Generally, I find that if one adds "centrism" to many words one gets a cultural practice that I disapprove and disagree with. And as I like to make words up...
Moderno-centrism: The belief that present society beliefs, morals, and etc are far superior to those of the past (and, generally, in sync with those of the future). This is largely a western belief.
Pre-historo-centrism: The belief that periods before recorded history were far superior to those of recorded history and the present, particularly in terms of sincerity, morals, and social beliefs. This is largely a western sub-culture belief (Asatru, I'm looking at you... apparently I am a poet, and you did not know it).
Politico-centrism: The belief that one's particular political persuasion is right and that anyone who disagrees (particularly if they disagree substantially) is not only wrong, but fundamentally corrupt, base, and vile (essentially, how some conservatives treat H. Clinton and how some liberals treat G.W. Bush). This is really a universal practice.
Non-westerno-centrism: The belief that anything not-western is inherently superior to anything western. Oddly enough, this is not only a belief in non-western societies but also in certain circles in western-society.
Presumed-Educational-Elitism: Not a centrism (I tried to add centrism in there, but couldn't). The belief that one's education directly reflects on one's character. That is, the belief that Doctors are morally (not just educationally) superior to non-doctors. Basically anywhere there are doctors, people have this problem.
Educational-Elitism: The belief that one's education is an indication of one's intelligence.
Simple-Centrism: (woo, a centrism again) The belief that "simple-folk" are superior in terms of moral character than "those thar educamated folk." This is largely a western (possibly specifically American) belief.
Rudeness: The belief that good manners aren't needed in any given situation because obviously the one being rude is too important. (f everyone had good manners then half of society's problems would disappear). This is largely a western practice.
Manner-Nazi-ism: The belief that good form, proper manners, and a tyrannical adherence to such, are indicators of one's character. This is largely an eastern belief.