Meh..Magus isn't all that hard to defeat, although you have a point. The only way that I think that Frog should turn back into Glenn is through a rigorous sidequest. A couple new Areas maybe a witch somewhere that can reverse spells. or maybe there may be a way to incorporate Schala to reverse the spell. This project really has potential to fill in the gaps that the snes version left. We shall see in a couple of years when the final version is released!
For one, it'll be some time before Glenn is playable. Second, Magus WASN'T that hard to defeat. (before I got my hands on his stats and AI) Kill Magus and you'd get Glenn. If you want Glenn and Magus you have to do some horriblly difficult quest and obtain the Masamune++ (probably in the Cleft of Dimensions) Also, in the Chrono-Continuum Schala has split into Kid / The Time Devourer so that'd be pretty hard for her to change Frog back.

Switching to CT+ 1.1 itself, I have begun to integrate the list of cutscenes that are to be added as well as enhancing a few existing ones even more. (do I ever quit?

) However, simultaneously I am going to help with the Crimson Echoes project so development might slow down a tiny bit. This won't affect the projected release date (which is unknown to the public at this time. I'd like to tell you, but don't ask - otherwise it may get jinxed like it ALWAYS does when I promise an exact date. I am able to say that it's relatively soon)
However, to keep everyone excited here's another "block O screenshots." As you can see the Death Peak ones are the same scene, but with different party combinations.
