
Who do you think should be the 8th character when and if the 8th character hack is completed?

Glenn (Human)

Author Topic: Who do you think should be the 8th character?  (Read 18140 times)


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #75 on: April 28, 2008, 03:42:53 pm »
If you can't call him a male, that's like saying Atropos is a cross dressing pink male with a ribbon...


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #76 on: April 28, 2008, 11:07:56 pm »
Hey, we don't know what Lucca could have done during those times she's had to fix him! :P

He's male alright, X_X

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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #77 on: April 29, 2008, 12:13:18 am »
Hey, we don't know what Lucca could have done during those times she's had to fix him! :P

He's male alright, X_X

 :roll: :lol:


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #78 on: April 29, 2008, 07:41:52 am »
I noticed a lot of people saying that Schala would not work because of the continuity with Chrono Cross, but perhaps it would work. I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum for those that have not played, but from the few times I played Chrono Cross it seems like the only thing that really needs to occur is for both Schala and Lavos to end up in the Darkness Beyond Time.

According to the Chrono Cross FAQ on this site:

Where is Lavos?

Back in Chrono Trigger, when Crono was killed at the Ocean Palace, Schala was sucked into a dimensional distortion as the Palace collapsed. She remained in the Darkness Beyond Time, a sort of waste basket for overwritten timelines, until Lavos was properly defeated by the team of Chrono Trigger. Lavos arrived there after his defeat, and fused with Schala to remain living. The resulting being, the Time Devourer, had the capacity to consume all space-time once it matured. Belthasar devised Project Kid in order to free Schala and defeat Lavos once and for all.

So perhaps Schala does not get sent to the darkness beyond time in the Ocean Palace. If she is able to escape with the party then the ending can be changed. When you defeat Lavos perhaps this time he attempts the same type of dimensional distortion inside of himself so the whole party gets killed with him, but Schala uses her power again to teleport the party out of Lavos, but she herself is not able to make it out. This can work even if you do not have her actively in your party (like how Kid still walks around with the group in Chrono Cross even if she is not in your active party). Since it is the end of the game she is not killed off leaving you unable to use her for some of the game (like Aerith in Final Fantasy VII). Magus would still have his desire to search for his sister and try and save her, plus with her in the party he might mellow out a bit, making it more believable that he could have double or triple techs with other characters.

As far as the other characters, Glenn being playable as a human is cool and can be done after acquiring or defeating Magus. However, I think it should be optional, since some of his techs might change (since slurp and frog smash related attacks would not make as much sense as a human, though his main attacks used for most of the double and triple techs are still the same).

Alfador would be an interesting addition, but I think it would make a better add on to the party instead of a wholly new character (like Nall form Lunar) who can assist the party but is not technically playable. Then again, as an older man Magus could imbue Alfador with magic and make it more of a beast (akin to Nanaki). That may lead to some neat triple techs between Magus, Schala, and Alfador.

Although Slash would be cool I agree that it does not really fit in with the party that well, though Z-Slash could be a triple tech between Slash, Glenn, and Chrono. Heck, if you can do 8 characters why not have more? Maybe if after you defeat Ozzie, Flea, and Slash you can take them with you if you have Magus in your party. They have their own double and triple techs amongst each other and would work with Magus. This could even be another branch in the main story, where you form a party with magus as the leader and his subordinates if you decide not to save Chrono and try to defeat Lavos with just them.

Atropos and Kino I think would be too much like clones, so I would say to not go with them.

As far as other characters, Toma would be an interesting addition, though I wonder what he would use for attacks. He is an adventurer but he comes off as more of a coward than a warrior in the game. Still, this could just be because you do not get to actually see what he did to find the rainbow shell. He probably has the most leeway out of the other characters as far as being able to create how he would work into the party, since as long as he lives and returns to his time he’ll keep the continuity of his ancestors in later time periods.

Doreen, that would be interesting, but how would that work exactly? She does have a connection to the Masa and Mune. Hmm...

At any rate, I would definitely put my vote in for Schala, Alfador, and Glenn as a human. I think all three can be done in the same hack.

What does everyone else think?


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #79 on: April 29, 2008, 12:12:42 pm »
As far as the other characters, Glenn being playable as a human is cool and can be done after acquiring or defeating Magus. However, I think it should be optional, since some of his techs might change (since slurp and frog smash related attacks would not make as much sense as a human, though his main attacks used for most of the double and triple techs are still the same).
One would have to compensate his abilities, however, due to the loss of Magus.

This could even be another branch in the main story, where you form a party with magus as the leader and his subordinates if you decide not to save Chrono and try to defeat Lavos with just them.

As far as other characters, Toma would be an interesting addition, though I wonder what he would use for attacks.
He'd probably be an 'Indiana Jones-Archetype'. (whips, guns, you know the drill...)

At any rate, I would definitely put my vote in for Schala, Alfador, and Glenn as a human. I think all three can be done in the same hack.

Hold on there... skipping limitations and all; why would Schala want to join up after the party 'killed' her brother, let alone Alfador? :wink:

P.S. Please only use the color function to *highlight* your points... it's annoying. :roll:


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #80 on: April 29, 2008, 01:00:13 pm »
Why do you find color annoying? It is not like I am using a technicolor raindbow, it is only a singular color change close enough to black that it should not be harder to read. I'll certainly take that into consideration but I do not think I should have to refrain from using color if you are the only one it bothers. I'll need input from other people on this.

Hold on there... skipping limitations and all; why would Schala want to join up after the party 'killed' her brother, let alone Alfador?

I agree that if you kill Magus Schala would probably not want to come with you, but if you do not kill him and agree to work together then I think it would be fine. Schala could probably talk Magus into changing Glenn back from a Frog if that is what the player wants, as well as taking Alfador along. Thus, three characters in the same hour or so of each other (Schala, Glenn as a human, and Alfador).

He'd probably be an 'Indiana Jones-Archetype'. (whips, guns, you know the drill...)

Hopefully whips, since Lucca already uses a gun. Or maybe guns for ranged attacks and a whip up close. I Wonder what kind of magic he would be attuned to. Most likely fire.


Agreed. I did not think it was a particularly good idea, but it is one, so I thought I would list it.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #81 on: April 29, 2008, 01:47:01 pm »
I view Toma as more of a Cid Highwind type.  Smoking a cigar, swearing when he drops his Soda (or Sake, deptending on the translation).  Maybe even using a spear.

Ever since Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinetrials I've viewed whips in RPGs as not only weak, but sort of... feminine.


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #82 on: April 29, 2008, 08:07:00 pm »
Toma doesn't seem to fit right, he's really out of place from the looks.  And uh..adding 8 is already a hastle, I don't think we're going to try 9 or more+ anytime soon.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #83 on: April 29, 2008, 08:13:39 pm »
So who's character 8 in the minds of those involved?


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #84 on: April 29, 2008, 08:24:48 pm »
Well, I'm planning to go with Human Glenn, if i'm not lazy, i'll make one of Schala as well.


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #85 on: April 29, 2008, 08:47:49 pm »
I've mostly been thinking of the potential for an eighth character, while looking forward to what other people will do with the patch when it's finished.


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #86 on: May 05, 2008, 08:11:04 am »
Gaspar.  He practically begs to join your party anyway.  I know it's a translation mix-up but you could run with it.  He's the coolest NPC in the game anyway. 

Sure, he only has like 3 animations, one of them sleeping, but he doesn't need any more.  Every RPG needs a useless, narcoleptic old man.  His unique line of dialogue when he's in the driver's seat of the Epoch could be "...Zzz...zzzz...zzzz..." followed by the two passengers doing their "surprise" expression right before they blast off.

Here's some tech ideas for him

LifeAlert - Contacts 911 when he has fallen in battle
GetOffMyLawn - Verbally scolds the enemy and shakes his cane at them
Matlock - Summons Andy Griffith to convict the enemy in a court of law, ending the battle
Kamehameha - Ultimate damage on all targets

Triple Tech (Gaspar/Crono/Marle)
WarStory - Gaspar sits the two youths down and proceeds to spin them a yarn about his days as a fighter pilot

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #87 on: May 06, 2008, 11:50:28 am »
Triple Tech (Gaspar/Crono/Marle)
WarStory - Gaspar sits the two youths down and proceeds to spin them a yarn about his days as a fighter pilot

this made me laugh out loud.  thanks.


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #88 on: May 07, 2008, 08:42:56 pm »
Triple Tech (Gaspar/Crono/Marle)
WarStory - Gaspar sits the two youths down and proceeds to spin them a yarn about his days as a fighter pilot

this made me laugh out loud.  thanks.

Wow, Gaspar and Top Gun!! well, as 8th member, why not?


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Re: Who do you think should be the 8th character?
« Reply #89 on: June 12, 2008, 01:50:46 pm »
I'd only vote for Alfador if there could be a Magus-Alfador-Crono triple tech "Catvalanche".

I have to agree.
