More notes from Zakyrus, copied from the "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread...
ChronoTrigger+ Demo2: Codenamed "Eternal End"
I am glad to be able to make this post and inform you that the CT+ demo2 goes very well.... even though it appears like I have disappeared from this reality for some time. Sorry to everyone for the delay! (I seem to be cursed with absence from this forum.)
My absence from this forum has not been in vain! Demo2 will be released to the public within the next 24 hours! You'll all be glad to know that the game will have MUCH more enriched content than EVER before! YOU ARE ALL IN FOR A TREAT! I can say without ego that THIS may be the best Chrono Trigger patch EVER!! ...aside from total conversions such as Crimson Echoes...(which totally RULES!!)
I WOULD have demo2 done and released by now if it weren't for some EVIL, EVIL bugs that keep happening.(some taking as many as 20-30 hours to figure out and fix...I wish I was joking) Not only that but the million set-backs that real life can have. I know this demo has been pushed back many numerous times.
HOWEVER, all things worth having, require much patience.
But also remember, I am the only person that is doing cut scene development and event coding. (and I want it that way, for now)
I would estimate that about 5 hours extra are added. This GREATLY depends on how fast you play through the game. For instance, if you rush through, you will probably get to Lavos around the same playtime as normally. I noted that on a brand New Game, it took me a total of XXXX hours to get/do everything.
Therefore, take your time, don't rush... I know all of you are excited to see what I have in store in the second half of the game... Heh heh. Wink ...and I got a plethora of new cut scenes... BUT SERIOUSLY FOLKS, don't rush... you want to enjoy it eh?
Some features include: Enhanced Cut scenes, NPCs, New Bosses, Cut scenes depending on current party, hidden treasures stashed all over, rebalanced enemy stats (yet again!), and ALOT more!
So... until the CT+ demo2 release, enjoy some more various spiteful screen shots! I had about 100 screen shots I wanted to put up, but of course had to limit them down to a few ;p
...Characters elaborate on the current situation more...
for instance, Lucca talks alot more of various Quantum
Physics theories and such.
(Myself being fascinated with anything quantum, just had to add alot of it to the discussion in the game. There are some parts where Lucca may spin circles around you! All my fellow eggheads rejoice!)
PC to NPC interaction!
Most all of the NPCs upgrade their dialog as storyline pointers increase! The NPCs now react as the world around the changes! Only on a basic level for now, a more complex NPC interaction will be coded later! In some cases, the NPCs weren't enhanced due to some bugs that the particular location event file had.
New Cutscenes!
Special Cutscenes depending on WHO is in your party!
In the above shot, Marle or Lucca will question if Robo can go into water. If Robo isn't present, this cut is never seen. By creating
variations of cutscenes depending on the current party, we can then have a plethora of more storyline tangents! (thus creating MANY, MANY more possible ways to play through the game...1337)
Another example, is Ozzie's Fortress. Depending on if Magus is in your party, Frog is in your party, neither are in your party, or BOTH Magus and Frog are in your party will depend on the dialog shown!
Though the latter is simply hilarious. Dynamic party cut scenes! How utterly awesome! In demo3, I hope to have dynamic cutscenes for all storyline events like this.
Scenes that the Square designers should have left in!
Kino and the Gate Key
...AND New Insidious Puzzles such as the Manorial Organ!
You REALLY didn't think I was going to make this game EASIER did you?! Twisted Evil AHA HA HA HA HA! (visualize a few continuous pages evil laughter)
I don't want to give anything else away, but I will say that the side quests have been massively enriched. Particularly, extended scenes in Fiona's Forest and the Rainbow Shell Quest.
...and a FU**LOAD more of genuine CT content!
So much has been coded and tweaked that even a "Chrono Trigger Addict" will barely notice ALL of the enhancements! (unless you're like me and have gone through the game 60+ times) In fact, over time I have enhanced so many subtle things that I went back and played the original Chrono Trigger and was shocked on how "empty" it felt. Laughing
REMEMBER, like demo1 this IS in fact a DEMO, don't try to compare this to a completed hack... though I WILL say that what is there is VASTLY improved from demo1. (demo1 was actually laughable compared to this)
Though, keep in mind that some stuff is still somewhat buggy.
I will note that some of the cutscenes that aren't enhanced:
Last Village: "The Dark Day After Part2"
- after meeting/defeating Magus and going back to the Empty Hut
~this wasn't totally finished due to horribly insidious bugs.
Death Peak
This is totally absent due to some coding issues...
Atropos/Robo Origins
This was a 10-minute long cut that Kyronea came up with, due to lack of
time I didn't get it added in this demo.
"Moonlight Parade Ending"
- this was kind of thrown together so animations and such are really limited
There are a few others here and there, but those are only the major ones. All other cutscenes not mentioned are at a 90% completed status.
(90% meaning I still need to add/fix animations as well as add sound/special FX)
HOWEVER, once again I WILL say that this is PACKED with alot of new material. I bet you'll get to the end of the game and think "I didn't think it was going to be THAT damn good!" I promise you AT LEAST that. Smile
Final notes:
This mod is rated "Mature" for restored swearing, drug references (sake instead of soup and soda), and some very subtle sexual references. (and I mean VERY light) Laughing
~Thanks for being patient & understanding everyone!
With that said and done, I can prepare the launch of demo2 and get ready to start working on demo3 (codenamed: "Fury of the Ages")