Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Re-amped  (Read 19538 times)


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Chrono Trigger Re-amped
« on: April 04, 2008, 11:15:33 pm »
Hey all, just wanted to get the news out on my project, "Chrono Trigger: Re-Amped".

My original goal in this was to add dialogue to the game itself, to add life to some of the cutscenes in the game, such as Glenn's flashbacks of Cyrus, etc. I also planned from the start to add dialogue for Crono so he is no longer the silent protagonist, while staying true to his character as the quiet, big-hearted, somewhat rebellious character he is.

After fiddling with Temporal Flux and other editors, I quickly realised just how easy it really is to edit just about anything in the game, which excited me. So I decided to also enchance the areas, adding new rooms, adding new stuff to the already existing rooms, and create some areas from scratch. I also planned on editing and creating events/cutscenes. The first drastic change you will see in this hack is that Marle does NOT dissapear in 600 A.D. before you rescue Leene (This scene is already changed and completed.) I also am going to add side-quests to the game. I already have one in mind for Ayla and one for Crono (Who lack side-quests in the original). I've currently fully-edited all the areas up to the point of returning from 600 A.D., just before Crono is jailed.

My ultimate goal here is to enhance the game into the vision of Chrono Trigger I've had ever since I was a young child. I (as I'm sure many of you have) always played through the game and thought things like:
"Man, wouldn't it be cool if they did this instead." or "Wow, that doesn't seem right, why didn't they do this?"

Chrono Trigger was an obsession of mine for many years, but I always felt like it was missing something, almost as if it was incomplete somehow. I always saw an immense amount of potential in Chrono Trigger, but never really felt that it met that potential. My goal in this is to give the game the elements I have always thought would be cool, more interesting, etc.

So there's the first post. Unfortunately, I have no pics or anything ready to post quite yet, though I will be working on getting some ready soon. Post your thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. on here, and I'll be sure to answer them.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 01:11:21 am by ZeaLitY »


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 11:24:34 pm »
Hmm, sounds a lot like another fan project that is currently going on...

Can't quite put my finger on it though.

*coughCT+cough*  :lol:


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 11:29:28 pm »
Yep, pretty much. Only difference is the mind creating it. Like I said:

My ultimate goal here is to enhance the game into the vision of Chrono Trigger I've had ever since I was a young child.

My goal in this is to give the game the elements I have always thought would be cool, more interesting, etc.

In short, I just want to make the game into what I personally want it to be. If others can enjoy it as well, why not? =P


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 11:41:49 pm »
Wow! That sounds really interesting.
Kudos on your new Fan Project!

I have a couple of questions for you. When you say:

The first drastic change you will see in this hack is that Marle does NOT dissapear in 600 A.D. before you rescue Leene (This scene is already changed and completed.) I also am going to add side-quests to the game. I already have one in mind for Ayla and one for Crono (Who lack side-quests in the original).

Does that mean that Marle herself is gonna be able to accompany you to rescue her own ancestor!?
Because that would totally kick ass!
I've always hated this particular part of the game. Namely, because it doesn't make sanse at all! It completely contradicts the rest of the game. Also, it makes Lucca not look like the total science/engineer genius that she is.

Now for the other question:
My original goal in this was to add dialogue to the game itself, to add life to some of the cutscenes in the game, such as Glenn's flashbacks of Cyrus, etc. I also planned from the start to add dialogue for Crono so he is no longer the silent protagonist, while staying true to his character as the quiet, big-hearted, somewhat rebellious character he is.

After fiddling with Temporal Flux and other editors, I quickly realised just how easy it really is to edit just about anything in the game, which excited me. So I decided to also enchance the areas, adding new rooms, adding new stuff to the already existing rooms, and create some areas from scratch.

Do you really mean that? I've always wanted to start creating my own hack project but alas, I've also been so very much afraid to actually 'dip my nose' into the whole hacking scene.
As for the first part, do you really plan on adding Crono's dialogue to the whole game? That would be totally incredible, as well.


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2008, 12:19:18 am »
Wow! That sounds really interesting.
Kudos on your new Fan Project!

I have a couple of questions for you.

Does that mean that Marle herself is gonna be able to accompany you to rescue her own ancestor!?
Because that would totally kick ass!
I've always hated this particular part of the game. Namely, because it doesn't make sanse at all! It completely contradicts the rest of the game. Also, it makes Lucca not look like the total science/engineer genius that she is.

Now for the other question:

Do you really mean that? I've always wanted to start creating my own hack project but alas, I've also been so very much afraid to actually 'dip my nose' into the whole hacking scene.
As for the first part, do you really plan on adding Crono's dialogue to the whole game? That would be totally incredible, as well.

As for your first question:
Yes, Marle will accompany you to save her own ancestor, Queen Leene. I wasn't originally going to do this, but I later decided to. Lucca does not show up until after you have rescued Leene.
Also, I will be adding lines for Crono the ENTIRE game, and I've already got a pretty strict character growth path for him to take, so he will actually seem like a totally new character (I've always hated the silent protagonist idea).

And yes, it is pretty simple to learn how to use Temporal Flux, among the other editors. I also had the same thoughts you have about it, but after playing Prophet's Guile, I just had to give it a try. Once you learn how Temporal Flux works, which is rather simple, you can hop right in to the modification. I edited the layout of Crono's room within half an hour of downloading Temporal Flux (Though the modification I did there has been totally scrapped). It's definitely a matter of trial and error, but I caught on to how it worked within days. ^^;


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2008, 12:22:06 am »
Yeah, Temporal Flux is probably intimidating the first time in. Event coding gets some getting-used to, but it's all totally, rigidly logical. There are eight default objects; the first controls environment, the next seven are for playable characters. Then come other objects -- triggers, enemies, NPCs, or even more environmental scene controls. From there, it just gets into specifics.

The nice thing about these days is that probably more than eight or nine people are actively checking the site who can answer any questions you have, no matter how basic they are or embarrassing it might seem to ask. Chrono Trigger is slowly becoming one of the most actively-hacked games, and it's all thanks to the infrastructure and continued presence of Geiger, JLukas, and others with much experience at Kajar Laboratories (basically anyone who contributes!), and the forum itself. Things are only getting better.


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2008, 12:26:39 am »
ZeaLity makes a good point there, as well, about asking questions. I just asked the other day (Which, yes, did seem a bit embarrassing) on how to change default names, and justin3009 promptly responded with details. So within half an hour of asking, I had it down. ^^


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2008, 01:50:50 am »
Yep, pretty much. Only difference is the mind creating it. Like I said:

My ultimate goal here is to enhance the game into the vision of Chrono Trigger I've had ever since I was a young child.

My goal in this is to give the game the elements I have always thought would be cool, more interesting, etc.

In short, I just want to make the game into what I personally want it to be. If others can enjoy it as well, why not? =P

I know, I know. Just giving ya a hard time for the fun of it.

Good Luck. I am looking forward to it.

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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2008, 12:33:21 pm »
Umm...  I think it's exciting to see two different versions of what Chrono "could've been"!

The more Chrono Trigger "expansions" the better!




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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2008, 01:06:13 pm »
If all goes well, you could use the beta 6th letter patch we have so you can have an expanded name =p.  I think people would like that. (6th letter doesn't show in battle ;_;)


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2008, 04:15:21 pm »
Well, the only names I am changing is Frog and Robo (Let's face it, those names are LAME).
Frog is now Kaeru (Thanks to the guys who did the retranslation - Frog is Kaeru, a pun as it can both mean "Frog" and "to change.")
Robo is now Talos, named after the bronze giant in Homer's "The Iliad".
I think Robo's new name if really fitting, myself. 


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2008, 12:23:06 am »
Actually, come to think of it, wasn't Crono's original name 6 letters? Perhaps I should give that a try then.


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2008, 03:07:13 am »
OMG Yey! I cant wait to play this looks good!


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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2008, 03:42:01 am »
Glad to hear people are looking forward to it, I'll get to work on a preview video sometime in the next week, showing the Marle disappearing scene I have edited.

Speaking of Marle, would do you guys think of the new pic I gave her?

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Re: Here it goes!
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2008, 10:47:07 am »
=o!  I like it