In this patch, I have polished the first part of Chapter 7 (Astur Hill, overworld, Cedric's Village). I turned Lucca in the Cedric/Ann explanation into Marle's NPC teacher (since he'd be the one to teach her, right?) and put the cutscene in Marle's castle room rather than a black screen.
Also, I figured 1 A.D. exteriors should have their own palette rather than reusing that of 11,998 B.C., especially since it would be confusing for players to see King Zeal nullify the whole Ice Age and then show a...snowy era. So I replaced the palette of the Trial Room, which is unused in this hack, with a custom one (see screenshot). I made it look sort of like Cape Howl from Chrono Cross. How does it look? Don't hesitate to tell me if it's ugly. As for the 1 A.D. overworld, we can't have custom palettes there because they're compressed, so I gave it the same palette as 602 A.D.
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