While playing the beta, I hit a stopping point in the kingdom of Zeal. When I try to go into the hallways of either the mammon machine or the throne room, I get a black screen and can go no further.
I'm wondering if the room where Janus goes through the door behind the bookshelf is where I'm missing something, because there is a wind book like the ones in Kajar and Enhasa, but no fire or water books that I can find.
The only way I could move past this point was cheating to go through the bookshelf, which took me to Leene square then to the elevator of the undersea palace with Magus as the leader of my party. The game plays just fine after this, aside from having Magus a bit early.
Also, I seem to remember being able to leave the tunnel leading to the lavos core in the original. In the beta, whether I go through the black omen, the bucket, or the day of lavos, I cannot turn back after beating Lavos' first form. This kept me from going through the black omen 3 times to score prism dresses, bummer.
I'm just wondering what I did wrong to get stuck at this point, since I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem. I don't think it's a patching issue, because I was able to play the game normally up to this point and didn't use cheats until I got stuck there.
Aside from the zeal problem, the demo is great. I love the changes and the extra scenes. I'm going to go through a new game+ just to go through the story again. Great job.