Author Topic: Nu in Cursed Woods?  (Read 10805 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2008, 03:37:50 pm »
translanka, so do you just think that the nu's are balthazar's test subjects?  as in to see if time travel is possible?  or what?

cause i've heard this theory before and i haven't bought it, but you know a lot about chrono and chrono-theory, so you may be able to sell me!   :D


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2008, 04:32:52 pm »
I've always got the feeling that the Nus, while most likely friends of the planet, were not actually a naturally occuring creature. That is to say... the first alien invasion on the Chrono planet. Even though they've been around since prehistoric times, they're usually referred to as strange, out of place creatures. Even the Black Omen seemed normal to folks.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2008, 04:42:52 pm »
well the black omen was normal to folks because it had been there for thousands and thousands of years.  in the original timeline the ocean palace never rose to become the black omen, but due to alterations in time by crono and company, in 12000 BC the ocean palace rose out of the ocean, creating the black omen.  thus the black omen hovered ominously in the sky for thousands of years, so by the time 600 AD, 1000 AD rolled around, it had been there for as long as people could remember...  thats why it seemed normal.  time had been altered to make it having always existed (crono and friends just knew other wise due to 'time traveler's immunity').

but about the nu's...

i always saw them as another 'offspring of the planet'.  just like dinosaurs/reptiles eventually evolved to become reptites, just like apes/mammals evolved to become humans, i felt that the nu's evolved from something else and were just another species.  however, as a species the nu were extremely magically powerful and very cryptic and enigmatic.


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2008, 06:28:52 am »
i always saw them as another 'offspring of the planet'.  just like dinosaurs/reptiles eventually evolved to become reptites, just like apes/mammals evolved to become humans, i felt that the nu's evolved from something else and were just another species.  however, as a species the nu were extremely magically powerful and very cryptic and enigmatic.
Sort of like the WEAPONs in Final Fantasy VII?  Nu's are the will of the planet incarnate?  This theory would explain their haphazard nonchalant way.  Such a timeless creature (note: Belthasar) is bound to appear crazy to the normal eye.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2008, 11:19:57 am »
but of course the nu's very nature is DRASTICALLY different than the role of WEAPONS.


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2008, 11:41:56 pm »
Quote from: boo
the nu were extremely magically powerful

Since when? The only magical attack ANY Nu makes is from Red Nu Spekkio and you can hardly make an assumption of a whole species based on that kind of evidence...The only thing a Nu ever does that's remotely magical is the multiplication move, which is either evidence of some kind of asexual reproduction or it may also be matter reconfiguration...

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2008, 12:02:34 am »
the multiplication move, which is either evidence of some kind of asexual reproduction or it may also be matter reconfiguration...

ummm...  potentially powerful magic, my friend.


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2008, 12:28:55 am »
Consider that the Nu could actually be the 'Entity';
Exhibit A:
Quote from: CT
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu.
This could be rephrased as 'Nu is the Alpha and the Omega'

Exhibit B:
Nu are present in most if not all time periods, probably 1999A.D as well, but there isn't enough info, anyways.
This is *highly* improbable if described by natural existence and impractical for Belthazar/Gaspar/Melchoir to do so. The third, and my theoretical proposition, the Nu are temporal transcendent, suggesting higher, god-like, even magical properties.

Exhibit C:
The Nu 'tend' to follow/wait for the Gurus/Crono & co. and aid them in their quest to save the planet/Schala.
This one is more hypothetical, but still has some logical basis.

Exhibit D:
The Nu group in large amounts in Zeal; suggesting an era/area of import.
Coincidentally this is when the Gurus start their efforts to stop the 'awakening' of Lavos, a severe threat to the Planet/Entity.

Purely speculative suggestion: the Nu have a collective consciousness across space-time bound by 5-D time(Time- Error). Allowing the Gurus, specifically the ones around Nu; Gaspar and Belthazar to 'know' que pasa.

Just a theory, anyways; thoughts?

I've always got the feeling that the Nus, while most likely friends of the planet, were not actually a naturally occuring creature. That is to say... the first alien invasion on the Chrono planet. Even though they've been around since prehistoric times, they're usually referred to as strange, out of place creatures. Even the Black Omen seemed normal to folks.
Like the Chu-chu in Xenogears? I believe the game(XG) said that they were other-worldly...
« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 01:33:39 am by BROJ »


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2008, 03:02:21 am »
Quote from: b00b the gentlewoman callgirl
ummm...  potentially powerful magic, my friend.

Yeah, then you need to rephrase, bub. :P

Anyways, about what you said BROJ...How does that theory account for the Nu in the future w/Belthasar that has a button that shuts it off? Or that Belthasar was able to put his memories into the Nu at all?


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2008, 03:36:34 am »
ooo ooo I know I know....MAGIC


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2008, 03:51:19 am »
Anyways, about what you said BROJ...How does that theory account for the Nu in the future w/Belthasar that has a button that shuts it off? Or that Belthasar was able to put his memories into the Nu at all?
Perhaps a cloned cyborg?..(half-living/half machine); he was a 'Guru of Reason', after all, so it would be within his facilities to 'create' a Nu which could communicate with other Nu.

But this was a 2-minute(at most) theory; I did not expect a paradigm-shift, at any rate.

ooo ooo I know I know....MAGIC
:lol: nice one.


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2008, 06:16:38 pm »
Just a theory, anyways; thoughts?

Hmm, wha? Did you call me?

Oh, not Thought but thoughts. Gotcha. Anywho, I'm here now so...

Curiously, your theory could be used almost as well to prove that humans are actually "the Entity." Observe, if we replace the word Nu with humans:

Exhibit B:
Humans are present in most if not all time periods, probably 1999A.D as well, but there isn't enough info, anyways.
This is *highly* improbable if described by natural existence and impractical for Belthazar/Gaspar/Melchoir to do so. The third, and my theoretical proposition, the humans are temporal transcendent, suggesting higher, god-like, even magical properties.

Exhibit C:
The Humans 'tend' to follow/wait for the Gurus/Crono & co. and aid them in their quest to save the planet/Schala.
This one is more hypothetical, but still has some logical basis.

Exhibit D:
The Humans group in large amounts in Zeal; suggesting an era/area of import.
Coincidentally this is when the Gurus start their efforts to stop the 'awakening' of Lavos, a severe threat to the Planet/Entity.

Purely speculative suggestion: the humans have a collective consciousness across space-time bound by 5-D time(Time- Error). Allowing the Gurus, specifically the ones around Humans; Gaspar and Belthazar to 'know' que pasa.

The most compelling Exhibit, however, was A. But then... is it proper to say that the Entity is life as we understand it?

... I wonder, might the Nu merely be a manifestation of the Dream Species? Not a human's dreams, mind you, but the Planet's itself? Belthasar would have then been able to put his thoughts and memories into a Nu by such a relation combined with tieing it to a physical object (like Masa and Mune are tied to an object and perceive elements of the holder's thoughts and spirit).
« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 06:29:09 pm by Thought »


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2008, 02:15:48 am »
but of course the nu's very nature is DRASTICALLY different than the role of WEAPONS.
Tis true.  But they both seem to be the "protectors" of the planet.  One just goes about it differently than the other.  Their names fit their roles, however.  Nu's just kinda..."yeah, whatever. hello there".  WEAPONS? they kill stuff.


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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2008, 10:57:22 pm »
I thought it was clear that the Entity is the Planet.

"This power, unknown to mankind, cultivated dreams"
    - Chrono Cross on Lavos' influence

a) The first Nu appeared shortly after Lavos crashed in 65,000,000 B.C.

b) As greatly said by BROJ, they seemed to follow the step of the rescuers of the Planet (the 3 philosophers in Zeal and the time heroes). They were also near important objects to save the Planet by helping the time heroes.

c) Gran, Leon and Doreen are Dream Species (taking the form of the sword/swallow) that are affected by the dreams/hopes/will of their contact. Maybe Nu are also Dream Species seeing how Gasch/Belthasar was able to imbed his memories and will on him. Or maybe that Nu was just a robot replica with Nu appearance.

Back to the Lavos quote I made: if Lavos cultivated dreams and the first Nu appeared almost right after Lavos, maybe Lavos made the Planet itself begin to have its dream (see: last japanese save file title on CT retranslation, or the heavy implications on CC of the Planet having a dream).

If so, it's not too farfetched to think Nu are manifestations of the Planet's dream, much like Gran, Leon and Doreen are to Bosch's or Turnip to the Acacia Dragoon's.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Nu in Cursed Woods?
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2008, 11:27:37 pm »
Although I agree with most of what you said, there is the Nu in the Hunting Range in 65 Million BC BEFORE Lavos falls.