Hey all, excellent hack and thanks to all those who did any amount of work on this. It's simply Superb, Zakyrus you've made something awesome so I thank you for that.
Anyway I was wondering if someone might tell me precisely when the switch between roms (or even the message that tells you to) occurs as I think I somehow missed it.
I believe the readme mentioned it to be after Lavos crashes into the Tyranno Lair which would be an appropriate time. But for me that's come and gone and I made it to Zeal and am right now noticing that things pretty much are the same as I always remembered them being.
So if somebody could explain this I'd be most appreciative.
In addition the scene in Hekran cave where apparently if Robo's in your party there's supposed to be some talk about whether he'll be okay in the water or not never occurred.
I would have posted these in the bug thread but that seems to be closed now so... yeah.
Still awesome work, and I may be able to offer my unexperienced help with whatever come Christmas break, right now my homework load is such and finals are a little too close for me to even consider that currently.