came to be?
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2008, 02:21:11 am »
yes.. that's right "the one".. Thanks.. :)

Like in dragon ball Z, trunks alternate furture.

yeah, a good analogy too.. in the future trunks' alternate reality the androids are still alive and
wreaking havoc, and cell is not yet complete..