No, I know what you mean. For now, I simply attribute it to our inexperience dealing with overworld palettes. I literally made an educated guess at the rules by which they function, but I'm just surprised it doesn't show up in Temporal Flux. If I decompress and the palette is different from what I inserted, then we have a problem.
Also, json, I really am going to hold off on further sprite insertion until bug testing is satisfactorily complete -- judging from the Guardian soldier's graphics pack, we'll run into the need to repointer upon inserting the Porre Pvt over the Laruba Tribe Chief (aka {21} Prehistory Old Man). The prehistory old dude has a graphics pack of length 0x5CA, whereas the graphics pack used for middle ages soldiers (not to be confused with Knights) and the like is 0x886. If you guys have satisfactory temp sprites for the Porre Pvt and Porre Sgt, I'll fix up the Zeal at Night map and then start beta testing / video captures.
justin3009 and I tried doing graphics work and coding simultaneously in different ROMs when I needed to use unused space for his Chrono Trigger Ultimate Edition project, and when we combined our work justin had to re-move stuff. I don't want that happening to you guys if it's avoidable.
EDIT: Waitaminute, why is Porre Sgt any different from GI Jogger or the medieval soldiers? Can we just repalette the medieval soldier and use {21} Prehistory Old Man's sprite header? I guess that's what '99 had in mind, maybe.