I actually really liked the Toriyama designs for DQVIII; it's what got me really thinking about Trigger again, and what inspired me to register here in a roundabout way.
Blue Dragon's models are very short IIRC, but I'll have to take another look at those as well. For one thing, features of specific models - a hat, a weapon, clothing, hell, even a head - could probably be ported to models that resemble CT characters to achieve the kind of effects I'm thinking about.
For example, putting Pierre's hat (from Chrono Cross) on Sara (from Suikoden III), bumping up the yellow in Sara's hair color and possibly giving her a different eye texture, could result in a fair representation of a Marle redesign done by Alaer Kino. I'll post pics to prove it later.
OMG, what's wrong with me that I'm thinking about things like this while I'm trying to brief a US Supreme Court case!?